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Boeing conducted successful tests of unmanned aerotaxi

Now more and more companies are talking about the need to create not too expensive aircraft for movement within the city. Some not only speak, but do. Among others - the company Boeing, which recently conducted successful tests of an autonomous passenger aircraft.

This is reported by the company itself in a press release. The test flight was conducted in Manassas, Virginia, USA. The aircraft made a controlled takeoff, freeze in the air and landing. It does not work on gasoline, but on electricity, with a small cruising range of about 80 km, but this is enough for short flights in the city.

The wingspan of the apparatus is 8.53 meters.

According to the company, this was only the first step, during which a passenger aircraft was tested. According to the technical director of Boeing, the company turned the concept into a working prototype in just one year.

The project involves a division of Boeing, which is called NeXt, as well as a subsidiary of NeXt, called Aurora Flight Sciences. By the way, the “daughter” is also working on another project of a flying taxi in conjunction with Uber.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437278/