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Seamless (almost) migration between PostgreSQL major releases using logical replication

In True Engineering, on one project, there is a need to change the version of PostgreSQL from 9.6 to 11.1.

What for? The database on the project is already 1.5 Tb in volume and is growing. Performance is one of the basic requirements for the system. And the data structure itself evolves: new columns are added, existing ones change. The new version of Postgres has learned to work efficiently with the addition of new columns with default values, so there is no need to fence down custom crutches at the application level. Even in the new version they added several new ways to partition tables, which is also extremely useful in the conditions of a large amount of data.

So, we decided to migrate. Of course, you can raise in parallel with the old PostgreSQL server version, stop the application, via dump / restore (or pg_upgrade) move the base and restart the application. This decision didn’t work for us due to the large size of the base; moreover, the application works in combat mode, and there are only a few minutes to downtime.

Therefore, we decided to try migration using logical replication in PostgreSQL using a third-party plugin called pglogical .

In the process of "sampling" we are faced with very fragmentary documentation on this process (and in Russian there is none at all), as well as some pitfalls and unobvious nuances. In this article, we want to present our experience in the form of a tutorial.


Why we didn’t have a “head on” solution

As we have already said, the easiest way out is to pick up the new PostgreSQL server in parallel with the old one, stop the application, move the base via dump / restore (or pg_upgrade) and start the application again. For small databases, in principle, this is quite a suitable option (or, in general, the volume is unimportant when you have the possibility of downtime of the application while the database is “transfused” from the old server to a new one, no matter how long this time is). But in our case, the base takes about 1.5 Tb on the disk, and moving it is not a matter of minutes, but several hours. The application, in turn, works in combat mode, and I really wanted to avoid downtime longer than a couple of minutes.

Also, the fact that we use Master-Slave replication and can’t shut down the Slave server from the work process without serious consequences also played against this option. So, to switch the application from the old version of PostgreSQL to the new one after the migration of the Master server, it would be necessary to prepare a new Slave server before launching the application. And this is just a few hours of idle time, until a slave is created (although much less than the Master migration).

Therefore, we decided to try migration using logical replication in PostgreSQL using a third-party plugin called pglogical.

general information

pglogical is a logical replication system that uses native Logical Decoding in PostgreSQL and is implemented as a PostgreSQL extension. Allows you to customize selective replication using a subscription / publication model. Does not require the creation of triggers in the database or the use of any external tools for replication.

The extension works on any version of PostgreSQL starting from 9.4 (since Logical Decoding first appeared in 9.4), and allows migration between any supported PostgreSQL versions in any direction.

Configuring replication with pglogical manually is not very trivial, although in principle it is quite possible. Fortunately, there is a third-party utility pgrepup to automate the configuration process, which we will use.

Memo on free disk space

Since we plan to raise a new version of PostgreSQL on the same servers in parallel with the old one, the disk requirements for the database on the Master and Slave servers double. It would seem obvious, but ... Just take care of a sufficient amount of free space before running replication, so as not to regret the years spent aimlessly.

In our case, database modifications were required, plus the storage format during migration between 9.6 and 11 doesn’t “swell” in favor of the newer version, so the disk space had to be increased by about 2.2 times not by 2. Praise LVM, this can be done during the migration process on the fly.

In general, take care of it.

Install PostgreSQL 11 on Master

Note: We use Oracle Linux, and all of the following will be sharpened for this distribution. It is possible that other Linux distributions will require a small modification by the file, but it is unlikely to be significant.
# добавляем репозиторий yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/11/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-oraclelinux11-11-2.noarch.rpm # устанавливаем пакеты postgresql11 yum install postgresql11 postgresql11-devel postgresql11-server postgresql11-contrib # инициализируем базу /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb 

The old datadir is located in /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data , the new one, respectively, is located in / var / lib / pgsql / 11 / data

We copy access settings ( pg_hba.conf ) and server settings ( postgresql.conf ) from 9.6 to 11.

To run two PostgreSQL servers on the same machine, in the postgresql.conf 11 version config, change the port to 15432 (port = 15432).

Here you need to think hard about what else you need to do in the new version of PostgreSQL specifically in your case, so that it starts with your postgresql.conf (and your application could eventually work with it). In our case, it was necessary to install the PostgreSQL extensions used by us into the new version. This is beyond the scope of the article, just make the new PostgreSQL run, work and fully suit you :)

 # ставим расширения, тюним конфиги, добавляем shared libraries, whatever... # .... # запускаемся systemctl enable postgresql-11 systemctl start postgresql-11 

We look in / var / lib / pgsql / 11 / data / pg_log / . All is well? We continue!

Install and configure pgrepup

 # ставим python yum install python yum install python2-pip # ставим pgrepup pip install pgrepup # создаём конфигурацию pgrepup config 


  1. As app_owner we specify the user under which the PostgreSQL servers are running.
  2. As Database we specify template1 .
  3. Username and Password - access data for the superuser. In our case, the pg_hba.conf for the local connections of the postgres user was assigned a trust method, so you can specify an arbitrary password.

Configuring Replication

 # запускаем проверку pgrepup check 

We get a list of the output from the set of parameters that must be configured as required.

Sample test results:

All verification errors will need to be fixed. The settings of both servers should be set to wal_level = LOGICAL (for Logical Decoding to work), the necessary settings for the replication engine (the number of slots and wal_senders ). The pgrepup utility hints are informative enough, there should be no questions on most of the items.

We make all the necessary settings that pgrepup asks for.

In both pg_hba.conf files, we add permissions for the user who will replicate, all at the pgrepup prompt:

 host replication pgrepup_replication md5 host all pgrepup_replication md5 

Add Primary Keys

In order for replication to work, a Primary Key must be defined in all tables.

In our case, PK was not everywhere, so at the time of replication it is necessary to add it, and after the replication is over, if you wish, delete it.

The list of tables without PK, among other things, gives pgrepup check . For all tables from this list, you need to add the primary key in any way acceptable to you. In our case, it was something like:


The pgrepup utility has a built-in command for performing this operation ( pgrepup fix ), and using it even implies that, with successful replication, these temporary columns will be automatically deleted. But, unfortunately, this functionality is so non-illusory and magically buggy on large bases, that we decided not to use it, but to do this operation manually as we are comfortable.

Install pglogical extension

Installation instructions for the extension can be read here . The extension must be installed in both servers.

 # добавляем репозитории с нужными нам версиями curl https://access.2ndquadrant.com/api/repository/dl/default/release/9.6/rpm | bash curl https://access.2ndquadrant.com/api/repository/dl/default/release/11/rpm | bash # устанавливаем пакеты yum install postgresql96-pglogical postgresql11-pglogical 

Add the library load to the postgresql.conf of both servers:

 shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical' 

Install pgl_ddl_deploy extension

This is a helper extension that pgrepup uses for logical replication of the DDL.

 # и его придётся собирать вручную git clone https://github.com/enova/pgl_ddl_deploy.git # сборка и установка для старого сервера PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/:$PATH USE_PGXS=1 make USE_PGXS=1 make install make clean # сборка и установка для нового сервера PATH=/usr/pgsql-11/bin/:$PATH make CLANG=true make install 

Add the library load to the postgresql.conf of both servers:

 shared_preload_libraries = 'pglogical,pgl_ddl_deploy' 

Check for changes

 # перезапускаем новый postgresql systemctl restart postgresql-11 

Now, using pgrepup check you need to make sure that everything with the target server is ok and all comments regarding the target server are completely eliminated.

If all is well, you can restart the old server. Here you need to think about how your application will react to restarting the database server, you should probably stop it first.

 # перезапускаем systemctl restart postgresql-9.6 # проверяем pgrepup check 

Now in the command output, every single item should be marked OK.

It would seem that you can run the migration, but ...

Rule bugs pgrepup

In the current version of pgrepup there are several bugs that make migration impossible. Pull request'y sent, but alas, are ignored, so you have to make corrections manually.

Go to the pgrepup installation folder (our case is /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pgrepup/commands/ ).

Do it once. In each * .py file we add the missing **kwargs in the function description. A picture is better than a thousand words:

Commit here .

Do two. In setup.py, we do a search for “sh -c”, two entries, all multi-line shell commands need to be made one-line.

Commit here .

Starting the migration

 # подготовка pgrepup setup 

With this command, pgrepup prepares both servers for replication start, creates a user, sets up pglogical, transfers the database schema.

 # запускаем репликацию pgrepup start 

He said “Let's go!” And waved his hand:

Replication started. The current situation can be seen using the pgrepup status command:

Here we see that two databases have already moved and replication is underway, and one is still in the process of moving. Now it remains only to drink coffee and wait until the entire volume of the source database is pumped through.

Along the way, you can look deeper than the pgrepup facade and see what happens under the hood. For inquisitive minds, here is a list of requests as a starting point:

 SELECT * FROM pg_replication_origin_status ORDER BY remote_lsn DESC; SELECT *,pg_xlog_location_diff(s.sent_location,s.replay_location) byte_lag FROM pg_stat_replication s; SELECT query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE application_name='subscription_copy' 

Having drunk enough coffee (on the test server when writing this article, the migration of ~ 700Gb data lasted for about 24 hours), we finally see the following picture:

And that means it's time to cook a new Slave.

Install PostgreSQL 11 on Slave

Here everything is simple and according to the textbook, no nuances.

 # добавляем репозиторий yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/11/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-oraclelinux11-11-2.noarch.rpm # устанавливаем postgresql 11 yum install postgresql11 postgresql11-devel postgresql11-server postgresql11-contrib # переливаем данные с нового мастера su - postgres pg_basebackup -h db-master.hostname -p 15432 -D /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/ -R -P -U replication -X stream -c fast 

We copy access settings ( pg_hba.conf ) and server settings ( postgresql.conf ) from 9.6 to 11. In the postgresql.conf 11 configuration file, change the port to 15432 (port = 15432)

 # запускаем systemctl enable postgresql-11 systemctl start postgresql-11 

 # проверяем статус репликации на Master SELECT *,pg_wal_lsn_diff(s.sent_lsn,s.replay_lsn) AS byte_lag FROM pg_stat_replication s; # проверяем статус репликации на Slave SELECT now()-pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp(); 


After all these procedures, we will have such a tricky replication scheme:

Here, as a final check (well, in the end, it’s just beautiful), you can do some UPDATE to the 9.6 Master database and see how it replicates to the other three servers.


Switch applications to the new PostgreSQL version

Until now, our application did not suspect anything about the new version of PostgreSQL, it’s time to fix it. The options for action here are fundamentally dependent on only two things:
will you outweigh the new services on the same ports where the old ones worked,
and whether your application requires a restart when restarting the database server.

For the sake of interest, we will answer both questions “yes” and proceed.

Stop the application.

 # проверяем, что нет коннектов, например: SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; 

 # останавливаем логическую репликацию # при этом также произойдёт финальная синхронизация sequences. pgrepup stop 

 # чистим за собой все хвосты pgrepup uninstall 

 # на master: # выключаем старый сервис systemctl disable postgresql-9.6 # останавливаем оба сервиса, сначала старый, затем новый. systemctl stop postgresql-9.6 systemctl stop postgresql-11 # на slave: # выключаем старый сервис systemctl disable postgresql-9.6 # останавливаем оба сервиса, сначала старый, затем новый. systemctl stop postgresql-9.6 systemctl stop postgresql-11 

We return the standard port in the postgresql.conf config of the new version on the Master and Slave.

On the new Slave, we also change the port to the standard one in recovery.conf .

Along the way, there is an offer out of harm to change the port on the old version that is becoming inactive:
We expose a non-standard port in postgresql.conf of the old version on the Master and Slave.
On the old Slave, we also change the port to non-standard in recovery.conf .

 # запускаем на master systemctl enable postgresql-11 systemctl start postgresql-11 # запускаем на slave: systemctl enable postgresql-11 systemctl start postgresql-11 

Check the logs.

Check replication status on Master.

 SELECT *,pg_wal_lsn_diff(s.sent_lsn,s.replay_lsn) AS byte_lag FROM pg_stat_replication s; 

Run the application. We rejoice half an hour.

And finally, useful literature on the topic:


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437318/