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Cloud check-list, or how the customer assessed us

A large foreign company needed to call in our cloud due to the law on personal data. Since they themselves are engaged in auditing other companies, they approached the question habitually: they studied the market, made a list of requirements for the cloud, and began to check who corresponds to it and how.

Transferred all systems: test environments, test + prod, preprod, all virtual machines, virtual servers plus all systems of virtual infrastructure. Even their support appeared in Russia. From us - only rent resources.

They checked us notably, in scale: an almost complete audit of the data center. But they didn’t look at the hardware and technical characteristics mainly, but how the information security processes are built and how different SLAs are observed. From their point of view, it is the SLA stability processes that indicate the quality of the company's work. And we told them about each of the components in detail.

I want to share a list of criteria for verification. Because at least some kind of methodology has appeared, because before that, few customers have approached the issue in such a systematic way.

Common parameters

The main requirements were about two dozen. Among them are such basic ones as placing the platform on two data centers, the availability of a console for resource management, the ability to work through the API, payment for services upon use with a granularity of not more than one hour, the availability of automation tools, for example, Terraform. Other requirements are not to say that we were very surprised, they are simply all the customers do not make. Among such requirements is the need to own the building in which the cloud data center operates.

But here everything is clear in general. This customer apparently also read the history of the Russian collocation market. Or someone from their clients somewhere has already stuck abroad. Everything else is generally standard. The requirement of the data center is in Moscow (this was also on the list) - this is for the opportunity to come to the admin and for the speed of requests for replication. The most important point after two data centers is detailed SLA metrics. As I said, it worried them most about each item.

Staff Requirements

It was one of the most difficult blocks, because the customer, having a huge experience in project activities (they have hundreds of industrial and retail customers around the world), shifted it to some extent on IT. In general, this is a sound approach, but the requirements turned out to be "heavy".

That's what we were checked for:
  • The presence of three levels of technical support for the platform: the first line is the solution of incidents at the platform level (HW, virtualization), the second line is the solution of problems in the infrastructure of the customer located in the cloud platform (OS level, DBMS and other application software), the third line is connection cloud vendor platform developers and / or vendors to solve problems.
  • Mode 24x7x365 first-line technical support.
  • Mandatory knowledge of Russian and English languages ​​from specialists of all levels of support.
  • The possibility of placing applications for the incident that has occurred by e-mail or by calling technical support.
  • The possibility of placing applications for the incident on a call to technical support.
  • The response time of technical support specialists to an incident is from 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the priority of the request (the supplier is obliged to record a detailed description of the priorities of incidents in the service contract).
  • The time to resolve an incident is from 90 to 240 minutes depending on the priority of the request (the supplier is obliged to record a detailed description of the priorities of incidents in the service contract).
  • The obligatory presence of a dedicated project team, which includes: account manager, project manager, technical architect, engineers.
  • The ability to use various means of communication between the supplier team and the customer team to more quickly resolve issues (for example, using Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.).
  • Fixing the list of the project team in a signed contract for the provision of cloud platform services. The list should include the full name, contact numbers of mobile phones, e-mail addresses of all persons involved in the activity of the customer and supplier.
Here one of the most important points for the customer was that it provided exactly three support lines. The first line is always there and at all, the second line of support is usually there, but the requirements for it are already quite blurry. But there is also a third one, which in fact cuts various chips. And nothing is given to outsourcing, as small providers do sometimes. The project involved only their employees. Not a service team is allocated to a large customer project, but a separate project team, and this is recorded in the documents.

Dedicated project team - a separate important point. In a normal cloud service provider, this is all usually included in services in some form. But again, there is no explicit requirement for this, and there are no standards. In general, there are people who are directly involved in maintaining the client, there is a person who manages a specific project, there are engineers. It is expensive for the customer to allocate time for these people, but it is necessary, because in most cases the solution of rather complicated tasks is needed outside of “just hosting”. Or simple, but quickly and the first time. Therefore, these team members will be active 24x7, always in touch and ready to help. With any kind of communication that is convenient to the client. This is a service that is usually provided to "beloved" customers, but with us to everyone. And it is documented.

On communication: it is very important to have personal phones in contacts in case of different emergency situations. In serious projects, communication goes through instant messengers to speed up (a couple of years ago it was not so, everyone communicated in the mail). The sales director gave a personal number, which does not turn off at night and on vacation, this is the norm. But not everyone can say this.

Now a little more detail - about the requirements for individual subsystems and processes.

Certification requirements

  • The accounting system of consumed resources must comply with the established requirements of the “Rules for the application of automated settlement systems, approved. Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Russia 02.07.2007 No. 73 ".
  • The provider must have a current certificate of compliance of the company's Information Security Management Systems with the requirements of ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 regarding the provision of outsourcing data center services and virtual data centers.
  • Availability of a current certificate for the PCI DSS v3.2 cloud platform.
  • The PCI DSS 3.2 compliance certificate should include IT support, physical security, system services security, physical equipment, networks, storage.
  • Certificates Tier III Design Data Center, Tier III Facility Data Center, Tier III Operational sustainability Data Center.

There are no surprises: PCI DSS for financial data and T-III for three certificates. This is important for the business of the customer. For your company you need to make your own list of certification. But the first point deserves special attention. As it turned out, it was important for the customer that we provide a document that testifies to the competent work of our billing system. Fortunately for us, we just about a year before it was certified by the Ministry of Communications.

Below is a list of requirements for the main elements of the cloud platform. Since we have previously worked quite closely with foreign customers, a similar list, but in a strongly abbreviated form, already existed. In one way or another, the information was specified in the SLA and other documents. At the request of a business consultant, we shoveled everything that we had, assembled and proapdatel. As a result, we received a fairly solid document that we can offer to other customers.
So, what exactly is indicated in the checklists regarding the technical parameters of the platform.

Computing resources

  • The allocation of computing resources (virtual cores, RAM) should be carried out in a guaranteed way, excluding the possibility of mutual influence of the customer’s virtual servers located on the same physical node on each other.
  • The cloud platform should provide the ability to change the amount of computing resources without re-creating the VM.
  • The possibility of a guaranteed placement of the VM on different physical nodes.
  • The cloud platform should provide a choice of cluster (DC) when starting the VM.


  • The cloud platform should provide the ability to create virtual disks of different performance (IOPS) through a web management interface and API.
  • The cloud platform should provide the ability to change disk performance on the fly.
  • Disk resources must be available with performance guarantees, as measured by the number of IOPS per disk.
  • Guaranteed disk performance should extend to 100,000 IOPS.
  • The cloud platform should provide the ability to migrate data between disk resources of different performance “on the fly” without stopping in providing the service.


  • The cloud platform should allow to organize isolated network environments that are inaccessible to other customers of the cloud platform.
  • The isolated cloud platform network environments should allow managing the network addressing and routing of the customer's IT infrastructure.
  • The cloud platform should have the functionality of connecting external dedicated communication channels of customers.
  • Assignment or removal of external IP addresses to virtual servers using the cloud platform should be provided.
  • The cloud platform should provide external fault-tolerant connection at a speed of at least 40 Gb / s.
  • The cloud platform must have built-in DNS and DHCP services.
  • The cloud platform must provide IPSec VPN connections.
  • The cloud platform should provide fault-tolerant access to the Internet, independent of the provider, and aggregate at least four providers.
  • The bandwidth between the VMs within the same data center should be at least 10 Gbit / s.
  • L2-connectivity between virtual infrastructures deployed in various data centers.

Object Storage

  • The cloud platform must have a software interface compatible with Amazon S3.
  • Object storage should work according to a protocol that provides the ability to store and receive any amount of data at any time from anywhere on the Internet.
  • The data storage system for fault tolerance should be distributed at least between two executor sites.
  • The storage system should be able to expand as you add files.
  • Object storage must support versioning.
  • Each object in the repository must be replicated between executor sites. In the event of a single failure of any of the object storage components, there should be no impact on the quality of service.
  • Ability to work with the storage via HTTPS.
  • Support access control list (ACL) and Policy.
  • Support for Object Lifecycle policies for the lifetime of objects.
  • The ability to encrypt on the server side Server side encryption.
  • Support for static websites and user names for websites like mysite.ru
  • The fault tolerance level of the storage service is at least 99.99%.


  • The separation of the customer’s information environment within the cloud platform into several independent virtual networks should be ensured.
  • Managing access to virtual networks should be implemented on various ports and protocols using a free built-in firewall.
  • The integration of the virtual platform servers into one virtual private network (VPN) with the customer’s physical or virtual servers located on a remote site or data center should be ensured.
  • Access to the software management functions (API) of the cloud platform should be provided in such a way that the security system is not compromised even when using unsafe transport protocols.
  • To access the software management functions (API) of the cloud platform, the HTTPS protocol must be used. Certificates must be signed by trusted certificate authorities.
  • Access to virtual Linux \ UNIX servers should be carried out via the SSH protocol using passwordless key authentication. The virtual platform should provide the ability to manage authentication keys (creation and deletion), as well as provide a mechanism available from the VM for delivering public keys to the VM during its loading.
  • The organization of secure access to the servers of the IT system should be implemented using an IPsec VPN connection.
  • A firewall must be built into the virtual platform, configured separately for each virtual network, as well as for virtual networks of isolated cloud environments.
  • Availability of penetration test results with a deadline of not more than 1 year.


  • The backup service should be managed by the customer independently through a web-based management interface.
  • The functionality should be available via the web interface by specifying the backup schedule for individual servers, as well as for their manual backup and recovery.
  • The data backup service must be taken into account and paid for upon use, namely, by gigabytes of protected data per month.
  • The data backup service should provide the ability to backup common corporate system and application software. Software agents installed on protected servers should be free of charge.
  • Backup management - through the web interface and through a software agent.
  • Use file elastic S3 storage for storing copies.
  • Use deduplication.


  • In the cloud platform, the logical division of the VM into groups with the option of separate billing should be available.
  • Payment only actually occupied volume.

What ended

The check was really exhausting for us, but thanks to it, we ourselves have learned a lot. For example, focusing on foreign colleagues, we worked through several procedures and put all the documents in order. Actually, we worked further for some time, and then we proposed a strategic partnership. Because this company also has many clients in Russia. Now this is all at the discussion stage, but the verification methodology has already appeared. Of course, the checklists do not give a complete picture of what the business consultants looked at and how, but I tried to unload the main thing that will allow you to build the verification methodology yourself. Here, of course, there is some slyness on my part, because we have passed this test and won, that is, the checklists are almost fully applicable to our cloud. Because our platform corresponded to their large project. I hope that you use common sense and understand what your project needs from the platform, and accordingly change the requirements.

If suddenly there were questions not for comments - my mail is NiVasilev@croc.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437194/