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The story of how we chose the scales to automate the cash places

In 2017, many integrators had questions about the replacement of commercial equipment during the transition to new working conditions that meet the requirements of the Law 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers". Since customers who needed to replace or retrofit trading places with new equipment, understood its principle of operation and necessary functionality, the necessary work went without overlays.

But 2018 brought us a large number of customers who had not previously used cash registers in their operations. Therefore, many of their questions have to be solved quickly.

We, as one of the leading technical centers of the city, work with all manufacturers of trading and cash equipment and offer our customers the widest range of models. At the moment, working with only one or a couple of manufacturers does not make it possible to completely cover the needs of our counterparties. At the same time, a large assortment of models of serviced equipment requires substantial expenditures, both temporary (for user training) and financial, for the necessary spare parts reserve.

Choosing the best options

Equipment for the automation of trade that meets the requirements of Law 54-FZ is sufficient on the market. The consumer has a lot of cash registers from various manufacturers:

As part of the barcode scanners, the market is full of various manufacturers, so choosing a scanner is quick and easy. At the same time, in order to accelerate and improve the convenience of work in enterprises selling weight goods, weights will be needed. And even if in large networks, such as Magnit, ordinary scales are still being used without being tied to the cash register software, at the time of purchasing new equipment, it is possible to solve the issue of automating the sale of weighing goods almost without additional costs.

When choosing scales with the ability to transfer weight values ​​directly to the cash register or to the cash register software, we paid attention to the following main points:

From the options currently available on the market that meet our requirements, we selected three models of weights from different manufacturers:

During the initial selection, we were guided by the prevalence of weights, so that in the case of the introduction of a larger number of devices, there were no hitch with the delivery times and purchase volumes of the scales. We purchase scales of these three models directly from the manufacturer.

For the purchase of scales by a consumer or service center that is not a partner of the manufacturer of the scales, it is more convenient to purchase the scales from partners.

The site of the CAS manufacturer presents the entire list of dealers by city and there is a button for quickly finding a dealer in your city.
The manufacturer’s website M-ER provides a list of cities where there are manufacturer’s dealers. So if you are a partner, the client will easily find you.

In Barcode, another search algorithm: when you click on the "Where to buy" button next to the product, a window opens in which you are invited to become a partner. When you directly search for a partner after entering data about a region or a city, the full list of partners is displayed in the drop-down menu items.

Of the selected three, the most affordable packaging scales are M-ER 326AFU, and the most expensive at the moment, depending on the additional functionality, Slim 200/300 Barcode.

Let us consider the options in more detail.

Desktop scales of the CAS SWN series

CAS SWN is an affordable weighing model with data transfer from a well-known global brand. Interface to choose from: RS232 or USB.

As an option, you can order a stainless steel platform if the weighing is done with a product without packaging material. The possibility of choosing the material of the weighing platform is undoubtedly a plus, but if not it is not required, then the price of the scales decreases.
The display is LCD only, but the contrast is sufficient, although when working in bright sunshine it is necessary to take a closer look at the weight readings.

Accuracy class 3, this is sufficient for most products, but when weighing expensive products, a higher accuracy class is preferable.

The size of scales acceptable for use on any cash place. Verification of extremely large loads showed that the quality of materials used in the manufacture of scales, at a high level. Weight loss after overload was not observed.

Packing scales Stroke Slim 200/300

Barcode Slim 200/300 (from the manufacturer Barcode) - the most popular scales with data transfer.

Always supplied with a stainless steel platform, which immediately affects their value upwards. We recorded a record small thickness of 55 mm and a large platform in two ways, since it is not convenient to use such a form factor at all cash places: the small thickness is inconvenient for some, in other cases the large platform did not fit the ergonomics of the workplace.

But at the same time, the first visual impression of the scales is positive. In addition to RS232 or USB interfaces, you can also purchase Ethernet 10 BaseT. But do not forget that Ethernet 10 BaseT significantly increases the cost of scales, and this use case is considered only in exceptional cases.

Display LCD display only and under actual conditions of use, the convenience of working with such a display is not worse than that of the CAS SWN. The accuracy class is also 3, and in some cases this is also not enough.

When checking the maximum possible loads and overload in some cases, non-standard sounds emanated from the scales. After several tests for overload, the weight went out, although after some time and several shutdowns-ons, the weight itself returned to normal. Repeat weight loss reloading failed.

It is necessary to explain what weight loss is fraught with and what it is. If the scale is overloaded in case of weight loss, it may be necessary to recalibrate the equipment. A failure option is also possible when the weight does not return to 0 when unloading the scales, and with each subsequent weighing it will be necessary to set the zero by pressing the “0” key.

Packaging scales M-ER 326AFU

Despite the affordable price, M-ER 326AFUs have the highest, compared to competitors, accuracy - class 2 (1 g resolution for weights per 15 kg of maximum weight).

M-ER 326AFU are equipped with a choice of RS232 or USB interfaces. Indication of the display LED or LCD, with:

  1. In versions with LCD-display is implemented counting mode.
  2. Modification with LED display was the most convenient to work on the sun or in bright light compared with the previously discussed models.

Dimensions of scales on three axes allow more efficient use of the workplace of the cashier. The usual height of the scales and the convenient size of the platform allow ergonomic placement of equipment in almost any workplace.

The impossibility of ordering scales with a stainless platform forces us to use packaging material when weighing some products. In the future, the manufacturer promises to add the ability to order a stainless platform.

These scales were also tested by overload and checking the accuracy of the weight after the tests, the weight was always accurate. At the same time, having seen on the Internet a roller of the limit overload of the scales, namely for weights of 15 kg, the load was more than 60 kg, they decided with caution to repeat such a test. Unexpectedly, the scales withstood such a load and the accuracy of the weight remained normal, but they were afraid to re-test, overloading 5 times - this is a bit much anyway.

The main advantages and disadvantages of each presented model in terms of interfaces

According to the design of connecting interfaces, each solution has its own advantages.

The main interface is micro-USB, through which the scales are powered, and data is transferred. The interface cable can be purchased and replaced without problems, as any charging cable from popular mobile phones is suitable. Of the minuses - the micro-USB connector has a low resistance to damage.

The interface cable is rigidly fixed in the case, which eliminates damage to the connector, but adds the need to disassemble the scale to replace it. The scales are equipped with a power adapter and a built-in battery and do not require external power supply or power supply via an interface cable.

The RS232 interface cable is connected to a full DB9 connector, but the power is supplied from an external unit or from three AA-size batteries (the battery is supplied optionally for an additional fee, as is the USB interface).

Integration of scales with other cash equipment

Regarding the integration of weights, questions usually arise even from experienced specialists.

As part of the Stroke Slim 200/300 can be difficult when connecting to the cheapest cash registers. Many of them support a limited number of scales protocols, but always support CAS protocols.

The CAS SWN scale implements the common CAS AP / AD protocol, connection and configuration are easy.

The standard CAS-M protocol is used in the M-ER 326AFU scales, and there are no questions when connecting to a cash register machine or a cash register program.

Examples of standard sets of commercial equipment

Standard equipment kits have been developed for various customer requirements. Standardization allows not only to reduce the time spent on commissioning and further maintenance, but also helps customers to quickly determine the necessary equipment.

Next, we consider three standard sets of commercial equipment:

  1. Budget: CCP Mercury and Libra.
  2. Starting: Smart-terminal ("Evotor" and "Neva") and Libra.
  3. Full automation: PC with a pre-installed cash register software (1c, Frontol, Microinvest, and MYPOS) and Scales.

Each kit was tested with CAS SWN, M-ER 326AFU weights and Slim 200/300 Barcode for the option to replace equipment at the request of the client. Scales worked in almost all cases.

To switch the transfer protocol to the CAS SWN, we used the instruction from the official page .

For our clients and partners, we even recorded video instructions on how to connect the scales and put the information into a table, which is located at the end of the article.

Now consider the features of each connection of the scales in sets.

Connection of scales to CCP Mercury

The kit version with a portable CCP. Mercury only works with scales with an RS232 interface.

Making the settings in the cashier and connecting the weights on the selected communication channel will not cause questions to the experts; the procedure for connecting and working with the weight goods is described in the operation manual. The manual and all other detailed instructions can be found at any time in the public domain on the manufacturer’s website in the “Documents” section.

At the same time, it is not possible to purchase an adapter for connecting weights to the cash register, it needs to be manufactured independently, so that additional equipment and materials are indispensable. We buy RS-232 9M, we cut its cord in half and compress it with an RJ-45 connector (or RJ-12, depending on the CCP model) according to the scheme from the instruction manual.

From the first time it was not possible to make a working copy, the pinout is not very clear. I had to compress it twice to get a working version, but subsequent adapters were made by example and were always successful.

For M-ER 326AFU and CAS SWN to work properly, it is necessary that the latest firmware is on CCP.

But Slim 200/300 Stroke could not be connected, the available settings did not allow to adjust the work, the ticket office constantly showed an error when requesting weight. According to the technical support of the manufacturer KKT, support for the protocol of scales Shtrikh Slim will not be implemented in the near future.

Variants of the scales with software installed on a PC

Scales can be used with any interface: both USB, and RS232. After a physical connection to the port on many operating systems, the drivers are automatically installed on the CAS SWN, M-ER 326AFU.

If scales with RS232 interface, and in the PC there is only USB, we used an adapter on the PROLIFIC chip.

This adapter often does not require installing drivers on fresh operating systems. Scales with USB are also defined as a virtual COM port on the same PROLIFIC.

And for Slim Bar with USB port I had to download and install drivers from the official site www.shtrih-m.ru/catalog/pos-vesy/shtrikh-slim . On what port number the scales are connected, check in the device manager in the operating system.

After connecting, installing the drivers and determining the port number, proceed to setting up the cash register software.

The first candidate is Frontol.

Quite common cash register software, is highly popular with many users and is well known to many integrators. The algorithm for connecting the scales does not change much for versions 4 or 5 and is quite simple:

When pressing the button “Check connection” in the line should display the weight set on the scales. If the weight is displayed, we apply the settings, confirm the saving of the parameters and the end of the adjustment of the scales. If it is not displayed, we check the speed, the settings of the communication port and whether the scale model is correctly selected.

The second candidate is Microinvest

Less common, but more convenient for some software trading options. Often used in food service and retail with a small number of outlets.
A very good knowledge base wiki.microinvest.su/index.php?title=The main page allows you to find the answer to almost any question. For the tests we used Microinvest Pro Light.

Log in to the program must be made under the administrator, and then:

The remaining parameters are also left unchanged. When you click on the button "test electronic scales" in a new window will display the weight mounted on the scales. In case of a weight request error, we check the settings and connection of the scales.

Third candidate - MYPOS.kassa V2

The necessary information is on the link .

This option was chosen due to the support of the “Fiscal Registrar Mode” in the portable CCP Mercury and the opportunity to use this software for free for one year with these CCP Mercury models.

The program is as simple as possible and detailed instructions are on the page .

On setting up the equipment, in particular the weights, everything is as simple and clear as possible; link yadi.sk/i/yK7odEBuXiPubg has a video guide.

Of course, the support of one model of scales disappointed us a little, but after connecting using the CAS SWN algorithm, they earned. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is inconvenient that the information on setting up the scales and the supported models is not indicated anywhere.

Fourth candidate - 1C

This is the most common software for accounting and trade, has a very wide functionality and great flexibility, but connecting even simple equipment causes great difficulties for many.

For Slim Shtrik, support has already been declared without installing additional “drivers”, but in fact, when choosing, we saw the inscription “This driver has been removed from support”, which was a little embarrassing.

This completes the setting of Scale Bar Slim. Link to the video tutorial on setting up .

CAS SWN and M-ER 326AFU are not supported directly in 1c. Integration and registration of the driver even with the help of this video instruction yadi.sk/i/PX_FuUTLb8ssVA will cause difficulties, in connection with which the process of connecting these scales to 1C will not be described step by step.

Specialists will be able to do everything on video, but if the “specialists” also have difficulties, we recommend contacting any competent organization for maintenance of 1C for help.

Connecting scales to smart terminals

Let's go to the smart terminals. Cash smart terminals are no longer uncommon, and the Evotor is widely known. But some customers for many reasons are unhappy with this equipment. Therefore, as an alternative, we consider the cash terminal NEVA with the pre-installed Litebox software. The scales are connected to the cash terminals only via USB or via an adapter on the PROLIFIC chip.

The most common at the moment the terminal "Evotor" requires the installation of additional drivers for almost all the connected equipment. For many models, the drivers are distributed on a paid basis, but a free driver is available for scales with the CAS AD protocol, a link to the yadi.sk/i/7OKnq1jhFfIfSQ video connection.

With the help of this driver, we connected both M-ER 326AFU and CAS SWN.

When selling after adding the goods to the check, the button "SCALES" inquires the weight of the product installed on the scales.

For scales Barcode Slim 200/300 free driver was not found, which added value to the kit. Setup and connection is completely similar to the video tutorial yadi.sk/i/D1BkKFYQ03qD0Q .

The second variant of the smart terminal is NEVA 01F with LiteBox preinstalled. In LiteBox software for Android, weighting has just recently appeared. At the moment, only the work of scales Slim 200/300 is integrated.

According to the developers, the work on the integration of new equipment is underway, and the integration of the scales with all CAS protocols is expected in the near future.

As part of the setup, everything is as simple as possible:

When choosing a weight product from the item, the weight of the product installed on the scale will be automatically requested. For clarity, there is a video: yadi.sk/i/ZMf3B0yQQACDxQ .
According to the test results, a table was compiled in which information on support was reflected and links to video tutorials on setting up scales with various software.

The table with video guides can be seen by reference (it is possible to add a table later)

In the early stages of implementation, there were failures in the form of loss of communication between the software and the weights of the M-ER 326AFU. On the recommendation of the technical support service of the manufacturer, Mercury equipment, for the full operation of the M-ER 326AFU scales with the cash register software, it was necessary to disable the “go to sleep” function, which decided the loss of communication.

Results and conclusions

To speed up and facilitate the work at retail outlets, it is necessary to use scales with data transmission. The use of high-precision weights will allow customers to reduce the weight of the purchased goods and the possible theft of products, which is important when trading in weight goods and high-value goods.

When selling and introducing equipment, we try to use the Slim 200/300 Stroke scale only with 1C (it’s quite simple to connect, compared to others) and with the NEVA cash terminal (other models are not currently supported).

CAS SWN is used for customers who need a stainless platform for sanitary requirements and who need the CAS brand. It is convenient to use with Frontol and Microinvest in case the fixed point and additional power supply cables of the balance are not superfluous. This is the best solution at sites where frequent damage to the interface cables and connectors of the scales, the replacement takes place very quickly and does not cause downtime.

M-ER 326AFU enjoy maximum popularity. When connected to the “Evotor”, this model of scales does not consume the energy of the internal battery of the terminal, having a built-in battery (it is necessary to charge once every 3-4 weeks). Also, these scales can be supplied immediately with the necessary USB interface and there are free drivers.

Complete with portable CCP, Mercury is the best option due to its full compatibility and affordable price. In the future, such clients, if necessary, begin to use MYPOS and the issue with weights no longer arises.

In the case of Microinvest, we use M-ER 326AFU if the client has high demands on the accuracy of weighing (tea, coffee, seasonings and other expensive goods). We are looking forward to the support of these scales in the cash terminal "NEVA" with LiteBox software, since the battery of the terminal is discharged faster when working with scales, such as Stroke, without batteries and external power.

Another advantage of the M-ER 326AFU is the presence of the counting mode in scales of 2 accuracy classes, which allows you to sell piece goods, calculating its quantity with high accuracy automatically by weight, for example, shoe covers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436704/