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Ministry of Communications has approved a bill to isolate the RuNet

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation supported the draft law No. 608767-7 on autonomous work of the RuNet, submitted to the State Duma on December 14, 2018 . This was announced today by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Oleg Ivanov , during an expanded meeting of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications.

"Conceptually, on the goal-setting, the Ministry of Communications and other federal executive bodies, which provided their conclusions, support the bill," Ivanov said. The official believes that the State Duma will adopt the bill in the first reading, with certain amendments: “There are no critical moments that would not allow the bill to be passed in the first reading. But there are a lot of comments. ”

The bill imposes new obligations on telecom operators and owners of traffic exchange points and gives additional powers to Roskomnadzor.

In particular, telecom operators are obliged to:

  1. Follow the routing rules established by Roskomnadzor.
  2. Correct routing as requested by Roskomnadzor.
  3. When resolving domain names, use software and hardware approved by Roskomnadzor, as well as the national domain name system.
  4. Use only traffic exchange points from the traffic exchange registry.
  5. To promptly inform Roskomnadzor about their network addresses, telecommunication message routes, software and hardware tools used to resolve domain names and communication network infrastructure.

Article 66.1 of the Law "On Communications" is proposed to be added, including the following paragraph:

“In the event of threats to the integrity, stability and security of functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation of the Internet and public communication networks, the public communication network of the federal executive body responsible for monitoring and supervising the media can be centralized , communications, information technology and communications, in a manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, including, inter alia, measures to eliminate NIJ Threat integrity, stability and safety of the territory of the Russian Federation, the network '' internet 'and public communication networks.
Centralized management of a public telecommunications network is carried out by managing technical means to counter threats and (or) by transmitting binding instructions to telecom operators, owners or owners of technological communication networks, as well as to other persons having an autonomous system number. ”

As stated in the explanatory note, “the draft federal law has been prepared taking into account the aggressive nature of the US National Cyber ​​Security Strategy adopted in September 2018”.

In December, the working group “Svyaz and IT” of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation prepared a response to the text of the draft law. According to experts, only one-time costs can reach 25 billion rubles. for research and development work, the creation and maintenance of a registry of traffic exchange points, the expansion of staff under Roscomnadzor’s structures and the conduct of exercises. In addition, compensation will be required for telecom operators in the event of network disruptions, the risk of which is estimated by industry participants as high. They should be provided in the federal budget at the level of up to 10% of the market volume, that is 134 billion rubles. in year.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436526/