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Google has still not paid a fine of 500 thousand rubles for non-compliance with the instructions of Roskomnadzor

A spokesman for Roskomnadzor, Vadim Ampelonsky, said that the agency had repeatedly sent a request to Google about the need to join the Federal State Information System to filter out content prohibited in Russia.

“The second request for the need to join the FGIS was sent to Google,” said Ampelonsky, as reported by TASS. In addition, a spokesman for the agency said that Google has not paid the fine in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for non-accession to FGIS: “Not yet. They still have time until February 20. ”

The penalty was imposed on Google for non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The ministry reported that search engine operators are obliged to exclude links to Internet pages with prohibited information from the results of search results. And for this they need to connect to the federal state information system, which contains a list of such pages.

According to representatives of the department, if Google does not begin to execute the law, then a second administrative case will be initiated, with a penalty of 700 thousand rubles.

Failure to comply with these requirements constitutes an administrative offense (Part 1 of Article 13.40 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). The sanction of this article provides for legal entities a fine in the amount of from 500 to 700 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436138/