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Creating story for Instagram from PHP


Recently, people are more willing to watch social networking videos than browse through photos. Storis on Instagram gains 3-4 times more views than just posted a photo.

And of course, we do not cease to forget that social networks not only show themselves, look at others, but also promote their products, services, etc. We have long learned to post in vkontakte svezhepubilirovannuyu news from the site. And what if you go on? What if you submit this information as a video? Or lay out interesting video story instagram to attract more attention of the audience?

So I came up with the idea of ​​creating a library that would allow creating short videos from photos, text and animation of these objects. Yes, someone can say that the services that allow you to do this already exist and why invent a bicycle? First, I want to; secondly, I can; thirdly, it will be free of charge.

This article is about how to work with the library, how to create your own story from PHP.


Immediately it should be said that the library uses FFmpeg to generate the final video file. FFmpeg must be installed on the server. Perhaps in the future, there will be an option to generate a story as a gif-file, but for myself I chose the video file as the result of the work.


The library is installed through the composer

composer require borodin-vasiliy/php-stories 

Create story

It is time to create your own story. For example, we want to see a background photo of a kitten, which is a little closer throughout the whole story and display 2 text on it with an animation of appearance. Easy!

Initialization Story
 // Мы хотим создать 5 секундное сторис размерами 720x1280 $stories = new Stories([ "width" => 720, "height" => 1280, "duration" => 5 ]); 

As you can see, all parameters are passed as an array. At the moment, you can change:

Next, we need to add 3 objects (picture and 2 texts) on our future story. At the moment, the library allows you to add 4 types of different objects - a picture, text, elex, a rectangle. Each object has its own method, the method argument is an array of the parameters of the object being added.

Objects have as general parameters:

So are unique for each type of object, for example, for a picture:

Adding pictures to the story
 // Путь до файла с котиком $main_image = $dir."/images/1.jpg"; // Получим размеры картинки) list($image_width, $image_height) = getimagesize($main_image); // Посчитаем, каким должно быть приближение для картинки, что бы она покрыла весь сторис $image_start_scale = round(1280 / $image_height, 1); // Добавление картинки $stories->addImage([ "path" => $main_image, "top" => round(-1 * ($image_height * $image_start_scale - $stories_height) / 2), // Вычислим параметр отступа сверху при текущем приближении "left" => round(-1 * ($image_width * $image_start_scale - $stories_width) / 2), // Вычислим параметр отступа слева при текущем приближении "scale" => $image_start_scale ]); 

Done! If you now generate a story, then 5 seconds we will admire the cat. But I promised that there will be an animation, let's add it.

An animation for an object is added using a separate method whose argument is an array of parameters to which the object should come. Animations for one object can be any number. It is worth saying that the syntax of the library implies the use of the Fluent Interface.

Adding pictures and animations
 // Путь до файла с котиком $main_image = $dir."/images/1.jpg"; // Получим размеры картинки) list($image_width, $image_height) = getimagesize($main_image); // Посчитаем, каким должно быть приближение для картинки, что бы она покрыла весь сторис $image_start_scale = round(1280 / $image_height, 1); // $image_end_scale = $image_start_scale + 0.5; // Добавление картинки с анимацией $stories->addImage([ "path" => $main_image, "top" => round(-1 * ($image_height * $image_start_scale - $stories_height) / 2), // Вычислим параметр отступа сверху при текущем приближении "left" => round(-1 * ($image_width * $image_start_scale - $stories_width) / 2), // Вычислим параметр отступа слева при текущем приближении "scale" => $image_start_scale ])->addAnimation([ "top" => round(-1 * ($image_height * $image_end_scale - $stories_height) / 2), // Вычислим финальное местоположение картинки с учетом финального приближения "left" => round(-1 * ($image_width * $image_end_scale - $stories_width) / 2),// Вычислим финальное местоположение картинки с учетом финального приближения "scale" => $image_end_scale, ]); 

As you can see, the addAnimation method is used to add animation. Required parameters for animation:

Array of parameters on which it can affect animation:

Adding text
 // Добавление заголовка $stories->addText([ "text" => "Hello world!", "path" => $dir."/fonts/helvetica.ttf", "size" => 130, "color" => "#ffffff", "width" => 620, "top" => 200, "left" => 50, "opacity" => 0, "shadow" => [ "color" => "#000000", "top" => 4, "left" => 4 ] ])->addAnimation([ "duration" => 1, "opacity" => 1 ])->addAnimation([ "start" => 4.5, "duration" => 0.5, "opacity" => 0 ]); // Добавление текста $stories->addText([ "text" => "This is a test of function adding text", "path" => $dir."/fonts/helvetica.ttf", "size" => 100, "color" => "#ffffff", "width" => 620, "top" => 750, "left" => 50, "start" => 0.5, "opacity" => 0, "shadow" => [ "color" => "#000000", "top" => 4, "left" => 4 ] ])->addAnimation([ "duration" => 1, "opacity" => 1 ])->addAnimation([ "start" => 4.5, "duration" => 0.5, "opacity" => 0 ]); 

The text has its own unique parameters:

Shadow is also an array of parameters:

Storis generation
 $file_hash = $stories->generate("/tmp"); 

As a result, we get the name of the file that is in the temporary folder passed as an argument.

Work result

It should be said that the speed of creating a story is not great, on a good computer a 5 second video is generated on the order of a minute, on a simple server more than 3 minutes.

Development plans

I hope someone like this library will be useful. I will be glad to hear criticism and suggestions in the functional.

Git repository

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436514/