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Where the texts come from: a short guide for those who want to save on content for SEO

Before starting a little disclaimer: here I offer some tips for those who want to write their own texts for the site. I will not describe what texts rule, agitate for or against certain types of content, talk about LSI and classic SEO texts in this material. Only the creative process and sources of inspiration for those who have difficulty with themes and creativity, but for one reason or another do not want to trust the professionals.

Now that we have agreed with the original, let's get to the bottom line.


Take TK

If texts are written for promotion, then it is not worth starting without TK. The SEO specialist knows what texts he needs for the chosen strategy; you do not. Even if you write yourself, this part requires cooperation and maximum understanding, so that you do not have to redo the work and there is no unpleasant climate in the relationship.

Got TK? If you do not like something in it or cause questions, then discuss all the nuances before starting work. Most likely, some of the provisions can be slightly changed and choose the option that suits everyone. SEO-specialist may not guess about the features of your business, known only to you.

If you are one of those who are trying to master SEO on their own in order not to hire third-party people for money, then you will have to work out the TK yourself. Prepare for the very tests and errors, in honor of which the method is named. From the tips I can only say that it would be more correct to read as many relevant materials as possible (and not start writing a checklist from the first link).

Don't be scared

Writing texts on TK at first will not be easy, especially if we are talking about LSI-copywriting. This is normal. Treat your abilities with healthy criticality. In the end, it's just words, they can be rewritten. It would be strange if at the first attempt you could conquer a new area for yourself.

In addition to the requirements for occurrence, compatibility, and a long list of additional words (as well as stop words), there can be minimum values ​​for “nausea”, “water”, and some other parameters in the TOR.

They are checked by special services (ask your SEO specialist at the TK discussion stage). With high probability, the first results of such checks you do not like. Do not be lazy to rewrite until you get the desired result. In any case, you will have to do it and better sooner than later. And practice improves the quality of future work.


If you need several articles on the same topic, it is better to divide it into parts. For example, if you tell how to choose a hair clipper, do not write three identical texts with different words. It is better to tell separately about the types of mechanisms, equipment and ergonomics of different models.

Your task is to accommodate in a given volume everything that you would like to tell about a product or service. What exactly this volume depends on your project (the TK will indicate). This may be 100 texts of 2000 characters, and maybe 5 texts of 1000.

If you need to write articles that will be laid out in stages, then you can plan a cycle in which all materials are logically related to each other.

Use someone else's experience

The competitors probably already have materials that you do not have. Copy is not necessary, but it is recommended to draw ideas. Even if you do not find anything valuable, a random phrase can give an unexpected thought and from this a good and unique text will be born.

Watch from different angles

Products and services are different: some can be talked about for a very long time, while others have practically nothing to say. But whatever you offer to the market, you always solve someone’s specific tasks. And you can write about it endlessly.

If your product is a snow shovel, then think about the situations in which the buyer uses it. Think about the difficulties that he faces. About the comfort that creates a product for him. Where he keeps this shovel, how long it serves, why the curved handle is more convenient and how long it fits most trunks.

Tell us why you are selling exactly a shovel, why not a tractor. Why such a shovel, and not the one that competitors have. Share your experience, expertise, emotions, in the end.

Find the unusual

Practically about any phenomenon you can find an interesting historical background. Or little-known facts. If we are talking about a wedding dress with a corset, then a simple trip to Wikipedia will give a lot of information about the history of this item of clothing. On the mere information that the corset was the cause of frequent fainting, you can create an interesting plot.

The advantage of such texts is that they are really interesting and easy to read.


One of the best suppliers of high-quality content is the foreign Internet. It is there that you can find unique materials that competitors have not yet taken away because they do not know languages ​​or simply have not guessed to search in a foreign language segment.

For tourist sites, for example, this is a real goldmine: there is a lot of content, you can update and increase it indefinitely. Just make sure that the translated material is reliable and written without factual errors.

Use aggregators

This refers to the news section or blog. If you have it on your site and it needs to be updated, then go to Yandex.News and search for keywords you need. This is the easiest way to make sure that something constantly happens on any topic, even if it seems to be "dead."

No need to invent anything, everything is already collected and sorted before you. We take what we like and react. We do not copy, but we write in our own words and with the author's commentary. And if something has hurt you especially, we remember and write detailed material on the topic. While writing, a couple more interesting topics will come to my mind, worthy of separate articles.

If nothing really can be found, then go into related topics and adapt to your own.

Build templates

The easiest way to generate the text descriptions, if there is a template suitable for the entire product group. For example, if we are talking about children's overalls, then information about materials, the design of latches on the straps and the print. According to this template, you can describe at least 1000 products and all texts will be unique.

Make a description for one product that fully takes into account all its features, allows you to logically and organically enter any keywords and is most useful for the buyer. Highlight in it the semantic parts and write the rest of the texts on this model. On the one hand, it simplifies the work for you (no need to reinvent the text from scratch every time), and on the other hand it structures the information, making it more convenient for perception.

Look for inspiration on Youtube

Oddly enough, much of what is on Youtube is missing in a normal search. And this is usually really useful information: the video format is used to illustrate what is difficult to describe in plain text. For you, this can be an excellent source of content, and not only visual: information can be adapted in the form of a thematic article, topics for the question-answer section, and publication in a blog.


It often happens that there is information in the network, but it is scattered and scattered. Feel free to make review materials or even whole series of articles based on what you find. This is useful for site visitors and helps solve the problem of finding topics.

Read colleagues on thematic resources

Forums today are considered practically dead, but in many topics they are in fact “more alive than all the living”. During periods of creative crisis, visit the thematic areas where your colleagues discuss urgent and relevant issues - the flow of ideas is guaranteed.

Similarly with thematic communities in social networks, especially closed. There is always something going on here.

Do not give "in the room" immediately

Firstly, if you have not agreed on proofreading work, you will have to read the written out yourself. And it is better to do it with a “fresh mind”. Otherwise, guaranteed to miss a lot of errors and misprints with a “zamylenny eye”, then you have to correct and post it again.

Secondly, when reading out, say, the next day, you most likely want to improve or correct something, add some ideas that you didn’t think of yesterday, but give up something.

A good option would be to give your text to read an employee who understands the described area well. By the way, employees and colleagues are also a source of new ideas.

Parting words

By many years of experience, I can say that the materials written by representatives of the customer (if they correspond to the supplied TK) are almost always better than those ordered on the side. There are many mistakes in them, they require some editing in terms of style, but the semantic and, importantly, the emotional side is always priceless.

This is especially true of complex areas where real work experience cannot be replaced by anything. Therefore, be sure to write. This saves the budget for promotion, helps to structure the thoughts, and is simply useful for personal development.

Good luck!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436106/