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App for iOS and Android on Kotlin + Flutter UI



Hello. Some time ago, I decided to do my project for Android and iOS at the same time. Naturally, the question arose about the choice of technology. A couple of weeks, I watched the popular stacks and chose Kotlin / Native. Since I am an Android developer, I’ve been familiar with Kotlin for a long time, but I didn’t have much experience with Swift and I wanted to get most of the code common to both platforms. Therefore, the question immediately arose, and how to write a UI for iOS. A quick glance at the market prompted Flutter, which allows you to write UI for two platforms at the same time. Actually, this is how the story began.

The article describes the Flutter build experience as a UI and Kotlin for the main logic. Important: under the cut a lot of pictures and instructions on how to build a project

Table of contents

Part 1

Creating a shared library on Kotlin

  1. Choosing the Kotlin Mobile Shared library

  2. Further

  3. We specify our working folder, here I made a separate folder for the project. Since I will have 4 different projects and it is more convenient to keep them in one place.

  4. It remains to indicate in local.properties path to sdk.dir and the project starts to build, I have the path /Users/vlad/Library/Android/sdk

  5. Project structure, change package names from sample на habr.example

  6. It's time to start publishing, call the wrapper . After that, we will have a .gradlew .gradlew in the project and it will be possible to work with it from the terminal.

  7. Run from the terminal ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

  8. After that, in the local maven repository, we will have 4 folders in which our libraries will be located


Part 2

Creating an Android Application

Create android project

It's all standard





  1. At the time of this writing, the project is generated with a “bat” dependency, so we remove it at the end of jre7 , it will turn out koltin-stdlib , after that the project will start to build

  2. Open build.gradle and add mavenLocal repositories section. Important! The repositories section should be the one inside allprojects and not in buildScript

  3. Now we can add our library as a dependency.
    implementation 'habr.example:commonLibrary-jvm:0.0.1'

  4. Open activity_main.xml and specify main_activity_text in TextView id

  5. In MainActivity.kt just set the text in this TextView

  6. Great, by this moment we have an Android application that can use the hello() function from our library.
    hello () on the emulator

Part 3

Create an iOS project

  1. Choose Single View App

  2. Fill in the basic information and select the folder. Here it is important to choose the folder root for our other projects, since in it Xcode will create a subfolder with the name of the project


  3. First we add CocoaPods . To do this, run pod init in the project folder, close the project in Xcode and run pod install . We see that the installation was completed successfully.

  4. Important! On the CocoaPods site, CocoaPods not recommended to add the /Pods folder to .gitignore , but I did it anyway. Since after adding flutter , we will reconfigure dependencies for each build . So far, I like this solution more than cluttering up .git
  5. Open the project through the file Awesome App.xcworkspace

  6. We open the terminal, in it we go to the folder of our commonLibrary and run ./gradlew linkDebugFrameworkIos . After that, iOSFramework appears in our build folder iOSFramework

  7. Choose Target

  8. And for this Target we add a binary

  9. Choose Add Other

  10. Specify the path to the framework , which was obtained in step 6 ( commonLibrary.framework )


  11. Now in the project we should display this framework

  12. Go to Build Settings and disable Enable Bitcode

  13. Now you need to specify exactly where to look for our framework , open the Framework Search Path

  14. Specify the path "${PODS_ROOT}/../../commonLibrary" . Be sure to choose recursive . Of course, you can do without it, if you more accurately configure the path. But, since this is only the beginning of the project, now it is important for us to make sure that this whole bundle will work. And we can change the way and then

  15. It is necessary to make so that at each build in Xcode our framework with the help of gradle . Open Build Phases

  16. Add a new Script Phase

  17. Add script code.

     cd "${PODS_ROOT}/../../commonLibrary" echo $(pwd) ./gradlew linkIos 

    Here we just go to the project folder of our library and run ./gradlew linkIos . The call echo $(pwd) needed only to show in the console which folder we are in

  18. We shift our build phase to the very top, right after target dependencies

  19. Now open the ViewController and add a call to our function from the library.

  20. We start our project and see


Great, it means that we correctly connected the Kotlin Library to the iOS project.
All that remains is to add flutter, as a framework for writing UI, to our applications and you can start developing the product.

Part 4

Adding Flutter to Android Application

Here the article on github really helped me.

  1. Go to the root folder where all our projects are located and do flutter create -t module flutter_ui

  2. Open settings.gradle and enable our flutter module as a subproject

  3. Open the build.gradle file and add our project depending

  4. MainActivity.kt to FlutterActivity

  5. Add App.kt , in which we will initialize Flutter when the application starts

  6. We change the manifest and say that now we have a class for Application

  7. Be sure to add java8 , without this flutter will not start

  8. We see the UI in the Hello from JVM logs, which means that we have gathered the UI on Flutter and the main library on Kotlin / Native

  9. Add a method to the MainActivity.kt , which we will call from Flutter. Here, on an event from Flutter, we return our hello() from the kotlin-library

  10. And add to main.dart code that will call the method in the iOS/Android-части application

  11. Get

Part 5

Adding Flutter to an iOS Application

  1. Update our Podfile
     flutter_application_path = File.expand_path("../flutter_ui", File.dirname(path)) eval(File.read( File.join( flutter_application_path, '.ios', 'Flutter', 'podhelper.rb')), binding) 


  2. Is important . Add $(inherited) to the first line of the framework search paths . Be sure to check that your framework search paths not empty.


    When you change dependencies in some/path/my_flutter/pubspec.yaml , you need to run flutter packages get from some/path/my_flutter to update the dependencies in podhelper.rb . After that, you need to run pod install from some/path/MyApp
  3. Add another 1 Build Phase , only for Flutter. Above what we added in part 3 of the Script phase

     "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh" build "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/xcode_backend.sh" embed 

  4. AppDelegate our AppDelegate with FlutterAppDelegate

  5. Update ViewController

  6. Wrap our ViewController in NavigatorController

  7. Now the application starts. But, so far, we have no connection between the library and flutter.
  8. Add this link using FlutterMethodChannel

  9. Great, now the iOS application uses flutter for the UI and kotlin for the main logic


What is important to say here: I do not pretend that you have learned something new or unique. I just shared my experience, because in order to make it all work together, I spent about 4 working days. And I could not find examples of project code that uses both Kotlin / Native and Flutter simultaneously

Final Projects

  1. project group
  2. flutter-ui
  3. ios
  4. android
  5. common-library

List of links that helped me, but not immediately

  1. Flutter himself
  2. Communication between native code and UI flutter platform-channels
  3. Add flutter to existing github application
  4. Kotlin Native native-overview

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437176/