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Many properties or object properties: selection criteria

Many properties or object properties: selection criteria

We use Vue to develop components of various kinds and conditions of use. One of the key parts of any components is their interface. In Vue, the properties passed are a very important, if not the most important, part of the component's interface.

In a situation where a component requires a lot of data, you can apply several ways to transfer it. Consider them.

Property set

One of the possible ways is to create a separate property for each atomic value. Let's look at the component code using a similar approach:


<template> <div> <div>First name: {{ firstName }}</div> <div>Last name: {{ lastName }}</div> <div>Birth year: {{ birthYear }}</div> </div> </template> 


 const MIN_BIRTH_YEAR = 1900 export default { name: 'PersonInfo', props: { firstName: { type: String, required: true, validator: firstName => firstName !== '' }, lastName: { type: String, required: true, validator: lastName => lastName !== '' }, birthYear: { type: Number, required: true, validator: year => year > MIN_BIRTH_YEAR && year < new Date().getFullYear() } } } 

Look at using this component.

  <!-- Other part of html template--> <PersonInfo first-name="Jill" last-name="Smith" :birth-year="2000" /> <!-- Other part of html template--> 

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this approach.


 props: { firstName: { type: String, required: true, }, lastName: { type: String, required: true, }, birthYear: { type: Number, required: true, validator: year => year > MIN_BIRTH_YEAR && year < new Date().getFullYear() }, city: { type: String, default: 'New York' } } 


  <!-- Other part of html template--> <PersonInfo :first-name="person.firstName" :last-name="person.lastName" :birth-year="person.birthYear" /> <!-- Other part of html template--> 

Object property

There are situations where atomic data is not of primitive types. In a given example, such data can be a person object.

Consider an example:


 <template> <div> <div>First name: {{ person.firstName }}</div> <div>Last name: {{ person.lastName }}</div> <div>Birth year: {{ person.birthYear }}</div> </div> </template> 


 import quartet from 'quartet' // npm validation package const v = quartet() const MIN_BIRTH_YEAR = 1900 export default { name: 'PersonInfo', props: { person: { type: Object, required: true, validator: v({ firstName: 'string', lastName: 'string', birthYear: v.and( 'safe-integer', v.min(MIN_BIRTH_YEAR), v.max(new Date().getFullYear()) ) }) } } } 

Let's look at using:

  <!-- Other part of html template--> <PersonInfo :person="person"/> <!-- or (bad) --> <PersonInfo :person="{ firstName: 'Jill', lastName: 'Smith', birthYear: 2000 }"/> <!-- Other part of html template--> 

Consider the advantages and disadvantages




I came to the following conclusions:

P. S

I will be glad to know your selection criteria. What approach do you use and why? In other matters, this is the main purpose of writing this article. Can any of you know the best practices and their rationale? Thank you for your time.

Update 19:26, 1/16/2019

There is also a third option with v-bind. See the discussion here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436320/