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10 software testing trends worth paying attention to in 2019


On the eve of the launch of the course “QA-specialist” , which starts in 10 days, we want to share material that will tell about new approaches in testing and will be useful to everyone who follows new trends and remains in good shape.

With the advent of Agile and DevOps technologies, the software development industry is undergoing major disruptions. This has led to the development of new approaches to testing. Quality assurance professionals must quickly adapt to changes in the software testing industry in order to remain relevant. Here is a list of 10 software testing trends to look out for in 2019:

1. Digital Transformation with Agile

Businesses are undergoing a digital transformation since data has become valuable. The latest addition to this trend is the adoption of a flexible methodology (Agile) for digital transformation. Agile Methodology helps align digital transformation initiatives with business needs.

Agile team defines business objectives, goals and use cases. In a flexible approach, new features are provided gradually with each sprint. Because digital transformation is an ongoing process, a flexible system helps deliver valuable business results more often without long waiting times.

2. Machine learning in testing

Machine learning leads to revolutionary changes in workflows. In testing, machine learning can be used to:

Test set optimization - to identify redundant and unique test cases.

Forecast analytics - to predict the basic parameters of software testing processes based on historical data.

Log analysts - to determine test cases that need to be performed automatically.

Traceability - extract keywords from the requirements tracking matrix (RTM) to provide test coverage.

Defect analysts - identifying high-risk applications for prioritizing regression tests.

3. Increased adoption of DevOps

In DevOps, testing begins at the beginning of the development cycle. This design approach facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery. This allows testers to perform continuous testing and continuous monitoring to confirm that developers have created the right application. The functionality and performance of the application is constantly being tested along with the development.

The testing team integrates test design, test automation and test case development with DevOps to not only verify code changes, but also ensure that these changes do not damage the product.

4. Testing Big Data

Big Data is a large amount of data generated at high speed. When testing big data, testers must ensure that terabytes of data are successfully processed using the product cluster and other supporting components. This type of testing is focused on performance testing and functional testing.

Data quality is also a critical factor when testing big data. Data quality is checked prior to testing. It is tested on the basis of various characteristics, such as conformity, accuracy, consistency, reliability, duplication, data completeness, etc.

5. IoT testing

There are more connected devices than ever before, as the Internet of Things (IoT) technology is gaining momentum. IoT testing is conducted to test devices based on IoT technology. Different types of testing for IoT systems:

Usability Testing — To Test IoT System Usability
Compatibility Testing - Verify Device Compatibility in an IoT System
Reliability and scalability testing - sensor simulation using virtualization tools
Data Integrity Testing - To Verify Data Integrity
Security testing - to verify the user authentication process and control data privacy
Performance Testing — To test the performance of connected devices on an IoT network

6. Performance

Performance engineering will replace performance testing in 2019. Instead of running performance test scripts, the focus will be on analyzing how all the elements of the system work together. The various elements of the system include performance, security, usability, hardware, software, configuration, business value and customer value. Performance engineering is the collaboration and iteration of the most valuable products, as well as the rapid delivery of these products to ensure high quality products. Performance engineering will help surpass user queries in 2019.

7. Test Automation

Testing automation helps the testing team focus their time and effort on creating test cases , rather than managing test needs. Test automation helps track and manage all testing needs, types of testing required, and test coverage. Test automation helps ensure the delivery of high-quality software.

Specialized tools are used to monitor the performance of tests to compare actual results with expected ones. Mostly regression tests that require repetitive actions are automated. Automation tools are used for both functional and non-functional testing.

8. Combination of manual and automated testing.

More and more quality assurance professionals are using a combination of manual and automated testing approaches to take advantage of both as well as overcome their disadvantages. Manual testing still dominates the testing industry. Although automated testing ensures the effectiveness of the testing process, there are still certain areas, such as usability and design, that require manual effort.

9. Reduced delivery cycle

Rapid changes in technology, platforms and devices make software development teams faster and more often deliver off-the-shelf products. Testing should be integrated with the development to facilitate delivery. Software development organizations are ready to invest more in improving their development and delivery processes using the right set of tools. The need for test management tools will increase to meet shorter delivery cycles.

10. Integration

With shorter delivery cycles, there is a great need to integrate various elements of product development. To simplify intelligent testing and analytics, data is collected from disparate sources, such as requirements management systems, change management systems, task management systems, and test environments. This implies the need for integrated tools that help with requirements management, task management, error tracking and test management. The integrated tool acts as a data repository for various modules that can be used and shared.


To keep abreast of events, quality control professionals need to be aware of the latest testing trends. The only way to be immune to disruptions in the software industry is to prepare for the future. The above software trends will help testers invest their time and effort in acquiring the right skills and tools for 2019.

As always, we are waiting for your comments and invite you to an open webinar , which will be conducted by a certified tester Nina Devayeva .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436942/