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February 6, Moscow, DI Telegraph - Big QIWI Kitchen about product design

On Wednesday, February 6, we gather everyone to talk about product design.

The program includes speakers from Sberbank, CreativePeople, Useful and Looi. In addition, we will conduct a workshop where we will learn how to define metrics for design tasks and generally establish a KPI design. We will tell you how to create interfaces for people with disabilities (even if it seems to you that your product does not have such users).

The list of reports and the link to the registration (free) - under the cut.

Broadcast will be.

Speakers and reports

18.30 - 19.00 Valeria Kurmak (leading analyst of Sberbank), Yevgeny Kuznetsov (designer at Sberbank-Technologies), developed a guideline for people with disabilities - “How not to create barriers for users .

19.00 - 19.30 Absamat Khan (service-design agency Useful, art service by subscription DaiDa) - “Design features in a startup” .

19.30 - 20.00 Alexander Kovalsky (CreativePeople design director) - “The designer competence matrix” .


20.30 - 22.00 - Arthur Arsenov (creator of Looi, art director) - KPI design workshop.

When and where

Moscow, Tverskaya, d. 7, entrance 9. DI Telegraph.

February 6, Wednesday. We start at 18.00 with the gathering of guests and treats. You can register here . A link to the broadcast will be published on our Facebook page.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437098/