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Automation of infrastructure of one smart office: how it looks

We here did the subsystems of the SIBUR company office. The sensations were like on a spacecraft, because offices of this class in Russia are literally just a few. Most importantly, they implemented several very interesting things, which, it seems, in a few years will become standards for office automation. Well, in general, it was interesting to work on this project.

Let's show rather than tell. For example, a weather station on the roof of a building:

It measures the outside temperature, light, precipitation and wind speed. All this goes down into the logic of climate control. The control controller takes data on the room temperature, the presence of people in it and the office schedule, and from this determines how to expend energy to maintain the desired mode. Proactively, that is, as soon as it began to get a little cold outside, it starts to warm a little more.

On holidays and at night, energy consumption is minimized. The system responds to the presence of people and behaves accordingly.

The same weather station has GPS sensors for the building clock system. But I'd better start with dispatching and managing building subsystems, because this is the most interesting.

Chillers on the roof:

Manual remote control (rarely used as a reserve):

The power of automation is that all building systems work in a single logic. Change data, related scenarios. We built everything on a single KNX bus (this is an analogue of a car's CAN bus, only huge for buildings). Each building node is accessible on the bus, passes its parameters to it and can receive commands. Blown bulb can be seen as an event in the tire. And so on.

For example, inside office areas there is ventilation, cold supply, electricity, lighting, floor convectors, and so on - this is room automation. The lighting of the office room is controlled via the bus, the curtains are controlled via the bus and so on. There are light sensors inside.

It looks like this:
- The climate control system takes the schedule and prepares the building for the arrival of people after the night. For example, at night the air is not dried and not moistened.

- In the morning people come to the office. When they enter the cabinets, the cabinets subsystems are turned on, in particular, the lighting. If there is no bright sun outside, the curtains are opened, and the electric light dims accordingly, so that the sensors have an established working rate of light. In summer it is the opposite: when the system sees that the sun is on the side where the cabinet window is, it is blocked by an automatic curtain.

- In addition to the overall temperature, many rooms have their own control panels. For example, they decided to make it warmer or colder in some office or meeting room. Then the climate control system selects the script automatically. It is impossible to simultaneously heat and cool, for example. The system itself chooses what to run and with what intensity, by what means. There are convectors in the floor and fan coil units in the ceiling. The fan coil has heating and cooling. For example, they added temperature - the system itself looks what to do: only fan coils at low speed or only radiators, for example. It is necessary to heat strongly - maximum speed and all valves.

- Lighting can also be controlled manually. For example, a person enters the manager’s office - by default, one group of lamps turns on by 30 percent, the lamp above the table - by 100 percent, the main light - by 60 percent. This is a “working day” scenario. Then you can adjust everything manually or select another scenario.

The sensors in the building are very good everywhere: the delays are normal, the sensitivity is high. There is no problem that the light suddenly goes out in the corridors or toilets. In general, human breathing and micromovements are sufficient for them to determine presence.

DALI light bulbs report replacement. Implemented a functional indication of the fault at the dispatcher. A technician sees a malfunction in the group of fixtures, goes to look.

Dispatcher sees all systems, all current parameters, alarm messages. For each parameter, the historical graph can be displayed, for example, by temperature in the last 24 hours. All 12 thousand signals are archived, about 2-3 thousand of them are logged. Data is stored depending on the criticality from a week to two months. Everything can be displayed on a schedule to clarify emergencies, see what, when, who is in charge. Without the dispatcher’s comment on the incident (what measures have been taken), the emergency event cannot be removed. The dispatcher's screen is duplicated by the head of the maintenance department

The system is very well protected from external influences. A standard set of protection, plus its very own very tough security policies on the network. There is no technical network: in fact, for the customer, it is important that nowhere in the building it was impossible to stick in just like that.

A lot of work on the SCS. In general, there is a standard story there, but two important things should be noted: there are hatches in the floor cabinets, there are consolidation points and reserve ports in them. That is, we laid down the SCS "for growth" and took into account that it would be good to add the opportunity for a quick re-switching, if necessary. The cross field is generally gorgeous, everywhere there was an opportunity to use short patch cords. Like this:

Multimedia (and some more automation)

Let's start with the offices of heads of departments and top management, which were 24.
The management is always in touch with remote divisions, therefore in all offices there is a video conference call (camera, digital screens, ceiling microphone, etc.). By the way, this microphone in the photo:

As for the display panels, they are mounted on the ceiling or wall mounts or embedded in niches in the wall. There is a separate PC to watch the presentation on the big screen or to give content to the video conference. It is located behind the LCD display panel and a USB cable is connected to it.

On the floor of the top management, everything is about the same, only the screens in the offices are larger. By the way, the 3D mounts on these 98-inch wall-mounted TVs move in different directions so that they are on par with furniture and a closet. Individual performance.

Here is one of the cabinets:

By the way, if top management or managers have questions about multimedia, then the operator can remotely log in as an administrator and do what is needed from his computer (the customer had requirements for remote maintenance of cabinets). Office equipment is duplicated and the secretary, too.

Multimedia equipment is located in the offices, the central equipment is rendered into a single server (codecs, controllers, switching). All lines are physical wired: acoustics, twisted pair, all microphone cables. Wi-Fi is not allowed. Nothing should be wireless according to IB requirements.

Each room (cabinets, conversations) is equipped with a single system for managing multimedia equipment - the touch-panel located on the wall allows you to centrally configure its modes of operation.

Here is one of the talks:

This negotiation glass is covered with a polarizing film. Transparency is controlled by the presence of people inside or manually from the chat panel. When the transformer is energized - the film is dull. In order not to keep energized after 11 pm, the negotiation becomes transparent by default. This is how the lighting controls:

But the column on the 9th floor in the elevator hall (where top management works) is a stela on 4k. It does not show that this is a TV, all behind the thick glass. Very nice work. On this very TV-screen, SIBUR corporate news is broadcast in real-time mode (addressing top management, important events, training schedule, etc.).

A separate pain - like screens shoved into the interior. Many cabinets and walls are made in stemolite (glass is one that can only be formed at the factory, frosted or patterned). To install the equipment (under the control panel or TV), it was necessary for the plant to provide drawings. This high-strength glass, which is made to order. It is important to get to within two millimeters. Glaziers did not always fall.

From the complex - the building is existing, the area is limited. For cable routes, pipes, there was little space in the space behind the ceiling, it was necessary to make plans up to a millimeter, which sometimes gave rise to rather strange interchanges. In total, 15.5 km of cable was laid. For some days, the contractor could not break the monolithic slab with reinforcement for ventilation machines for all the days of the New Year, sawed with special incisors with cubes.

And, yes, and all this we did without stopping the office, just on the floors.

Here is my mail, if you have questions - write:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437030/