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The state engaged BigData

In mid-January, a draft draft concept of the National Data Management System (ISTC) was approved at a meeting of the working group on the architecture of state systems and the data turnover regime. In total, several such documents were prepared by different departments, but the version of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation received the most complete approval. Rosreestr, the Pension Fund, the Treasury, some other departments and entire regions of the country have already expressed their desire to take an active part in pilot projects to create such a system.
Chronology of the adoption of BSS
The concept of the NSSD should take its final form as early as February 2019, after consultations and discussions with various government agencies and business representatives.
Following it, the Government will have to approve it - no later than March 31, 2019 ,
Well, the draft law on NSSDs will be drafted and adopted in the second quarter of this year.
Without delay, in July-September, they will determine all the requirements for the data management process and appoint an operator.
But not everything is as smooth as it looks at a quick glance. In order to accelerate the introduction of the NSDS into action - one of the most important components of the federal project on public administration, it was decided not to prescribe many details in the concept, but to discuss all the issues that arise during the implementation of the system. In addition, the authors propose to make the structure of the management of UMCCs decentralized, without transferring all the reins of government to any agency or authority. But it is not yet clear what powers and in what volume the national operator of the NTMS will be endowed with as a result.

The approach to operating with government data described in the concept is completely different from that existing today. It will be necessary to create a ONE procedure for receiving, storing, using and supplying data, as well as processing and managing them, for all government agencies. For example, the method of “manual” storage and retrieval of data from past decades that exists to date creates many problems. All those who faced the need to collect and confirm various documents - on registration, work experience, training, property ownership, dispensary registration and medical commissions, etc., spent a lot of time and nerves on it.

Benefits from the implementation of the NSSD will have to get everything. Citizens can easily manage public data about themselves. It will also be much easier to collect documents for public services, and they themselves will grow qualitatively. The business will receive simpler reporting and access to a number of government data that were previously closed to it. The state - greater efficiency in decision-making, quality control over their execution, transparency of government spending, etc.

Such a rapid transition from one stage to another in the adoption of the concept of the NSSD will not allow any of its participants to relax. However, the lack of detail in it on many issues may delay its practical implementation for a long time. The need to work out and coordinate a lot of uncertain points already in the process of implementing the system is unlikely to add optimism to someone. Well, we will track the process.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437322/