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Global Game Jam 2019 (announcement)

Every year, on the last weekend of January, the annual Global Game Jam takes place.
This year the event will be held on January 26 and 27 and it will be the hottest days of the month!
Global Game Jam - this event is dedicated to the creation of games (in case, if suddenly someone does not know what a game jam). This event is offline.

A full list of sites can be found here.

In Russia, there are sites in the following cities:

The event will begin in each of them on the 25th at 5 pm local time. All projects are sent with the license CC-NC-SA (Creative Common NonCommercial ShareAlike). They should include: executable files, source code and resources, as well as all the necessary files to compile. The event does not limit you, you can use any engines. Pre-prepared resources are allowed. Games can get bonus points for using diversifiers, a full list with a description here , which are divided into categories:

When sending a game, you can specify up to 4 diversifiers. Good luck to all!

PS: to my great regret, I skipped the registration, empty seats in the Chelyabinsk (SUSU) site ended, so I will not get to this event = (

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437198/