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Translation of the Stream API manual by Benjamin Winterberg

Hi, Habr! I present to your attention the translation of the article " Java 8 Stream Tutorial ".

This tutorial, based on code examples, provides a comprehensive overview of streams in Java 8. When I first met the Stream API, I was puzzled by the name, since it is very consonant with the InputStream and OutputStream from the java.io package; However, threads in Java 8 are completely different. Threads are monads that play an important role in the development of functional programming in Java.
In functional programming, a monad is a structure that represents a calculation in a chain of successive steps. The type and structure of a monad determine the chain of operations; in our case, a sequence of methods with built-in functions of a given type.
This tutorial will teach you how to work with streams and show you how to handle the various methods available in the Stream API. We will analyze the order of operations and trace how the sequence of methods in the chain affects performance. Let's flatMap acquainted with the powerful methods of the Stream API, such as reduce , collect and flatMap . At the end of the manual we will pay attention to parallel work with threads.

If you do not feel free to work with lambda expressions, functional interfaces and reference methods, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with my guide to innovations in Java 8 ( translation to Habré), and then return to learning threads.

How threads work

The stream represents a sequence of elements and provides various methods for performing calculations on these elements:

 List<String> myList = Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "b1", "c2", "c1"); myList .stream() .filter(s -> s.startsWith("c")) .map(String::toUpperCase) .sorted() .forEach(System.out::println); // C1 // C2 

Thread methods are intermediate (intermediate) and terminal (terminal). Intermediate methods return a thread, which allows you to consistently call many such methods. Terminal methods either do not return a value (void) or return a result of a type other than a stream. In the above example, the filter , map and sorted are intermediate, and forEach is terminal. For a complete list of available stream methods, refer to the documentation . Such a chain of streaming operations is also known as an operation pipeline.

Most of the methods from the Stream API take as parameters lambda expressions, a functional interface, describing the specific behavior of the method. Most of them must simultaneously be non-interfering and stateless. What does this mean?

The method is non-interfering if it does not change the source data underlying the stream. For example, in the example above, no lambda expressions make changes to the list array myList.

The method is a stateless (non-memorized) state if the order of the operation is determined. For example, none of the lambda expressions in the example are dependent on variable variables or external space states that could change at run time.

Different types of threads

Streams can be created from various source data, mainly from collections. Lists and Sets support new stream() and parllelStream() methods for creating sequential and parallel streams. Parallel threads are able to work in multi-thread mode (on multiple threads) and will be discussed at the end of the tutorial. For now, consider sequential streams:

 Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "a3") .stream() .findFirst() .ifPresent(System.out::println); // a1 

Here the call to the stream() method for the list returns a normal stream object.
However, to work with a stream, it is not necessary to create a collection:

 Stream.of("a1", "a2", "a3") .findFirst() .ifPresent(System.out::println); // a1 

Just use Stream.of() to create a stream from multiple object references.

In addition to the usual object streams, Java 8 has special types of threads for working with primitive types: int, long, double. As you might guess, this is IntStream , LongStream , DoubleStream .

IntStream streams can replace regular for (;;) IntStream.range() using IntStream.range() :

 IntStream.range(1, 4) .forEach(System.out::println); // 1 // 2 // 3 

All of these streams for working with primitive types work in the same way as regular object streams except for the following:

Sometimes it is useful to turn a stream of objects into a stream of primitives or vice versa. For this purpose, object streams support special methods: mapToInt() , mapToLong() , mapToDouble() :

 Stream.of("a1", "a2", "a3") .map(s -> s.substring(1)) .mapToInt(Integer::parseInt) .max() .ifPresent(System.out::println); // 3 

Primitive streams can be converted to object streams by calling mapToObj() :

 IntStream.range(1, 4) .mapToObj(i -> "a" + i) .forEach(System.out::println); // a1 // a2 // a3 

In the following example, a stream of floating point numbers is mapped to a stream of integer numbers and then mapped to a stream of objects:

 Stream.of(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) .mapToInt(Double::intValue) .mapToObj(i -> "a" + i) .forEach(System.out::println); // a1 // a2 // a3 

Execution order

Now that we have learned how to create different streams and how to work with them, we dive deeper and consider how streaming operations look under the hood.

An important characteristic of intermediate methods is their laziness . In this example, there is no terminal method:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .filter(s -> { System.out.println("filter: " + s); return true; }); 

When this code fragment is executed, nothing will be output to the console. And all because intermediate methods are performed only if there is a terminal method. Let's extend the example by adding a terminal forEach method:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .filter(s -> { System.out.println("filter: " + s); return true; }) .forEach(s -> System.out.println("forEach: " + s)); 

Executing this code snippet results in the following output to the console:

 filter: d2 forEach: d2 filter: a2 forEach: a2 filter: b1 forEach: b1 filter: b3 forEach: b3 filter: c forEach: c 

The order in which the results are located may surprise. It can be naive to expect that the methods will be executed “horizontally”: one after another for all elements of the stream. However, instead, the element moves “vertically” along the chain. First, the first line “d2” passes through the filter method and then through forEach and only then, after the first element passes through the entire chain of methods, the next element begins to be processed.

Given this behavior, you can reduce the actual number of operations:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .map(s -> { System.out.println("map: " + s); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .anyMatch(s -> { System.out.println("anyMatch: " + s); return s.startsWith("A"); }); // map: d2 // anyMatch: D2 // map: a2 // anyMatch: A2 

The anyMatch method returns true as soon as the predicate is applied to the input element. In this case, this is the second element of the sequence - “A2”. Accordingly, thanks to the “vertical” execution of the thread chain, the map will only be called twice. Thus, instead of displaying all the elements of the stream, the map will be called the minimum possible number of times.

Why sequence matters

The following example consists of two intermediate methods map and filter and terminal method forEach . Consider how these methods are performed:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .map(s -> { System.out.println("map: " + s); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .filter(s -> { System.out.println("filter: " + s); return s.startsWith("A"); }) .forEach(s -> System.out.println("forEach: " + s)); // map: d2 // filter: D2 // map: a2 // filter: A2 // forEach: A2 // map: b1 // filter: B1 // map: b3 // filter: B3 // map: c // filter: C 

It is not hard to guess that both the map and filter methods are called 5 times during the execution time — once for each element of the original collection, while forEach is called only once — for the element that passed the filter.

You can significantly reduce the number of operations if you change the order of method calls by placing the filter in the first place:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .filter(s -> { System.out.println("filter: " + s); return s.startsWith("a"); }) .map(s -> { System.out.println("map: " + s); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .forEach(s -> System.out.println("forEach: " + s)); // filter: d2 // filter: a2 // map: a2 // forEach: A2 // filter: b1 // filter: b3 // filter: c 

Now the map is called only once. With a large number of incoming elements we will observe a tangible increase in performance. Keep this in mind when composing complex chains of methods.

Expand the example above by adding an additional sorting operation — the sorted method:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .sorted((s1, s2) -> { System.out.printf("sort: %s; %s\n", s1, s2); return s1.compareTo(s2); }) .filter(s -> { System.out.println("filter: " + s); return s.startsWith("a"); }) .map(s -> { System.out.println("map: " + s); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .forEach(s -> System.out.println("forEach: " + s)); 

Sorting is a special kind of intermediate operations. This is the so-called stateful operation, since to sort the collection, it is necessary to take into account its states throughout the operation.

As a result of the execution of this code, we get the following output to the console:

 sort: a2; d2 sort: b1; a2 sort: b1; d2 sort: b1; a2 sort: b3; b1 sort: b3; d2 sort: c; b3 sort: c; d2 filter: a2 map: a2 forEach: A2 filter: b1 filter: b3 filter: c filter: d2 

First, the entire collection is sorted. In other words, the sorted method runs horizontally. In this case, sorted is called 8 times for several combinations of the elements of the incoming collection.

Once again, we optimize the execution of this code by changing the order of method calls in the chain:

 Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .filter(s -> { System.out.println("filter: " + s); return s.startsWith("a"); }) .sorted((s1, s2) -> { System.out.printf("sort: %s; %s\n", s1, s2); return s1.compareTo(s2); }) .map(s -> { System.out.println("map: " + s); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .forEach(s -> System.out.println("forEach: " + s)); // filter: d2 // filter: a2 // filter: b1 // filter: b3 // filter: c // map: a2 // forEach: A2 

In this example, sorted is not called at all. filter reduces the input collection to one element. In the case of large input data, performance will benefit significantly.

Reuse streams

In Java 8, threads cannot be reused. After calling any terminal method, the thread ends:

 Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .filter(s -> s.startsWith("a")); stream.anyMatch(s -> true); // ok stream.noneMatch(s -> true); // exception 

Calling noneMatch after anyMatch in one thread results in the following exception:

 java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(AbstractPipeline.java:229) at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.noneMatch(ReferencePipeline.java:459) at com.winterbe.java8.Streams5.test7(Streams5.java:38) at com.winterbe.java8.Streams5.main(Streams5.java:28) 

To overcome this limitation, create a new thread for each terminal method.

For example, you can create a supplier for the constructor of a new flow in which all intermediate methods will be installed:

 Supplier<Stream<String>> streamSupplier = () -> Stream.of("d2", "a2", "b1", "b3", "c") .filter(s -> s.startsWith("a")); streamSupplier.get().anyMatch(s -> true); // ok streamSupplier.get().noneMatch(s -> true); // ok 

Each get method call creates a new thread in which you can safely call the desired terminal method.

Advanced methods

Streams support a large number of different methods. We have already become familiar with the most important methods. To get acquainted with the rest, refer to the documentation . Now flatMap deeper into more complex methods: collect , flatMap and reduce .

Most of the code examples in this section refer to the following code snippet to demonstrate the work:

 class Person { String name; int age; Person(String name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } List<Person> persons = Arrays.asList( new Person("Max", 18), new Person("Peter", 23), new Person("Pamela", 23), new Person("David", 12)); 


Collect very useful terminal method that serves to convert stream elements into a result of another type, for example, List, Set or Map.

Collect accepts Collector , which contains four different methods: supplier (supplier). battery (accumulator), combiner, finisher (finisher). At first glance, this looks very difficult, but Java 8 supports various built-in collectors through the Collectors class, where the most used methods are implemented.

Popular case:

 List<Person> filtered = persons .stream() .filter(p -> p.name.startsWith("P")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(filtered); // [Peter, Pamela] 

As you can see, creating a list of stream items is easy. Need not a list but a lot? Use Collectors.toSet() .

In the following example, people are grouped by age:

 Map<Integer, List<Person>> personsByAge = persons .stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> p.age)); personsByAge .forEach((age, p) -> System.out.format("age %s: %s\n", age, p)); // age 18: [Max] // age 23: [Peter, Pamela] // age 12: [David] 

The collectors are incredibly diverse. You can also aggregate the elements of a collection, for example, determine the average age:

 Double averageAge = persons .stream() .collect(Collectors.averagingInt(p -> p.age)); System.out.println(averageAge); // 19.0 

For more comprehensive statistics, we use the summarizing collector, which returns a special object with information: minimum, maximum and average values, the sum of values ​​and the number of elements:

 IntSummaryStatistics ageSummary = persons .stream() .collect(Collectors.summarizingInt(p -> p.age)); System.out.println(ageSummary); // IntSummaryStatistics{count=4, sum=76, min=12, average=19.000000, max=23} 

The following example merges all names into a single line:

 String phrase = persons .stream() .filter(p -> p.age >= 18) .map(p -> p.name) .collect(Collectors.joining(" and ", "In Germany ", " are of legal age.")); System.out.println(phrase); // In Germany Max and Peter and Pamela are of legal age. 

The connecting collector accepts a separator as well as an optional prefix and suffix.

To convert stream elements to a display, you must determine how keys and values ​​should be displayed. Remember that the keys in the display must be unique. Otherwise, we get an IllegalStateException . You can optionally add a merge function to bypass the exception:

 Map<Integer, String> map = persons .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( p -> p.age, p -> p.name, (name1, name2) -> name1 + ";" + name2)); System.out.println(map); // {18=Max, 23=Peter;Pamela, 12=David} 

So, we’ve seen some of the most powerful inline collectors. Let's try to build your own. We want to convert all the elements of the stream into a single string, which consists of uppercase names, separated by a vertical bar |. To do this, create a new collector using Collector.of() . We need four components of our collector: supplier, battery, connector, finisher.

 Collector<Person, StringJoiner, String> personNameCollector = Collector.of( () -> new StringJoiner(" | "), // supplier (j, p) -> j.add(p.name.toUpperCase()), // accumulator (j1, j2) -> j1.merge(j2), // combiner StringJoiner::toString); // finisher String names = persons .stream() .collect(personNameCollector); System.out.println(names); // MAX | PETER | PAMELA | DAVID 

Since strings in Java are immutable, we need a helper class of type StringJoiner that allows the collector to build a string for us. In the first stage, the provider constructs a StringJoiner with an assigned delimiter. The battery is used to add each name to the StringJoiner .

The connector knows how to connect two StringJoiner to one. And at the end of the finisher constructs the desired string from StringJoiner s.


So, we learned how to turn stream objects into other types of objects using the map method. Map is a kind of limited method, since each object can be mapped to just one other object. But what if you want to map one object to many others, or not to display it at all? This is where the flatMap method flatMap . FlatMap turns each stream object into a stream of other objects. The contents of these streams are then packed into the return stream of the flatMap method.

In order to look at flatMap in action, we build a suitable type hierarchy for an example:

 class Foo { String name; List<Bar> bars = new ArrayList<>(); Foo(String name) { this.name = name; } } class Bar { String name; Bar(String name) { this.name = name; } } 

Create several objects:

 List<Foo> foos = new ArrayList<>(); // create foos IntStream .range(1, 4) .forEach(i -> foos.add(new Foo("Foo" + i))); // create bars foos.forEach(f -> IntStream .range(1, 4) .forEach(i -> f.bars.add(new Bar("Bar" + i + " <- " + f.name)))); 

Now we have a list of three foo , each of which contains three bar .

FlatMap accepts a function that should return a stream of objects. Thus, to access the bar objects of each foo , we just need to select the appropriate function:

 foos.stream() .flatMap(f -> f.bars.stream()) .forEach(b -> System.out.println(b.name)); // Bar1 <- Foo1 // Bar2 <- Foo1 // Bar3 <- Foo1 // Bar1 <- Foo2 // Bar2 <- Foo2 // Bar3 <- Foo2 // Bar1 <- Foo3 // Bar2 <- Foo3 // Bar3 <- Foo3 

So, we have successfully turned the stream from three foo objects into a stream from 9 bar objects.

Finally, all of the above code can be reduced to a simple pipeline of operations:

 IntStream.range(1, 4) .mapToObj(i -> new Foo("Foo" + i)) .peek(f -> IntStream.range(1, 4) .mapToObj(i -> new Bar("Bar" + i + " <- " f.name)) .forEach(f.bars::add)) .flatMap(f -> f.bars.stream()) .forEach(b -> System.out.println(b.name)); 

FlatMap also available in the Optional class, introduced in Java 8. The FlatMap from the Optional class returns an optional object of another class. This can be used to avoid cluttering up null checks.

Imagine a hierarchical structure like this:

 class Outer { Nested nested; } class Nested { Inner inner; } class Inner { String foo; } 

To get the nested string foo from an external object, you must add multiple null checks to avoid a NullPointException :

 Outer outer = new Outer(); if (outer != null && outer.nested != null && outer.nested.inner != null) { System.out.println(outer.nested.inner.foo); } 

The same can be achieved using the FlatMap class of the Optional class:

 Optional.of(new Outer()) .flatMap(o -> Optional.ofNullable(o.nested)) .flatMap(n -> Optional.ofNullable(n.inner)) .flatMap(i -> Optional.ofNullable(i.foo)) .ifPresent(System.out::println); 

Each flatMap call returns an Optional wrapper for the desired object, if present, or for null if there is no object.


The simplify operation combines all the elements of a stream into one result. Java 8 supports three different types of the reduce method.

The first reduces the flow of elements to a single stream element. We use this method to determine the element with the highest age:

 persons .stream() .reduce((p1, p2) -> p1.age > p2.age ? p1 : p2) .ifPresent(System.out::println); // Pamela 

The reduce method takes an accumulating function with a binary operator (BinaryOperator). Here reduce is a bi-function (BiFunction), where both arguments belong to the same type. In our case, to type Person . The bi-function is practically the same as the функция (Function), however, it takes 2 arguments. In our example, the function compares the age of two people and returns the item with a greater age.

The following form of the reduce method takes both the initial value and the accumulator with the binary operator. This method can be used to create a new item. We have a Person with a name and age, consisting of the addition of all the names and the sum of past years:

 Person result = persons .stream() .reduce(new Person("", 0), (p1, p2) -> { p1.age += p2.age; p1.name += p2.name; return p1; }); System.out.format("name=%s; age=%s", result.name, result.age); // name=MaxPeterPamelaDavid; age=76 

The third reduce method takes three parameters: the initial value, the accumulator with the bi-function, and the unifying function of the type of the binary operator. Since the initial value of the type is not limited to the type of Person, a reduction can be used to determine the sum of the living years of each person:

 Integer ageSum = persons .stream() .reduce(0, (sum, p) -> sum += p.age, (sum1, sum2) -> sum1 + sum2); System.out.println(ageSum); // 76 

As you can see, we got the result of 76, but what really happens under the hood?

Expand the above code snippet with the debug text output:

 Integer ageSum = persons .stream() .reduce(0, (sum, p) -> { System.out.format("accumulator: sum=%s; person=%s\n", sum, p); return sum += p.age; }, (sum1, sum2) -> { System.out.format("combiner: sum1=%s; sum2=%s\n", sum1, sum2); return sum1 + sum2; }); // accumulator: sum=0; person=Max // accumulator: sum=18; person=Peter // accumulator: sum=41; person=Pamela // accumulator: sum=64; person=David 

As you can see, all the work is performed by the accumulating function. It is first called with the initial value of 0 and the first person is Max. In the next three steps, the sum constantly increases by the person’s age from the last step until it reaches the total age of 76.

So, what is next? Is the combiner never called? Consider parallel execution of this thread:

 Integer ageSum = persons .parallelStream() .reduce(0, (sum, p) -> { System.out.format("accumulator: sum=%s; person=%s\n", sum, p); return sum += p.age; }, (sum1, sum2) -> { System.out.format("combiner: sum1=%s; sum2=%s\n", sum1, sum2); return sum1 + sum2; }); // accumulator: sum=0; person=Pamela // accumulator: sum=0; person=David // accumulator: sum=0; person=Max // accumulator: sum=0; person=Peter // combiner: sum1=18; sum2=23 // combiner: sum1=23; sum2=12 // combiner: sum1=41; sum2=35 

With parallel execution, we get a completely different console output. Now the unifier is actually called.Since the battery was called in parallel, the combiner had to sum the values ​​stored separately.

In the next chapter we will examine in more detail the parallel execution of threads.

Parallel streams

Streams can run in parallel to improve performance when working with large numbers of incoming items. Parallel threads use the usual ForkJoinPoolaccessible via static method call ForkJoinPool.commonPool(). The size of the main thread pool can reach 5 threads of execution - the exact number depends on the number of available physical processor cores.

 ForkJoinPool commonPool = ForkJoinPool.commonPool(); System.out.println(commonPool.getParallelism()); // 3 

On my computer, the default thread pool is initialized with paralleling to 3 threads by default. This value can be increased or decreased by setting the following JVM parameter:


Collections support a method parallelStream()for creating parallel data streams. You can also call an intermediate method parallel()to turn a serial stream into a parallel stream.

To understand the behavior of a thread in parallel execution, the following example prints information about each current thread (thread) into System.out:

 Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "b1", "c2", "c1") .parallelStream() .filter(s -> { System.out.format("filter: %s [%s]\n", s, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return true; }) .map(s -> { System.out.format("map: %s [%s]\n", s, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .forEach(s -> System.out.format("forEach: %s [%s]\n", s, Thread.currentThread().getName())); 

Consider the conclusions with debug entries to better understand which thread is used to perform specific stream methods:

 filter: b1 [main] filter: a2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] map: a2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] filter: c2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] map: c2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] filter: c1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] map: c1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] forEach: C2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] forEach: A2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] map: b1 [main] forEach: B1 [main] filter: a1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] map: a1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] forEach: A1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] forEach: C1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] 

As you can see, in parallel execution of a data stream, all available threads of the current are used ForkJoinPool. The output sequence may differ, since the execution sequence of each specific thread is not defined (thread).

Let's extend the example by adding a method sort:

 Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "b1", "c2", "c1") .parallelStream() .filter(s -> { System.out.format("filter: %s [%s]\n", s, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return true; }) .map(s -> { System.out.format("map: %s [%s]\n", s, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return s.toUpperCase(); }) .sorted((s1, s2) -> { System.out.format("sort: %s <> %s [%s]\n", s1, s2, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return s1.compareTo(s2); }) .forEach(s -> System.out.format("forEach: %s [%s]\n", s, Thread.currentThread().getName())); 

At first glance, the result may seem strange:

 filter: c2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] filter: c1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] map: c1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] filter: a2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] map: a2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] filter: b1 [main] map: b1 [main] filter: a1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] map: a1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] map: c2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] sort: A2 <> A1 [main] sort: B1 <> A2 [main] sort: C2 <> B1 [main] sort: C1 <> C2 [main] sort: C1 <> B1 [main] sort: C1 <> C2 [main] forEach: A1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] forEach: C2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] forEach: B1 [main] forEach: A2 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] forEach: C1 [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] 

It seems to be sortexecuted sequentially and only in the main stream . In fact, when running a stream in parallel under the hood of a method sortfrom the Stream API Arrays, a class sorting method added in Java 8 is hidden Arrays.parallelSort(). As stated in the documentation, this method, based on the length of the incoming collection, determines how exactly - the sorting will be performed in parallel or sequentially:
If the length of a particular array is less than the minimum “grain”, sorting is performed by executing the Arrays.sort method.
Let's return to the example with the method reducefrom the previous chapter. We have already found out that the unifying function is called only when working in parallel with the thread. Consider which threads are involved:

 List<Person> persons = Arrays.asList( new Person("Max", 18), new Person("Peter", 23), new Person("Pamela", 23), new Person("David", 12)); persons .parallelStream() .reduce(0, (sum, p) -> { System.out.format("accumulator: sum=%s; person=%s [%s]\n", sum, p, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return sum += p.age; }, (sum1, sum2) -> { System.out.format("combiner: sum1=%s; sum2=%s [%s]\n", sum1, sum2, Thread.currentThread().getName()); return sum1 + sum2; }); 

Консольный вывод показывает, что обе функции: аккумулирующая и объединяющая, выполняются параллельно, используя все возможные потоки:

 accumulator: sum=0; person=Pamela; [main] accumulator: sum=0; person=Max; [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] accumulator: sum=0; person=David; [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] accumulator: sum=0; person=Peter; [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] combiner: sum1=18; sum2=23; [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1] combiner: sum1=23; sum2=12; [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] combiner: sum1=41; sum2=35; [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2] 

Можно утверждать, что параллельное выполнение потока способствует значительному повышению эффективности при работе с большими количествами входящих элементов. Однако следует помнить, что некоторые методы при параллельном выполнении требуют дополнительных расчетов (объединительных операций), которые не требуются при последовательном выполнении.

Кроме того, для параллельного выполнения потока используется все тот же ForkJoinPool , так широко используемый в JVM. Так что применение медленных блокирующих методов потока может негативно отразиться на производительности всей программы, за счет блокирования потоков (threads), используемых для обработки в других задачах.

Вот и все

Мое руководство по использованию потоков в Java 8 окончено. Для более подробного изучения работы с потоками можно обратиться к документации . Если вы хотите углубиться и больше узнать про механизмы, лежащие в основе работы потоков, вам может быть интересно прочитать статью Мартина Фаулера (Martin Fowler) Collection Pipelines .

Если вам так же интересен JavaScript, вы можете захотеть взглянуть на Stream.js — JavaScript реализацию Java 8 Streams API. Возможно, вы также захотите прочитать мои статьи Java 8 Tutorial ( русский перевод на Хабре) и Java 8 Nashorn Tutorial .

I hope this tutorial was useful and interesting for you, and you enjoyed the process of reading. The full code is stored in GitHub . Feel free to create a branch in the repository.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437038/