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Publishing an application to Microsoft Store: some changes for the year

Already a year has passed since the publication of the article about the features of publication in the MS Store. Over the past year there have been many events - the GDPR, the release of VS 2019 and other changes.

In today's short article, I would like to talk a little bit about what changes have occurred in the features of publishing in the Microsoft Store, as well as, on numerous requests, to tell you more about some of the sending sections, which in the previous article were just mentions ( subsections "Prices and availability", "Properties" and "Age categories"). It will be, in some way, the actualization and expansion of the previous article.

Visual studio 2019

First of all, I want to dispel doubts about the "entanglement" in the new VS - all the elements necessary for publication have not been moved / changed and are in their places.

Visual Studio Community 2019 Preview

For comparison, the spoiler screenshots from the previous article, which used Visual Studio Community 2015.

As it was in Visual Studio Community 2015

Partner Center

Yes, it did not seem to you - now the registration of the developer and all work with the applications is carried out through the "Partner Center", which looks like a slightly redesigned Developer Dashboard.

Of course, this is subjective, but in my opinion, the new interface has begun to be perceived as somewhat more “friendly” and accessible. Separately pleased that the sections of the developer’s registration and the application panel were reduced to one service, which made it look more “whole” and “unified”, whereas earlier registration was done in one place (with one interface), and work with applications in friend (with a different interface). However, I repeat - these are only subjective impressions. But my inner perfectionist exults.

check in

As you can see, the prices (commission) since the previous article remained the same and amount to 626 rubles for individual developers and 3000 rubles for organizations. Honestly, such prices can not but rejoice, given the possibilities that the service itself provides and which developer registration fee is used in other services (speaking of the latter, it should be noted that there can be many reasons for this difference - from audience to something still).

For those who are curious to know more about what information is required for the initial registration of the MS Store developer, posted a compilation of screenshots under the spoiler




Pricing and Availability

This section, however tautly sound, is responsible for the cost of the software product and the markets (countries) in which it will be available (and when it will be available for them). You can get acquainted with the full parameters of this section by looking under the spoiler.

Full parameters


In this section, the features of the software product are filled. This category, subcategory (in some cases), genres, system requirements, and more.

From the new, you can mark questions about privacy policy in the subsection “Information about support”.

Full parameters
Filling data on the software product made the most accessible and enjoyable, if I may say so. The list of "questions" about the product depends on the selected category (but does not change much).

For clarity, we analyze the category "Games"

Age categories

Age limits for the software product are set according to the results of filling out the International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) questionnaire, or existing assessments are imported.

IARC Application Form
Initially, it is proposed to select the category of your software product.

Since in the previous example the game was taken as a category, we will continue to disassemble it

After passing the survey, you can immediately get acquainted with the age ratings of your program. Example:

Separately, I want to note that shortly after the application is published, an “certificate” from the IARC (“IARC Rating Certificate”) will be sent to your e-mail address. Externally, it looks approximately the same as in the example above, but among other things it contains such information as: to whom it was issued, when it was issued, for which software product, for which store and the unique ID of the certificate.

Xbox Live Creators Program

Another novelty. Now in the submission section there is a subsection "Xbox Live for Designers" (it is optional to fill out). The details of the program can be found here .

Program page in subsection

You can take part in the program, as well as refuse, in a couple of clicks.

about the author

Lev Bulanov is a student at Tchaikovsky Industrial College and Udmurt State University, Microsoft Student Partner, C # developer, CF2.5 developer, Unity developer, computer operator (5th grade). The main area of ​​interest is the development of mini-games, utilities and MR-projects.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437636/