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Conference Lua in Moscow 2019

On the first Sunday of March, the third international conference Lua in Moscow 2019 will be held in the office of Mail.ru Group. You are waiting for the speeches of the author of the language Roberto Jerusalem and the best foreign and domestic experts on Lua and LuaJIT.

Lua is a unique programming language that is used not only in the computer games industry, but also as a built-in extension language in web-based programming tools such as Redis, nginx, Tarantool, OpenResty. Lua is also used for big data analysis and scientific computing, it is used in many routers, printers and other similar devices.

Even if you are not writing to Lua yet, come! Surely this conference will open your eyes to something new and interesting!

All reports will be in English without simultaneous translation.

We will tell about the conference program in a separate announcement. In addition to the report of Roberto, the program will include reports of experts - developers of high-loaded systems, advertising engines, computer games and even software for nuclear energy.

We are waiting for you at Lua in Moscow 2019! Come, it will be interesting!

Admission is free .
Registration is required .
Address : Mail.ru Group office, Leningradsky prospect, 39, p. 79.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437492/