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RKN unblocked 2.7 million IP addresses

Short good news: RKN unblocked 2.7 million IP addresses (mostly Amazon). About one million addresses remain blocked.

For information thanks to the project " Escher II " from schors and its channel in the Telegram .

The official comment of the RKN:
Roskomnadzor lifted access restriction from 2.7 million IP addresses owned by Amazon.

Roskomnadzor specialists have established that these subnets are not used for a long time to ensure the functioning of the Telegram messenger. The specified messenger is blocked by the decision of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow of April 13, 2018 due to non-enforcement of Russian legislation.
a source

I am glad that this enchanting two-eight-day lock is finally lifted.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437068/