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The transfer of the Internet of things to the Russian equipment has been postponed

One of two Russian manufacturers of base stations LPWAN - the company "Swift"

In November 2018, the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) prepared a draft decision , which requires that only Russian-made LPWAN base stations be used for the Internet of Things and receive permission to use radio frequencies. Such a proposal by GKRCH caused sharp criticism from the Association of Participants of the Internet of Things market (it unites ER-Telecom, MTS, Rostelecom, MTT, etc.). In the telegram channel "Non-Digital Economy" published a letter sent by members of the association to the Ministry of Communications. They challenged this decision on the basis of the fact that Russian manufacturers are not yet able to provide the market with the necessary volume of production, quality and functionality of base stations for the Internet of things.

The State Commission for Radio Frequencies listened to the opinion of experts - and refused the previous requirements. Translation of LPWAN telecom operators to domestic equipment has been postponed, writes Cnews.

The decision was made at a meeting of December 24, 2018. In it, the SCRF made changes to the decision of 2007 on the operation of low-power devices.

Active resistance of operators and other market participants has brought effect. Already at the first December meeting of the State Committee for Human Rights Committee, Deputy Minister of Communications, Oleg Ivanov, acknowledged that there was a “grain of truth” in the criticism. In particular, obtaining permission to use radio frequencies takes from three to six months, which will really increase the time for launching LPWAN networks.

The consideration of the question of the fate of LPWAN was first postponed, and on December 24 it was finally decided:

  1. The launch of LPWAN base stations is possible after free electronic registration.
  2. The requirement to use Russian-made base stations in LPWAN networks has been postponed until December 1, 2020, and it does not apply to base stations that are registered before the specified date.

So far, there are no manufacturers of LPWAN devices in the register of domestic telecommunications equipment, but two companies have groundwork in this area. True, there are no Russian chips with hardware support for LPWAN and it is not expected in the near future, so in any case, you will have to use foreign components.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436932/