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Explanatory David Trample Hot Synthesis Factory Controller

I, David Trampl, on December 15, 2547, faced a critical situation in the workplace. Because of the storm, three out of four power units failed, which resulted in a drop in power at the magnetic field generators, which kept the hot plasma within the reactor. The automatic shutdown of the generators did not work, so there was a threat of an explosion of the entire power complex. I decided to disconnect the main switchboard. Shutting off the shield led to the cessation of electricity supply in Texas. Despite this, the destruction of the factory was halted, because otherwise an explosion of about 700 megatons would have made the state of Texas unfit to live in any form of life for the next 3,000 years.

Explanatory Head of Department

Due to the heroic actions of my subordinate Trample D. On December 15, 2547 the department failed to fulfill the monthly plan for the synthesis of ferrodium charges for short-range torpedoes (1,000-10,000 km) by 6%. Nevertheless, the department was able to over-fulfill the plan for the synthesis of tritium charges for torpedoes of medium (10,000–100,000 km) and long-range (100,000– 1,000,000 km) radii of action by 9% and 14%, respectively, which ensured the full load of logistics ships, and also created a surplus of ammunition in stock in the amount of 2.2 million rounds.

Report of the director of the transport company

Due to technical problems at one of the factories of our main supplier of standard armament of the spacecraft of the United Land Forces (WHO) we could not put the army enough short-range torpedoes. The fleet had to wait for the moment of delivery in Jupiter’s geostationary orbit in order to save fuel.
Unfortunately, there were also problems with the delivery of fuel for warships, so the WHO fleet is still there. The next batch of supplies is scheduled in a week.
However, the Skolkovo University of progressive foolish developments (SUPER) has put new suppressors of subspace eddies, which will make it possible to permanently close the wormhole, through which the criminals penetrate into the solar system.

Report of the pilot of the spacecraft

On December 25, 2547, our Typhoon patrol cruiser drifted into Jupiter’s orbit, awaiting the delivery of ammunition and fuel. At 13:33 minutes of standard Earth time, because of the back side of the planet, we were attacked by an enemy unit of Craigons.
We lost 4 guns, medosek and 2 engines. Craigons destroyed the base station Io-7, which is part of the early warning system in the face of the threat of an alien invasion.
Nevertheless, we were able to hide the ship in one of the canyons of Io and are able to hold out until the rescuers approach.

Star Fleet Admiral Report

On 25 December 2547, the second star fleet of WHO returned from the YD2-J system after the 4th combat campaign against the Kragons to join the first star fleet. The second fleet consisted of 20 battleships of class I, 23 battleships of class II, 67 battlecruisers and about 450 smaller ships. The fleet left the hyperjump in the area of ​​2 AU. from Jupiter.
Although, according to the intelligence data, this sector was supposed to be free from enemy ships, immediately after the exit we came under crossfire of Kragons, and within 10 minutes we lost all ships, except the 7 smallest ones. This led to the fact that the first fleet of WHO was defeated after the second, the Earth was left unprotected and was captured over the next 48 hours.
By a happy coincidence, the remains of WHO were able to slip into the subspace tunnel, which was organized by the kraygon for the invasion, and safely arrive at the K5-28 stellar system of the distant galaxy UI-HJ-909, where a planet was found suitable for human life, which leaves our race chance of survival.

Intergalactic Police Report on the Prosecution of a Suspect

The dress of the intergalactic police YTF-987-S began the pursuit of the hijacked starship immediately upon receipt of the dispatcher's signal. The pursuit lasted up to 456 hours 308 minutes of standard intergalactic time. As a result of the pursuit, the far arm of the UI-HJ-909 galaxy was reached. The suspect was arrested and placed in the jail cell of a patrol spaceship. The chase has exhausted almost all the energy resources of the ship, so the engine power was not enough to fly to the nearest habitable system. However, in order to replenish energy from the local planetary system, the nearest G2 star, called the local form of life, the Sun, was removed and compressed to the size of the reactor chamber using an onboard collapser.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437154/