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Conference DEFCON 17. My failures. Part 2

Conference DEFCON 17. My failures. Part 1

Question: can you tell us about the legend that you will never debunk?

Adam Savage: I think there are several such legends. If you saw our shows, you noticed that we try not to do boring things like comparing a hanger with a high-end audio cable. I do not think this episode is worth showing. I just want to say that at one time we explored the myth associated with a large amount of liquid oxygen. Destroyers of legends work with different explosives, but nothing scares me more than combustible gases. But these gases are sheer nonsense compared to liquid oxygen. This is really a terrible thing, and when we began to study related materials, we read that experiments with this substance are absolutely unpredictable.

This is a really scary thing, and we simply abandoned this story because it was associated with a lot of liquid oxygen, and safety required us to experiment with it at too great a distance, which we could not afford.

Question: can you tell us about the most tremendous failure of the "Mythbusters"?

Adam Savage: I have to say right away - we had 22,000 failures. Recently there was a case where Jamie left the emergency brake on the car to be driven. It really looked very funny - Jamie was alone at the top of the hill, behind him were cameras who were supposed to shoot what was going on. It was very interesting to see Jamie’s eyes watching the car go round like coins, and he says, “Oh, shit!” Yes, we had 22 thousand failures. We had a story when our Buster dummy, or the Destroyer, acting as a paratrooper, falls out of the bomber during the explosion and falls on the glass roof of the railway station, and the blast wave softens his fall, in short, complete garbage.

We had a balloon that was supposed to hold Buster at 450 feet above the glass roof of the fake train station, which we made. That morning, the wind was blowing in the wrong direction, and besides, we had to consider how quickly Buster could be released. The fact is that 4 years ago there was a terrible heat in California - 118 ° F in the shade, and we had to finish the shooting by 10 or 11 o'clock, as the firefighters could at any time force us to stop working due to the very high danger fires.

Therefore, we started working at 3 o'clock at night, illuminating the location of the filming with car headlights, and worked until dawn. And then came the moment when the "destroyer" had to be released along with the balloon so that it soared upwards. But I did not think of a “transitional moment” in this launch system. I had a piece of cable that I had to cut, while 5 people were holding a balloon with the help of leading cables with a Buster attached to it. I cut the retaining cable, and the ball rushed up with such force that people could not hold it. Our Destroyer began to float across the sky into the distance, everyone started chasing him, in general, nothing came of it.

The worst thing was that it was Friday, and we had to finish the shooting before the weekend, otherwise we would have to work all weekends at 118 ° F. Therefore, the next day we returned at 3 am and started all over again. It was the worst failure in my life. I consoled myself only that failures of this magnitude do not occur too often, but I still have to reckon with them.

Question: First, I want to make a small remark that talk of failure really benefits. My question concerns the Apollo mission, it was a wonderful episode, I just wondered if you were going to add to it, I even shared this video with my colleagues as proof that we were really on the Moon.

Adam Savage: We also like this episode, we sent him as an example of our best work last year to the committee of the television Emmy Award, and he served as one of the reasons why our program for the first time this year received an Emmy Award. In preparing the story about the Apollo, we gathered a lot of material about the landing on the moon, dozens of hours, from which we chose what we liked most and what would be interesting to all viewers. But, unfortunately, this did not convince those who do not want to be convinced, because he sees conspiracy theory everywhere.

Question: Adam, purely hypothetical, if we are attacked by zombies, can I live in your basement somewhere in the corner?

Adam Savage: I'm not sure that I will let you in! By the way, if zombies attack us, the lawn mower will become my favorite weapon, but that’s just because I really love Peter the Jackasson’s The Living Carrion.

Question: you are a very interesting person, Mr. Savage! I want to ask you whether you work for the government in such a field as providing a manned mission to Mars, or something like that? Society wants to know about it!

Adam Savage: No, I am not helping the government in any fake projects. I don’t think they would turn to us for help, as they have more qualified people to do such things.

Question: I have two questions about failures: one for you and one for me. Are you going to remake your Maltese Falcon to an appropriate size, and second, as a big fan of your show, I would really like to have a replica of the MythBusters tablet, how do you do it?

Adam Savage: we made it with a plasma cutter in about 30 minutes, just by drawing and cutting the letters. About 3 years ago, one of the producers took our plate with him, and I had to do it again, and the original plate was first made by Jamie. We just cut out the letters with a cutter and put them together.

Question: I don't have a plasma cutter, so could you make one tablet for me?

Adam Savage: I want to note that it will be too expensive! Now for the Maltese Falcon. At the beginning of this year, I spent a lot of time getting to know the real statuette of the Maltese Falcon, and I had the opportunity to take a few hundred photos. I got this opportunity at the last moment, so I didn’t have a roulette with me, and to determine the size I put a dollar bill next to it. I got a bunch of reference material, so I’ll try to recreate the statuette on a real scale as soon as I have a free weekend. But I do not know when it will be, because it is an ongoing saga.

Question: Hi, I am Syntax hosted by Defcon Geo Challenge, who sent you an e-mail inviting you to speak at this conference. I want to thank you for coming here and for the prizes that were given to us.

Adam Savage: Did you like the prizes I picked up for you?

Question: Yes, we received prizes, one of them is shown on the showcase in the conference hall, he attracted a lot of attention, so I would like to thank you for the visit and for the prizes that you provided for our event.

Adam Savage: By the way, my first question in the reply letter was this - of course, I will give you some of our prizes, but for that you will allow me to speak at Defcon?

Question: I have noticed that there is often a difference between how you confirm or destroy a myth, and sometimes you confirm or deny what is based on the “spirit” of the myth, and sometimes - what is based on the “letter” of the myth. Is there a reason for this difference?

Adam Savage: There is no difference in how we feel this legend. Often, when we finish a study of a myth, we - I, Jamie and the producer - have three different opinions on what to call it. We even send a draft to the editor, who sometimes replies: “I don’t even consider that you destroyed this myth”! And we say: “He is right! Let's take this myth believable "! This is like a scientific interpretation that allows different interpretations, “we play the way we feel,” and if we did everything wrong, we go back and revise the whole concept, this is my favorite part of my work.

Question: Obviously, the rocket mobile was one of your first legends, and you tried to work on it again, because you were not satisfied with the results of your research. Are you planning to give this legend another chance, because it would be fantastic?

Adam Savage: I’ll tell you that Rocket Car 3.0 is on our list of future research. And although we built a ramp for it a total of two days, it cost us 5 thousand dollars. The legend of the rocket car has become one of the most expensive episodes that we have ever shot, it cost us somewhere around 100 thousand dollars, because it was necessary to deliver the whole gang to the desert and shoot everything. Two guys who built the rocket vehicle, or rather, it was a whole company, with whom we talked on the show, asked to rename them from the “rocket creators” to “rocket specialists”, kindly offered us two rocket vehicles for free. I said that the rocket mobile cost 10 thousand dollars, but in reality each of these rockets cost 10 thousand dollars each, so that only “rocket power” cost $ 20,000. I think someday we will see rocket mobile version 3.

Host: as the saying goes, three from one match!

Question: I remember the episode "Destroyers of Legends", in which your assistants built a "Baghdad battery", and you were electrocuted. Were you really in shock or just portrayed it on camera?

Adam Savage: No, no, I was really angry and my whole team was also very angry. My wife saw this episode about six months later, but that day, when I returned home and told her about it, she was also very angry. Cary was the initiator of this “raffle”, and not our producer, and when my wife watched this episode, she noticed that everything on the TV screen didn’t look as bad as I told her about it when I came home after the shooting. I replied that in reality my group refused to shoot me during those 10 minutes while I was calming down. Because I was furious when I received a shock at 100 thousand volts, and although it lasted only 2 milliseconds, the current went right through the center of my heart. This case initiated a kind of unwritten agreement on the Day of ridicule and jokes in the “Mythbusters” team, in particular, between me and Jamie. Because when it comes to practical jokes, we behave like two nuclear powers, like, if I hit you with a current, then I’ll go home, which is full of water. It is like a retaliatory strike concept. You know, Jamie fights without rules, so I don't want to participate in it.

In fact, there is another thing that triggered the appearance of the "Day of the ridicule." This is what I immediately fall asleep in a moving vehicle and at the same time snore very loudly, which just makes Jamie angry. Therefore, I go to the shooting separately, because earlier, as soon as I climbed into the bus of the film crew, I fell asleep in the backseat and started to snore terribly. When Jamie could no longer tolerate, he poured a glass of water from a bottle and poured it on my pants in the crotch area. You know, in this place the jeans fold like a pocket, and he gradually poured water in there and once even managed to pour out a whole bottle while I was sleeping.

At the same time I was sleeping, but I had a very strange dream. Suddenly, I woke up, and you know that when you wake up and something happens, you often know exactly what is happening. So as soon as I woke up, I immediately hit the head on the head and said: “Hey man, do you really want to go there? Because in the house where I plan to spend a few weeks, it will be fun for everyone except you! This will be my goal! ” After these words, Jamie became even more like a walrus and replied: "You are absolutely right, I will not do that anymore!"

Host: do you like to spend your time here in our society?

Adam Savage: really, really like it! I love to talk with engineers, I love to talk with "geeks", I often ask people who like to scream at the TV, how often do you shout at me "idiot!" while watching our program? Know, I hear it!

Host: Do you want to visit us again next year?

Adam Savage: Yes, I will come here at about the same time!

Host: we have a good time, you have a good time, we have friends, you have friends ...

Adam Savage: I will try to bring you something new, but I'm not sure that I can get Jamie here. He is very antisocial.

Host: Is Jamie Antisocial? Can not be!

Adam Savage: Well, I promise to drag him here next year.

(noise in the hall)

Adam Savage: I don’t think he wants to come here after hearing such a reaction!

Host: in order for him to look like one of ours, he needs a red shirt, and he also needs to sleep at least occasionally in order to remain functional.

Adam Savage: He sleeps in a cryogenic chamber, so ...

Host: let me introduce you to Diviantu?

Diviant Ollam: So, Adam, a couple of times you blew up everything at my school in New Mexico, so now I just wanted to ask, actually, I wanted to hear it from Cary and Grant - what kind of explosion did you like the most?

Adam Savage: I will tell you the story of New Mexico, where we launched the rocket vehicle. If you reconsider this episode again, you will see how a flash of light is reflected in my eyes and how a joyful smile appears on my face, but something incomprehensible is happening to my mouth, because I actually drool. I'm drooling right at the camera and trying to hide behind, as if showing how great it was! Yes, guys, reconsider this episode, at least in order to say: "he is drooling!".

My favorite explosion was not really an explosion in the technical sense, it was a water heater explosion. I hope you will never conduct such an experiment without proper preparation.

Host: I think it should not be repeated at home!

Adam Savage: after arranging about 800 explosions, Jamie and I can tell how pale they look and how modestly the explosions sound, made with C4 or M4 explosives, compared to the explosion of a water boiler. A couple of years ago we made a story about how a water-heating boiler explodes and pierces the roof of a building, but people began to write to us that they have two-story houses and the boiler is in the basement. So in October we are launching a new season with premieres of plots, among which there will be a story about a water heater in the basement of a two-story house that we built, so it will be very cool!

Question: Usually in your television show there is a narrator who describes the work of the team, portraying Jamie as a thoughtful silent man, and you as a cheerful little fool. Do you agree with this interpretation and do you have conflicts with the narrator on this basis?

Adam Savage: This is a good question. For example, this show is recorded in Australia. We estimate how we should shoot that the narrator should speak about this, because with a rather low attitude to reality, we still shoot a reality television show. So we all pretend to be a rough idea and quite clearly imagine what it will look like on the screen. We have very good relationships with writers and producers who are preparing an abbreviated version of the plot in Australia. I have always been pleased with the way they write the script, in which they sometimes beat our conflicts with Jamie, because we really often argue with him about the research methodology, and this is absolutely normal.

When we first started making the show, one of the fans said that the whole show was held by Jamie, and I only looked like his lively assistant. I said it now in such a voice, because I have a bias towards this. In fact, it is important how people perceive our show, because its fundamental idea is what we do on the basis of absolute partnership in every sense of the word. The main thing is that this is the most professional partnership I have ever had, and I have the deepest respect for this guy who really drives me crazy.

People do not know what is happening in the background of the show and how it is given to us, they see only the final result. One day, Jamie caught the worst cold when we were shooting an episode about ninjas walking across the water. We removed the entire entourage without him so that when he recovers, we could insert an episode with his participation and use it to the maximum, because the idea of ​​this plot completely belonged to him. Sometimes it happens that on camera it comes out as my idea, although in reality it belonged to Jamie, or vice versa, this is a very ambiguous process.

Question: Thank you very much for coming here, we have a great conversation! My question consists of 2 related parts. First, do not your own beliefs and your own belief in the impossibility of what is happening, such as: “I know it will be X, Y, Z, prevent you from destroying or confirming the legends, because I believe that it should be X, Y Z? Has it happened to you that the result of research forced you to renounce your own philosophical views or beliefs, and how did this affect you?

Adam Savage: This is a great pair of questions! Нас часто спрашивают, предпочитаем ли мы больше разрушать мифы, чем подтверждать их. Я имею в виду, что начиная работать с какой-то легендой, мы действительно выступаем агностиками. Можно сказать, что мы постоянно ошибались, полагаясь на собственную интуицию, которая говорила нам, что должно произойти. У нас даже существует определение «грязный автомобиль против чистого автомобиля» для случая, который полностью не оправдал наших прогнозов. И это довольно весело.

Несколько лет назад мы засняли эпизод под названием «Хлёсткий трос-убийца». Каждый рыбак в мире верит, что если сильно натянуть закреплённый плетенный трос, то он оборвется и начнёт хлестать вокруг, рубя всё на кусочки. Как я сказал, нет в мире рыбака, который бы не верил в то, что при обрыве такой трос отрезает людям ноги, руки и так далее.

Поэтому мы создали красивый экспериментальный процесс, разработанный Джейми с целью выяснить, как можно получить удар такого хлыста в конкретном направлении, обернув его вокруг привинченного к полу столбика. Мы снимали сюжет в заброшенном здании на военно-морской базе, взяв для эксперимента различные стальные тросы диаметром от четверти до трех четвертей дюйма, планируя натянуть их до 80% прочности на разрыв и затем обрубить пневматическим резцом. У нас было несколько свиных туш, расположенных «на линии огня», и, начиная эксперимент утром, мы бы уверены, что к обеду получим целую кучу нарезанных свиных бифштексов.

Мы рассчитывали насладиться красивыми скоростными кадрами работы троса-убийцы, однако когда на четвертой свиной туше мы увидели просто вмятину, то есть трос даже не рассек кожу. Я был в полной уверенности, что наш технологический процесс безупречен и причина неудачи в том, что мы используем 80% предельного натяжения, а не 90 и более процентов, чтобы приблизится к эффекту рассечения плоти.

Я вызвал нашего главного исследователя, Линду Волкович, и спросил, есть ли у нас контакты хотя бы одного человека, которому трос что-нибудь отрезал, я бы сразу прислал за ним самолёт.

Потому что те кабели, что мы используем, ведут себя как лазерные лучи, они совсем не хлещут, они просто раскручиваются, они тяжело движутся. Наверное, они в состоянии сбить человека с ног, но уж никак не порубить его на куски!

В тот день мы закончили тем, что опровергли эту легенду, и я не считаю недостатком то, что мы были совершенно неправы. Это очень захватывающе – ваша интуиция и разработка процесса, позволяющего выяснить, как всё происходит на самом деле, это процесс осознания того, что большую часть времени вы ошибались относительно какого-то вопроса. Я думаю, что на самом деле, мы бы не стали за делать за свои деньги научно-образовательное шоу, потому что если бы решились на такое, то потерпели бы неудачу. Но я думаю, что мы даем людям возможность понять, как работает наука, показать им, что это довольно грязное занятие. Я думаю, очень важно, чтобы люди понимали, что наука — это не учёные в белых халатах, которые с гордостью произносят в своей стерильной лаборатории: «Мой эксперимент был успешен!» или «Мой эксперимент дал уникальные данные!», мы вообще не обращаем на это внимания, когда ошибаемся.

Вопрос: теперь, когда вы познакомились с нашим сообществом, собираетесь ли вы разрушить некоторые мифы, связанные с компьютерами?

Адам Сэвидж: эта область исследований, где трудно совершить какие-то открытия. На самом деле в самый первый сезон мы хотели купить два компьютера, привязать их к одному и тому же интернет-аккаунту, нажать на одном из них кнопку «Не посылай мне спам!» и посмотреть, что при этом произойдёт. Но сложность подобных исследований заключается в том, что в компьютерах происходят практически невидимые процессы, поэтому довольно трудно сделать зрелищный сюжет. Однако то, что я здесь увидел, подсказывает, что когда-нибудь мы поработаем на тему развенчивания компьютерных мифов.

Ведущий: ну что, же, Адам, пришло время попрощаться!

Адам Сэвидж: у меня ещё есть немного времени? Я хочу поблагодарить вас, ребята, за теплую встречу, для меня было большой честью выступить на Defcon, вы потрясающая публика, примите мой поклон!

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437578/