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How to recognize fake Agile projects

From the translator: this is the DIB Guide: Detecting Agile BS instruction (version 0.4) , which the US Department of Defense Innovation Committee (DIB) published in open access on October 9, 2018.

Agile is a buzzword in software development, so all software projects of the Ministry of Defense are now almost by default declared "flexible." This document will help program managers and defense specialists distinguish software projects with a truly flexible methodology from projects that simply use “waterfall” or “spiral” (under the mask of Agile).

Principles, Values ​​and Tools

Agile experts and enthusiasts identify key indicators that characterize this culture and approach to agile development. In its work, DIB has developed its own guidelines, roughly reflecting the true values ​​of Agile:
Agile valueDIB principle
Individuals and interactions are more important than processes and tools.“Competence is more important than process”
Working software is more important than complete documentation."Reduce the time from the start of the project to the deployment of the simplest basic functionality"
Cooperation with the client to negotiate a contract"Implementing DevSecOps culture for software systems"
Responding to changes is more important than a plan.“Programs must start small, be iterative and build on success — or they are quickly turned off.”

Key indications that the project is not very flexible:

Some typical tools for agile development (they change as
appearance of the best):

Graphic version:

Questions for developers

Questions for project managers

Questions for customers and users

Questions for guidance

For Agile teams, the answer to all these questions should be yes.

Graphic version:

More detailed information on some of the functions of the Defense Ministry programs is contained in Appendix A ( “Ten Software Requirements” ), Appendix B ( “Software Development Metrics” ) and Appendix C (“Software Errors and Rules” [link will be added later] ).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436866/