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Damage to the submarine cable left the whole country without the Internet

The Kingdom of Tonga is a small island nation in the South Pacific. It occupies more than 170 islands, but not so many inhabited ones. The main island, where the government is located and lives most of all people, is protected from winds and waves.

However, for the modern man there are problems and worse waves. This, for example, the absence of the Internet. The other day, the gap of the submarine cable left all this state without a stable connection. There is an alternative channel - satellite Internet, but there is not much to expect from this type of communication.

The capacity of satellite Internet is not very large, and for all residents of the islands (despite the fact that there are not too many of them), the Internet is simply not enough. The situation is so complicated that the government thought about the temporary blocking of social networks with their heavy content in order to ensure the normal operation of the "business" segment of the network.

About 80% of Tongo residents' traffic is content from social networks.

The length of the Internet highway that connects Tongo and Fiji is 825 km. Soon to the islands should arrive repair vessel, which can localize and bridge the gap. But when exactly it will happen is unclear. It is only known that the gap is located about 10 km from the islands.

Most likely, the cause of the problem is a kind of vessel, the anchor of which accidentally damaged the main line. Now, residents of the island state in a few days (and possibly weeks) will feel isolated from the outside world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437668/