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"Energomash" refutes the presence of a structural defect in the engines "Angara"

Today it became known that the scientific and production association (NPO) Energomash has denied the publication of the media about a defect in the engines of the Angara rocket RD-191. Representatives of the company stated that the information that appeared in the press is unreliable.

Information that there is a design defect in the Angara engines has first appeared in the RIA Novosti report. The publication, citing the report of the experts, reported that the engine’s structural features could lead to the destruction of the rocket at the start.

Then it was reported that the defect is associated with the location of the first and second stages of the engine, with the result that the central unit should operate in the mode of 30% of the nominal thrust value. In this mode, low-frequency oscillations develop in the engines, which can lead to resonance and destruction of the launch vehicle design. "

The message of “Energomash” states the following: “To ensure the requirements of the GKNPTs them. Mv Khrunichev on the RD-191 engine of the central block of the heavy Angara-A5 LV, it should be throttled to 30% of the nominal mode. This requirement for the breadth of the range of regulation of rocket engines was laid for the first time in the world. ” A common practice is to use a motor control range from 50% to 100% of rated power.

NPO Energomash was confronted with an unstable operation of the engine in the mode of deep throttling, which manifested itself in low-frequency oscillations of thrust. The magnitude of the oscillations exceeded the requirements of the TK missile.

However, in the process of working out, the company managed to develop a whole range of actions, the introduction of which ensured the stable operation of the RD-191 engine and its compliance with the requirements of the TOR. “The engine is a living organism, and any developer is constantly engaged in its improvement. Moreover, the RD191 engine is planned to be used not only in the Angara launch vehicle family, but also in the Amur launch vehicle. Today, JSC NPO Energomash manufactured and delivered to the GKNPTs them. Mv Khrunichev 5 flight sets, of which 6 engines worked without comment as part of the Angara LV of the light and heavy classes, ”the Energomash statement said.

According to NGO representatives, both the manufacturing technology and the amount of testing in the manufacture of the RD-191 engine fully confirm that the engine complies with the TOR requirements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436796/