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Roskomnadzor renewed attempts to block Telegram

Source: monitoring of the registry of prohibited sites "Escher II"

After a pause, Roskomnadzor again began to add telegram-proxy IP addresses to the registry of prohibited sites. The Telegram Info channel reports that the blocking began on the eve of the new year , the next wave occurred on January 17 , and on January 21, about a thousand IP addresses were blocked, including many proxies.

So far, all efforts of Roskomnadzor are in vain, and Telegram continues to work normally for most users.

At different providers and in different regions, the blocking may be different, in most cases this applies to large operators.

Again, there were cases when some large providers blocked IP-addresses that are not yet in the unloading of Roskomnadzor. This happens, for example, when using socks5-proxy without a password to connect to Telegram from the MT_FREE network of the Moscow metro ( MaksimaTelekom provider). Half an hour after that, a scanner arrives at the address of the socks5 server from address from the MegaFon client network. The scanner checks the availability of the socks5 proxy, tries to establish a socks5 connection to the server from the Telegram subnet and exchange data. After an hour and a half after the scanner arrived, some providers begin to block access to the scanned server: these are MGTS, MTS, Megafon, Yota, Beeline, etc. After another hour and a half, the IP address appears in the “upload” and “delta”.

Experts cannot say with confidence that this is a standard blocking by IP addresses, or an example of the work of DPI, a new traffic control system that Roskomnadzor is implementing. Perhaps Roskomnadzor is again testing DPI when introducing a new traffic filtering system, along with its contractors .

Telegram blocking began in April 2018. In the first week, more than 15.8 million addresses were added to the registry, which led to the temporary shutdown of dozens of legal sites and services. Roskomnadzor is currently blocking about 3.7 million IP addresses. About 75% of them are Amazon AWS addresses (slightly less than 3 million, or 10% of the entire Amazon AWS address space), 13% of blocked IP addresses are DigitalOcean cloud hosting addresses, 3.5% belong to Microsoft.

Last year, because of the Telegram blocking, protest actions with paper airplanes took place in Russia.

UPD 01.22.2019 11:50 Roskomnadzor has just suddenly unlocked 2.7 million Amazon AWS addresses that have been blocked since April 2018 (208 days). “The specialists of Roskomnadzor have established that these subnets are not used for a long time to ensure the functioning of the Telegram messenger,” the official commentary says.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437024/