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Roskomnadzor initiated administrative cases against Twitter and Facebook

Roskomnadzor opened administrative cases against Twitter and Facebook for non-compliance with the law on the localization of databases of personal data of Russian users. Despite repeated demands of the regulator, US companies refuse to transfer their servers in Russia and place data in local data centers.

On the initiation of administrative affairs today announced the press service of Roskomnadzor.

“The companies that manage Facebook and Twitter social networks provided formal answers to our demands to confirm the localization of the personal data bases of Russian users in Russia. They do not contain specifics about the actual implementation of the legislation at the moment, nor about the timing of the implementation of these standards in the future <...> In this regard, Roskomnadzor is starting administrative proceedings against both companies, ”the press service said.

In fact, the verification of the two largest social media began in December 2018, when Roskomnadzor sent letters to Facebook and Twitter asking if the companies comply with the requirements of the Russian law on the storage of personal data of Russian users in Russia.

“This is the beginning of the test, in fact. We never instrumentally check them, that is, we come and ask the owner of the server capacity if there is an agreement with Twitter. Next is not our work begins. Further, those who are engaged in operational and investigative activities, if they believe that personal data are leaking, are not localized, etc. Therefore, it is, in fact, the beginning of the inspection will be - said then Alexander Zharov. - The law is mandatory for all. In any case, we will either ensure that the law is enforced or the company stops working in the territory of the Russian Federation, as unfortunately happened to LinkedIn. There are no exceptions ... We will ensure that Facebook’s 242nd law is respected. In 2018, everything will be exactly ... We are well aware that Facebook has a significant number of users in the Russian Federation, on the other hand, we understand that this is not a unique service, there are other social networks. ”

Localization of personal data obliges IT companies operating in Russia to store and record personal data of Russian users on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to ensure the implementation of the “Law of Spring” and other requirements of Russian legislation.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436906/