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Virtual reality distance education program

In the Higher School of Business Informatics, HSE, we launched a new distance learning program for advanced training “Basics of creating projects in virtual reality”. This is a short intensive course for two months, the goal of which is to develop in students an understanding of virtual reality technology and the development and promotion processes of VR projects. The basis of the course is the practice of creating your project on the Unreal Engine 4. Details about the program under the cut, and you can sign up for it here >>

Virtual reality is a new market, which despite all the difficulties in its path, is developing by leaps and bounds. By 2022, a tenfold market growth is expected. Last year, according to Superdata, the market for virtual, augmented and mixed reality (XR) grew by 46% to $ 6.6 billion. Due to the sale of Oculus Go, 1 million such devices were sold since its release in May 2018; 37% increase in the local VR entertainment market; use of AR-technology in non-gaming applications (social networks, etc.).

The requirements for VR projects are also growing, and how to promote them in the market. And now, in order to successfully enter the virtual reality market, there are few burning eyes - you need an understanding of the development process. Knowledge of how to highlight the audience of your project, find and keep it. Make it so that you want to play your game again, rather than take off your helmet rather and run to the bucket, as you feel sick. That virtual reality was in the project not for the sake of a beautiful word and trend, but because it is the use of this technology to bring the product to a new level and everyone, including you, has an obvious answer to the question “Why is VR here?”.

And to make it all possible only with the appropriate knowledge.

Why a distance course

For more than four years, the program of professional retraining “ Management of game projects ” has been going on at VSHBI with unchanging success. During the eight months of full-time study, students receive knowledge that helps them determine their own path in the gaming industry, and successfully begin to move along this path. But not everyone, especially from the regions of our country, could afford to spend eight months in Moscow to receive additional education. And for them, as well as for those who, for one reason or another, do not have full-time education, we have created distance learning courses. In particular, the " Basics of developing projects in virtual reality " based on the Center of Competences on Virtual and Augmented Reality, which we have opened jointly with the AVRA Association.

This course gives not only knowledge - but, most importantly, it is the system knowledge that will be in demand regardless of who the listener wants to become - a VR developer in a company, a VR project manager or chooses an independent developer’s path. Our course is the very foundation, owning which, the listener will be able to learn and develop further independently. A distinctive feature is also the fact that all teachers are practitioners who not only have a lot of experience in the past, but are currently actively working in the field in which they teach. That is why the course is filled with real-life cases and examples from practice, and also contains many practical, useful tools and recommendations. Including - samples and templates of documentation, calculations and design documents required by any team. Right during training, you create a game on the Unreal Engine 4. It is important to note that the specialists working on this engine are among the most sought-after and highly paid.

The training program includes the following modules:

Game design projects in virtual reality

Practice of creating a VR game on Unreal Engine 4

Managing the development of a VR project. Introductory UX Design Principles for Virtual Reality

Virtual reality project marketing

How is the learning process

Each module consists of clips on the topic of the lecture of the teacher, materials for independent study, presentations and document templates that can be used in the work on your game. Training takes place completely remotely at any time of the day and in any country of the world. For training, students need only a computer that pulls the UE4, and access to the Internet. Knowledge control is carried out in the form of online testing after studying each module. Given 8 weeks to study the material. 16 lecture hours.

Development opportunities after graduation

Graduates of the Fundamentals of Project Development in Virtual Reality program will find it easier to get a job at the company. involved in the development of virtual reality technology, or introducing this technology into their processes. For example, VSBI graduates in the face-to-face program are now working in companies such as Mail.Ru, Rocket Jump, 101XP, Destiny.Games, 1C Game Studios, GameNet, Virtuality.Club, and many others. More examples .

Another way is to develop as an indie developer, launching your own projects. VSBI graduates open their own companies and create gaming products on different platforms. Here is an example of our graduate's VR games.

Tuition is 23 400 rubles. Following the results of training, a certificate of advanced training of HSE is issued.

We invite you to join our program and take a step towards working in an industry where the eyes are burning, work brings great pleasure, you can feel the contribution of each person to the great future of the whole industry. You can sign up for the program on our website >>

See you at the training.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436548/