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B \ y Tesla Model S 85 in the service of the police department of the city of Fremont, California, USA (where the Tesla plant)

In the police department of Tesmon's hometown, the Freemont Update - the fleet of special vehicles was replenished with the first electric patrol car Tesla Model S 2014 release.

This is not the first (non-civil and specially modified) Tesla, which is planned to be released on combat duty, as one Tesla car is already in the police departments of Los Angeles and Denver.

For the Fremont Police Department, such a Tesla car purchase is a pilot environmental project, since on the basis of Tesla's exploitation data, it is planned to replace the current vehicle fleet of the department, based on Toyota Prius and Ford Fusion hybrid cars, with electric cars in the future.

The Fremont City Police Department (population of 210,000 residents) starts the implementation of the Tesla Model S 85 electric vehicle pilot test program, which is additionally adapted for a full-fledged patrol service, this program was developed in accordance with the Freemont Economic and Practical Development Strategy, which includes an emission reduction point greenhouse gases by 25% from 2005 to 2020.

Earlier, in 2017, the city authorities assembled a team of specialists consisting of service personnel: police, financial, engineering, information technology, building and park maintenance, public development and public works, to study the possibility of operating vehicles with zero emissions for use in full-fledged everyday police operations.

"The pilot program for the operation of an electric patrol vehicle is the implementation of part of urban initiatives to expand the use of clean technologies and create a smart city system, and this program will also help expand the capabilities of the Fremont infrastructure," said Fremont police captain Sean Washington - "given that the Fremont police fleet creates 980 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, this program will help reduce by 10 percent all municipal emissions Ikov gases. "

According to the results of the meetings of the pilot group, in January 2018, it was decided to purchase a used Tesla Model S 85 model year 2014 for $ 6,178.50 (including taxes and fees) to replace the 2007 Dodge Charger patrol car, which was to be decommissioned .

Dodge Charger from the car park of the police department (thanks to the walkman7 for the link to the photo):

What you bought :

According to calculations and comparative data , Tesla is the only electric vehicle that meets the requirements for a patrol car, including in terms of external and internal dimensions, technical characteristics, power reserve on one battery charge and safety level. Tesla electric cars are also produced locally in Fremont.

After the acquisition of the Tesla Model S, the police department began work on installing a set of standard police equipment on an electric vehicle.

The total amount spent on the police modification of the Tesla Model S today is 4447 dollars, and it is expected that it will increase slightly by the end of all the work.

For comparison, a Ford Explorer car with a police package costs about $ 40,000, which includes almost all the improvements that were also made to the Tesla purchased. Also, the cost of the Tesla retrofit is slightly higher than the retrofit of the standard version of Ford, because it is necessary to carry out a more complicated front of work on the installation and connection of elements.

Elements and components that have been added / upgraded in the Tesla Model S to turn it into a police car:

In addition, for five years of operation, the total amount spent on the purchase of gasoline for a policeman Ford Explorer is about $ 32,000, and maintenance costs are estimated at $ 15,000. Although the average life cycle of a police car is about five years, electric cars may last longer due to fewer mechanical problems.

Comparison of the planned and current maintenance costs of police transport (145,000 km of escape for 5 years):

To organize around-the-clock charging of electric vehicles on the territory of the city police complex, a special set of solar panel batteries (mini power station with a capacity of up to 872 kW) and three charging stations are installed.

Such a power supply system of the police department based on renewable solar energy will make it possible to organize charging for all vehicles in the department’s fleet, if they are all electric vehicles, which will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the operation of vehicles to zero.

Employees working in the Tesla Police Test Pilot Program will monitor electrical vehicle parameters, including performance, endurance and strength, daily mileage ranges and power reserve, as well as other costs and other unknown factors that will be fully understood and appreciated. only after the completion of the pilot test and the analysis of the results obtained.

As soon as the Tesla pilot police electric vehicle is fully commissioned and involved in the patrol schedule, the city authorities will provide more photos and information, as well as provide an opportunity to get a detailed overview of this vehicle and options for its future use.

For more information about Tesla's pilot project, you can visit this page .

In an effort to improve its efficiency and efficiency, the Fremont Police Department transferred part of its fleet from models to gasoline engines to hybrid ones. Since 2009, the department began to use hybrid cars Toyota Prius and Ford Fusion.

In early 2019, the Fremont police introduced a fully electric car as part of their patrol park.

As more environmentally-friendly vehicles moved into the Fremont Police Department:

2008 - one Ford Escape Hybrid and Toyota Prius for administrative staff;
2010 - nine Ford Escape Hybrid for CSO (Community Service Officers);
2015 - four Ford Fusion Hybrids for commanders and lieutenants;
2017 - three Ford Fusion Hybrid Plug-Ins for commanders;
2018 - the chief, captains and lieutenants use hybrid vehicles, Tesla electric vehicles purchased for pilot tests;
2019 - a police version of Tesla should enter the fleet of patrol cars.

Current fleet of hybrid cars in the Fremont police department:

Also recently, the fleet of the department has been replenished with two new Ford F150 Police Responder:

An interesting story about the auto industry in Fremont.

The streets of the city are designed and built around the philosophy of the constant use of cars.

The Tesla plant is currently located in Fremont, California, USA. Its area is 150 hectares.

In 1962, GM built the General Motors Fremont assembly site in the southern part of the city, which covered about 88 football fields.

The first 20 years of its existence, this plant was an assembly unit of General Motors, until it was closed in 1982.

In 1984, the plant re-opened as NUMMI or New United Motor Manufacturing Inc.

NUMMI was a joint venture of General Motors and Toyota, which collected the cars of both automakers. This allowed GM to explore the legendary methods of "lean production" Toyota.

The NUMMI joint venture ceased to exist in 2010. On April 1, 2010, the last car, a red Toyota Corolla, rolled off the assembly line.

Within two months after closing, Tesla Motors announced that it had acquired part of the plant. Today, this enterprise has almost doubled in size and is called Tesla Factory.

Tesla at the Los Angeles Police Department:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437570/