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Digital events in Moscow from January 21 to 27

A selection of key events for the week

"Brain" - intellectual bar-Olympiad

There are also games for beginners, with simple questions and without experienced rivals. The most is to try.

How is the game:

Michael Kuchment at BellClub

Irina Khakamada. Restart Reboot!

Product MeetUP # 4

Order in life: from the closet to the head

Fashion magazines

Sergey Popov: The newest discoveries in space that change our lives

It's a fiasco, bro!

REAL Pitch: practical tips on getting investments for startups

SimCity for Jane: How does cyber urbanism work?

Hackathon PhotoHack from Photo Lab

Intensive on the basics of critical thinking

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436954/