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Getting a job in Germany will be easier

On December 19, 2018, the German Cabinet approved a law on skilled labor immigration (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz). Thanks to him, it will be easier to migrate to qualified workers from countries outside the European Union. But these changes will only affect skilled workers. The Germans expect that specialists from Russia, Ukraine, India, China and other countries will fill the shortage of personnel. Immediately, I note that we are not talking about unskilled or low-skilled work.

The reasons

Currently in Germany there are approximately 1.5 million open positions. Due to serious demographic problems, in the future the situation will only get worse. Therefore, the government decided to change the legislation so as to direct migration flows to those areas that need it most. It is also likely that this law will help with the solution of the demographic problem.

Main provisions


Applicants must have a higher or secondary special education. He will have to confirm. Now the qualification procedure is quite complicated. It will be substantially reformed in the near future. Under the applicants are citizens of countries outside the European Union who have received higher or secondary special education in Germany or abroad. There is information that for IT professionals with work experience of 5 years and more, it will not be necessary to confirm their education.


One of the mandatory requirements is the presence of a confident spoken language. Most likely, knowledge of German at level B1 or higher will be necessary.


Now you can get a special 6-month visa to search for work in Germany. The main work to provide workers with access to the German market will fall on embassies and consulates in third countries. Since in many consulates, visa offices are already loaded, additional resources will be attracted.

Means for accommodation

Applicants who are going to look for work in Germany will not be able to qualify for social assistance. Therefore, they will have to confirm the availability of funds for living in the country for six months. The exact amount is not yet known. For students who want to study in Germany, the law requires a security of € 720 per month . Most likely, these requirements will be comparable.


A foreign residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) will be provided to foreign specialists who received their education in Germany after two years of work. For those who received their education outside Germany - after four years .


After the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 19, 2018, the law has yet to pass the parliament. The law will come into force six months after its publication. It is expected that this will happen in early 2020.


In my opinion, this is a great opportunity for many to change their lives for the better, as there is still time to learn a language and confirm a diploma.

My previous article: IT emigration with the family. And the features of finding a job in a small town in Germany, when you're already there

My telegram channel , where I write about work and life in Germany with my family, as well as how I became a programmer at 40, how I studied and looked for work in another country. Short and to the point.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436256/