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We read comments on Habré with conveniences

Do you read comments?

On the one hand, a long stay on the web is able to discourage such a desire. The harsh real world suggests that shouting is a much simpler process than thinking of its necessity.

On the other hand, the fact is: comments are an important part of the communities where users create content.

Especially, if these are articles (text). Here, comments not only create an atmosphere, but are often sources of useful information in and of itself. Habr personally hooked me at one time, including the technical and cultural level of comments.

But here K.O. hurries to help, prompting: comments - this is not a structured article material. The “living spirit” of comments is something much more complicated: a hodgepodge of intellectual and emotional disputes, very popular and very unpopular opinions, first, tenths and, sorry for neologism, necromancers, sheets, which are fit to be separate articles ... One wonders if you can think how to comb all this variety.

Ask commentators to be more organized we, of course, can not. But to influence the display of information - this is please.

And yes, we will wind up threads.

Through the branches to the stars

Repeatedly raised the issue, and did not find implementation.
In the comment branches, such features can be noted: they often go far away from the main topic, often turn from a dispute over a subject into a dispute about personalities or turn into a discussion of very highly specialized issues. In addition, somehow knocks the current visual design, for my personal taste. Let's turn the comment thread! But only root.

Comtl; dr

Since we have turned off the threads, we’ll increase the coherence of perception. If on the way there will be a sheet of text that can be an article itself, then it is quite possible to fold it up to 4-5 lines. Of these, it is usually immediately clear whether the question is interesting to us, or you can safely skip it.

Divide and perceive

Everything is simple - when the threads are collapsed, it is even better seen that the comments have almost no visual separation. One must visually separate one comment from another. We introduce a separator.

Before - does not mean better

In my opinion, the chronological order of root comments is a childhood illness / nostalgia of the times of forums, where a separate, rather specific question was discussed in each topic. In this case, the order from early to late is fully justified. But in the comments to the sufficiently informative material the situation is not so clear: the opinions of those who came to the discussion later will almost certainly be lost in the flow of information, and an early comment with an emotional assessment of the material can seriously affect the “public opinion” regarding the material. On the other hand, as an alternative - a certain criterion of utility, or pure random. At the moment, I prefer the random sort order. So do.

Discuss yes

Ratings comments. The thing is quite controversial, especially in the form of + 1 / -1. +1 what? Comment helpful? happy? "Emotionally solidary"? “I agree with the author, but he would have acted differently”? Unclear. -1 makes even less sense, but it’s not worth talking about the justification of the position. And again - the direction. The text is long and black, and the score is small and bright. I am not sure that in this form information can be perceived objectively. Rather, it turns out "averaged opinion", but we already know everything about this thing. So, we will hide the evaluation of comments and remove the shading.

Grow by becoming

Short comments are not often meaningful. This may be a good joke, but more often - a mean reference, rhetorical question, declarative statement, or thanks to the author. I think short comments can be safely sent to the end of the queue. There it will be more convenient to read them, immediately and in a crowd.

In short, I’ll leave the syllable high: I wrote about everything — I didn’t have enough in the comments, so I made an add-on for the browser. There you can collapse branches and everything else above. All parameters are disabled / configured separately. Design "under Habr." Bye for Firefox, coming soon for Chrome.

Now and chrome!

In the repository there is also a script for GreaseMonkey, suddenly someone will come in handy.

Nevertheless, the article is not about the supplement, but about the visual organization of information and the convenience of its perception - using the example of comments on Habré.

In this regard, a few thoughts about the comments.

For example, there is absolutely no need for a white list of authors (local), comments from which would always be in the top of the user's display. In my opinion, this will very quickly lead to “bogging down” of opinions around a narrow circle of “authorities” and will absolutely not benefit the resource as a whole. With the black list, everything is not so simple, but the problems are about the same - reducing the diversity of opinions.

Slipped information that Reddit has a kind of intelligent sorting mechanism "by utility". The criterion of utility for me personally turned out to be hidden. The idea itself is excellent, but what kind of algorithm is it that determines the usefulness of the commentary both to the article about the RKN, and to the material on physics / mathematics, and about a non-standard solution on a common framework? Is that from the opposite: cut off the seals, button accordions, jokes, swearing and remains useful?

But comments with swearing / negative could well be processed automatically. It would be even more interesting to try to train the algorithm to recognize the “incorrect behavior”. But then again - won't this ultimately lead to a stagnation of opinions?

What do you think, dear habrovchane?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436124/