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We invite you to the presentation of the e-marketing marketing training course on February 12

On February 12, the educational portal GeekBrains will hold in our Moscow office an open presentation of a new course on training specialists in the field of marketing, producing games and event management in eSports. The leaders of the Russian eSports industry will talk about the latest trends in global eSports and how to find yourself in this area. A detailed program of performances under the cut.

Most speakers are course instructors. The curriculum is based on the study of fresh and successful eSports cases from the practice of Mail.ru Group and other market participants. The course is suitable for specialists studying new approaches to the audience and interested in expanding their skills, as well as to all who want to be involved in the development of a promising industry.

In the presentation program:

- Industry, the pace of its development and expert forecast

Roman Dvoryankin, general manager of Virtus.Pro, CIS representative at the World eSports Association (WESA)

- Motivation and experience of leading industry experts

Ivan Wozniak, Mail.ru Group e-sports department manager and GeekBrains project manager Vladimir Rajapov

- Required beginner quality, industry values ​​and career prospects

Nikita Bokarev, former head of the e-sports holding of Mail.ru Group

- Why is it advantageous for brands to develop eSports, what comes first, a game or eSports, how to involve players in eSports?

Ivan Pobyarzhin, producer Warface

- Who is a marketer in the realities of eSports, what does he do and how much can he earn

Alexander Kolesnikov, Chiff expert of eSports department at Affect agency

To participate in the event you need to register .

Classes start on February 19th. Get more information and register for the course here .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437212/