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Wireshark Guide and Cheat Sheet

Even a superficial knowledge of the Wireshark program and its filters will save time by an order of magnitude when troubleshooting network or application problems. Wireshark is useful for many tasks in the work of a network engineer, security specialist or system administrator. Here are some examples of use:

Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

Study of application-level sessions (even when encrypted using SSL / TLS, see below)

Troubleshooting DHCP with packet level data

Extracting files from HTTP sessions

Extracting files from SMB sessions

Malware Detection and Verification

Checking port scans and other types of scans for vulnerabilities

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg. In the manual, we will explain how to use such a powerful tool.

Install Wireshark

Wireshark runs on various operating systems and is easy to install. We mention only Ubuntu Linux, Centos and Windows.

Installing on Ubuntu or Debian

#apt-get update #apt-get install wireshark tshark 

Installation on Fedora or CentOS

 #yum install wireshark-gnome 

Installing on Windows

On the download page is the executable file for installation. The packet capture driver is also quite easy to install, with which the network card goes into the “illegible” mode (promiscuous mode allows you to receive all packets regardless of whom they are addressed to).

Getting started with filters

With the first interception, you will see in the Wireshark interface a standard template and package details.

Once the HTTP session is captured, stop recording and play with the basic filters and settings Analyze | Follow | HTTP Stream .

The names of the filters speak for themselves. Just enter the appropriate expressions in the filter string (or in the command line if you use tshark). The main advantage of filters is in noise removal (traffic that we are not interested in). You can filter traffic by MAC address, IP address, subnet or protocol. The simplest filter is to enter http , so only HTTP traffic will be displayed (tcp port 80) .

IP Filter Examples

 ip.addr == !(ip.addr == 

Protocol Filter Examples

 tcp udp tcp.port == 80 || udp.port == 80 http not arp and not (udp.port == 53) 

Try to make a combination of filters that shows all outgoing traffic, except HTTP and HTTPS, which is sent outside the local network . This is a good way to detect software (even malware) that interacts with the Internet through unusual protocols.

Follow the flow

Once you have captured several HTTP packets, you can use the Analyze | menu item on one of them. Follow | HTTP Stream . It will show the entire HTTP session. In this new window you will see an HTTP request from the browser and an HTTP response from the server.

DNS resolver in Wireshark

By default, Wireshark does not resolve the network addresses in the console. This can be changed in the settings.

Edit | Preferences | Name Resolution | Enable Network Name Resolution

As in the case of tcpdump , the rezolving procedure will slow down the display of packets. It is also important to understand that if you quickly capture packets, DNS requests from your host will become additional traffic that can be intercepted.

Command line tshark

If you haven't tshark with tshark , take a look at our tutorial with examples of filters . This program is often ignored, although it is great for capturing sessions on a remote system. Unlike tcpdump , it allows you to capture and view application-level sessions on the fly: Wireshark protocol decoders are also available for tshark.

Making firewall rules

Here's a quick way to create rules from the command line, so as not to search the Internet for specific syntax. Choose the appropriate rule - and go to Tools | Firewall ACL Rules . Various firewalls are supported, such as Cisco IOS, ipfilter , ipfw , iptables , pf and even Windows firewall via netsh .

Work with GeoIP geographic base

If Wireshark is compiled with GeoIP support and you have free Maxmind databases, then the program can locate computers by their IP addresses. Check in About | Wireshark , that the program is compiled with the version that you have available. If GeoIP is listed, then check the availability of GeoLite City, Country and ASNum databases. Specify the location of the bases in the menu Edit | Preferences | Name Resolution .

Check the system on a traffic dump by selecting the Statistics | Endpoints | IPv4 . Information about the location and the ASN for the IP address should appear in the columns on the right.

Another feature of GeoIP is traffic filtering by location using the ip.geoip filter. For example, you can exclude traffic from a specific ASN. The following command excludes packets from the ASN 63949 (Linode) network block.

 ip and not ip.geoip.asnum == 63949 

Of course, the same filter can be applied to individual cities and countries . Remove the noise and leave only really interesting traffic.

SSL / TLS session decryption

One way to decrypt SSL / TLS sessions is to use the private key from the server to which the client is connected.

Of course, you do not always have access to a private key. But there is another option to simply view the SSL / TLS traffic on the local system. If Firefox or Chrome is loaded using a special environment variable, the symmetric keys of the individual SSL / TLS sessions are written to a file that Wireshark can read. Using these keys, Wireshark will show a fully decrypted session!

1. Setting the environment variable

Linux / Mac

 export SSLKEYLOGFILE=~/sslkeylogfile.log 


On the System Properties | Advanced, click the Environment Variables button and add the variable name (SSLKEYLOGFILE), and the path to the file as the value.

2. Configure Wireshark

From the drop-down menu, select Edit | Preferences | Protocols | SSL | (Pre) -Master-Secret Log Filename - Browse by specifying the file you specified in the environment variable.

Start capturing traffic on the local system.

3. Restart Firefox or Chrome

After going to the HTTPS site, the log file will begin to grow in size, since it records the symmetric keys of the session.

Take a look at the previously launched Wireshark session. You should see something similar to the screenshot below with the decoded sessions. Decrypted packets - on the tab in the bottom panel.

Another way to view a session is through the Analysis | Follow | Stream | SSL If the session is successfully decrypted, you will see an option for SSL.

Of course, be careful when writing these keys and packets. If an outsider gets access to the log file, it will easily find your passwords and authentication cookies.

Another way to access the basic HTTP traffic is to use the Burp Suite tool with the loaded CA certificate in the browser. In this case, the proxy decrypts the connection on the client, and then establishes a new SSL / TLS session on the server. There are many ways to conduct such a MiTM attack on yourself, these are the two most simple ones.

Extracting files from packages using the export feature (HTTP or SMB)

Files are easily retrieved through the export menu.

File | Export Objects | HTTP

All files found will appear in a new window. From here you can save individual files or all at once. A similar method is used to extract files from SMB sessions. As we mentioned, this is the Microsoft Server Message Block protocol, which is used for file sharing under Windows.

Status bar

The status bar on the right side of the window allows you to quickly go to the desired location of the network dump by clicking on the color indicator. For example, packets with errors are marked in red in the status bar.

PCAP Sample

When you first start working with Wireshark, I want to look at some interesting package dumps. They can be found on the Wireshark Samples page. There are enough examples with different protocols for several months of analysis, there are even samples of traffic of worms and exploits.

Setting up the environment

The default appearance of the console is fully configurable. You can add or remove columns, adding even such simple things as the UTC time column, which immediately increases the informational content of the logs if you analyze the packet history.

Columns are configured in the Edit | Preferences | Appearance | Columns . It also changes the overall pattern, font and colors.

In the video - useful tips on setting up the environment, including troubleshooting by sequence number TCP.


Included with Wireshark comes a handy capinfos command line capinfos . This utility generates batch dump statistics, with start / end times and other details. With the -T option, it produces text with a tab - it is suitable for importing into spreadsheets or analyzing in the console.

 test@ubuntu:~$ capinfos test.pcap File name: test.pcap File type: Wireshark/tcpdump/... - pcap File encapsulation: Ethernet File timestamp precision: microseconds (6) Packet size limit: file hdr: 262144 bytes Number of packets: 341 k File size: 449 MB Data size: 444 MB Capture duration: 3673.413779 seconds First packet time: 2018-12-01 11:26:53.521929 Last packet time: 2018-12-01 12:28:06.935708 Data byte rate: 120 kBps Data bit rate: 967 kbps Average packet size: 1300.72 bytes Average packet rate: 93 packets/s SHA256: 989388128d676c329ccdbdec4ed221ab8ecffad81910a16f473ec2c2f54c5d6e RIPEMD160: 0742b6bbc79735e57904008d6064cce7eb95abc9 SHA1: d725b389bea044d6520470c8dab0de1598b01d89 Strict time order: True Number of interfaces in file: 1 


This article was originally published in 2011, then seriously updated. If you have any comments, improvements or tips for the cheat sheet, write to me . Wireshark is one of those indispensable tools that many people use, but very few people own it perfectly. Here you can go further and further.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436226/