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Redistribution of windows between monitors after waking from sleep

You have 2-3 monitors, on one browser and a code editor, on the second manual, on the third mail, you have sorted the windows as needed. Then we went to pour a cup of coffee, the monitor turned off, you came, twitched the mouse and suddenly all the windows were on one main monitor, everything was in a heap, you again spread the windows and the situation repeated every time.

This topic is discussed on many resources, including on the Microsoft forum, but a solution and a clear description of the problem are difficult to find.

Such problems may not be observed by owners of monitors without two-way communication or with DDC / CI turned off by default (there was no such thing in the previous DELL, it was turned off in the menu). If you have only one monitor, then the windows are also not rebuilt.

Some time ago, many users complained about such a problem in Windows, when, after turning off the monitor, the windows remained out of sight, well, and, apparently, the developers decided to correct this moment, if there is no monitor, then the windows are thrown onto the one that is on.

When you connect a monitor via DisplayPort, when it goes into sleep mode - the system thinks it is gone, all windows are thrown when you wake up on another monitor, and when this main monitor is detected after a fraction of a second, all windows fly to it. Unpleasant phenomenon.

Forum users complain about this, some when they start rendering all night just turn down the brightness, some put on screen savers and turn off the monitor on timeout.

Some people even on the Microsoft forum are asked to make this setting so that when they turn off the monitor, the windows will remain on it, or they will be transferred to another display.

There are many solutions, if the monitor supports DDC disconnection, then you can do so.
You can sever the contact, but this is also some kind of cruel decision.

I did not have the opportunity to see how it was on Nvidia video cards, but on AMD it’s enough to turn off AMD External Events Utility in the services, for NVidia the service NVIDIA Update Service Deamon is disabled.

After these manipulations, you can even turn off the monitor with the button and the windows will not run away from it anywhere, it is very convenient for those who have a lot of monitors and need to turn off the monitor for periods.

And another such moment, I have a second monitor with a Chinese cord, DVI-HDMI is connected, and it always showed itself that way before, on the second monitor I have the code and something to work on, and on the main 34 inch I watch movies when I sit down on the sofa, I don’t want to be distracted by the second monitor, I turn it off and the windows aren’t rebuilt, apparently this DDC / CI is not implemented on this cord.

Please do not judge strictly and it would be useful if you added your own solutions to such problems.

Thank you for your attention, I hope someone will be useful.

UPD: When the windows are not going to one monitor, but are left off - you can press WIN + P and instead of “expand” select “only the computer screen” or “only the second monitor”.

You can also select a window through Alt + TAB, and then through WIN + arrow (right / left) move it to the monitor, depending on the location of the monitors in the settings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436638/