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Photo tour of the new Facebook office in Boston

Facebook opened its office in Boston in 2013. At first it was a team of several engineers and in five years the number of employees exceeded two hundred, the current office became small and a new spacious room was found next door, where Facebook occupied 3 floors (130 thousand sq. Ft.) or 12 thousand square meters) and where it can accommodate more than 650 people. A rough hiring plan is 50-100 people a year, so the new office will be filled gradually.

Geographically, the office is located in Boston Cambridge, it is across the river from Boston. The campus of the famous MIT is located nearby, Harvard University is located a bit further in Cambridge. They work on different projects: machine learning, Oculus VR, infrastructure (CDN, proxy and multimedia server cache), network technologies (WiFi networks with distribution from drones / satellites), as well as products such as Safety Check, blood donation and recommendations.

I was invited to Facebook on Boston - Open House, which took place on the 9th of January, 2019. During the tour of the office, it was allowed to photograph everything except the marker drawing boards.

Note: under the cut a large number of photos.

Open space

All engineers are sitting in the openspace. The ceiling seems unfinished, but it was conceived - as much as possible to repeat the design of the head office.

Separate the space sofas, where you can sit with a laptop.

Corridors in places resemble some kind of production facility.

Some walls are works of art.

Printer, copier, office - everything is normal.

Many meeting rooms.

Conference hall.


Kitchens are located on each floor.

Coffee, drinks, snacks, all for free.


The food is free, the choice is large (unfortunately the time was no longer working, the food was not included in the frame)

Resting places

You can play Oculus VR, there is a ping-pong table

Music room

Libraries, board games

Thank you for looking through to the end.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436412/