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Do YML programmers dream about ansible testing?

kitchen-ci schema

This is the text version of the speech 2018-04-25 on the Saint-Petersburg Linux User Group . Example code here: https://github.com/ultral/ansible-role-testing

I assume that you are using configuration mangement, not bash . Those. Your configuration is code. If we say that infrastructure is code, then the same philosophy should be applied to its creation as for software development. Have you thought about it? How is this done? And the others?


In the described case, there were many introductory:

Before we make our own, let's compare existing solutions.

ProjectTest kitchenMoleculeIts
Languagerubypythonbash / ruby
LicenseApache 2.0MITAny

Githubphilpep / testinframizzy / serverspecchef / inspecaelsabbahy / goss
LicenseApache 2.0MITApache 2.0Apache 2.0

We decided not to reinvent the wheel and take a turnkey solution. Our infrastructure team knows how to ruby ​​so Test Kitchen & inspec was chosen


kitchen-ci schema

The idea is ugly simple. Create a new virtual machine, apply the role, run smoke-test.

Green build policy

Green build policy schema

But we decided to go further. Use ala github flow, i.e. roles in separate branches and after a review in the master. If the tests are ok, then roll the role on the infrastructure.

Nested Virtualization

As you remember, we had restrictions on the creation of virtual machines, so we had to make an unattractive solution in the form of nested virtualization.

we need to go deeper

Initially tried Virtualbox x32 not to include support of nested. This turned out to be not so much an idea because of the stable kernel panic. The second important factor is that we are sitting on x86_64, so the research continued (hello libvirt), but stopped at virtualbox as more common on supported OS.


During the launch it was all good there were a number of difficulties

Proxy settings proxy from host to guest

In some test scripts, proxy settings were used, while on the host with the testkitchen, a transparent proxy was used and the ansible bonus did not accept extra variables with empty values.

Solution: trite - create an ERB template.

<%= ENV['http_proxy'].to_s.empty? ? 'http://proxy.example.com:3128' : ENV['http_proxy'] %> 

Manage network settings via ansible

In some roles, the network was configured; in the tests, it looked like this:

Solution: Add an interface to the virtual machine

If the test set contains "_" everything falls

Virtualbox cannot use "_" in the name of the virtual machine. And the virtual machine used the name of the script.

Solution: rename test sets "vm_" => "vm-"

Test scripts with installing Oracle without "." at the end of the virtual machine name fall

The role used in the conditional sale, when they decided to cover it with tests. When you roll it over to a prepared vm - the role is fulfilled, it falls through the testkitchen.

Small hint

 [root@vm-oracle vagrant]# getent ahosts vm-oracle STREAM vm-oracle DGRAM RAW [root@vm-oracle vagrant]# getent ahosts vm-oracle. fe80::a00:27ff:febd:bd6a STREAM vm-oracle fe80::a00:27ff:febd:bd6a DGRAM fe80::a00:27ff:febd:bd6a RAW STREAM DGRAM RAW [root@oracle vagrant]# getent ahosts oracle.example.com. STREAM oracle.example.local DGRAM RAW 

Any idea what's going on?

It was a funny script:

  1. We have enabled IPv4 binding only in the oracle listener settings.
  2. oracle uses FQDN.
  3. linux contains a special database "myhostname" for resolving domain names, it was used after / etc / hosts & dns servers.
  4. Vagrant creates a VM & updates /etc/hosts .

I'll explain a little:
What happens in the case of vm-oracle ?

  1. vagrant creates a virtual machine.
  2. vagrant updates /etc/hosts ( vm-oracle x2)
  3. oracle listener listens on ipv4.
  4. oracle listeners resolves the domain name vm-oracle. & gets IPv6.

What happens in the case of vm-oracle. ?

  1. vagrant creates a virtual machine.
  2. vagrant updates / etc / hosts ( vm-oracle & vm-oracle. ).
  3. oracle listener listens on ipv4.
  4. oracle listeners resolves the domain name vm-oracle. & gets IPv4
  5. Ok

OOM comes to visit us

OOM randomly killed virtual machines. In this case, Testkitchen in its logs gave all sorts of strange messages.

Solution: Increase the amount of memory.

Slow builds

This whole scheme worked slowly, for tens of minutes, sometimes for more than an hour.



If we say that infrastructure is code, then the same philosophy should be applied to its creation as for software development. On the one hand, the working solution turned out, but there are some unpleasant moments:

At the output, a molecule with docker looks interesting and more native. We are thinking about it.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437004/