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Interesting statistics 100,000 profiles with Stack Overflow for 2018 (and habrapros)


In early 2018, more than 100,000 respondents took part in the Stack Overflow survey, making this survey of developers the largest in the world.

The most interesting answers are under the cut.

The translation was made with the support of the company EDISON Software , which professionally writes software for IoT on an urban scale , as well as develops software for new scanners .

In the field of software, passionate newcomers prevail

Most professional developers are engaged in programming not so long ago. 55% is less than 8 years old, and 1/3 is less than 5.

How many years have you been programming


And most of the developers have been programming professionally for less than 5 years.

How many years have you been doing programming professionally (working as a programmer)


Nearly half of all professional developers also sympathize with open source

Contribution to open source projects.


And almost all professional programmers consider coding as their hobby.

Is programming a hobby?


A quarter of developers don't have a bachelor's degree

Your education


And among professional developers, one of the three has an education not related to computer science or software.


Virtually all professional developers are constantly learning new skills — most often through online courses and self-learning using documentation.

Ways to get knowledge.


About a quarter of developers participate in hackathons mainly because of the fun

Why do developers participate in hackathons.


Many developers visit programmer training camps already having a regular job to expand their skills.

How soon after passing the training camp you found a job.



Most of the developers work on a permanent job, approximately 10% are freelancers. Only 5% of developers who want to work now in search - statistics are much better than in almost any other field of activity.



They work in a wide range of industrial areas, many of them beyond what is commonly considered “technical”



Most of them work in medium and small companies. As experience increases, so does the chance to work in large companies.

Company size


They are ambitious. Only 1 out of 5 developers agree to work in the same conditions as now, after 5 years. A quarter of developers are looking to create their own company.

Where do developers see themselves in 5 years?

73% of developers are satisfied with their career choices.

Attitude towards career and work in general


JavaScript is the most popular technology for the sixth year in a row.

Development, Markup and Scripting Languages


JavaScript-based frameworks and libraries remain key development tools.

Framework, libraries and tools.


SQL databases are still the most popular. MongoDB document repository databases and Redis keys have become popular this year as well.



Diversity in software development

In software development, young people still dominate ...



Childless ...

Children and other dependents.


Men ...



Parents who went to college

(Only 1 out of 3 Americans have a bachelor’s degree, which indicates problems of social mobility)

The level of education of parents.


Other interesting information about developers

They are not as close to the vampires as Hollywood would suggest.

When do you wake up?


More than half of their time they spend at the computer

How much time do developers spend at the computer?


This suggests that most developers take the time to exercise regularly.

How often do developers do sports?


The vast majority of developers are optimistic about the future of artificial intelligence.

What do you think about the future of artificial intelligence?


But they admit that ultimately the developers are responsible for the security

Who is responsible for the possible consequences of AI actions?


Most developers said they would refuse to write code that, in their opinion, serves an unethical purpose.

(deceives people or steals information)

What should developers do if they are asked to write code for an unethical purpose?


Nevertheless, they say that the blame for the unethical code lies with the company's management.

Who will be responsible for code that serves an unethical purpose?


The overwhelming majority of developers believe that they are obliged to consider the ethical implications of their code.

Should developers consider the ethical implications of the code they write?


If you're interested in reading about developer ethics, take a moment and read this article .

Also Bill Surur - a developer who has been professionally engaged in programming for over 20 years, has created a series of ethics manuals .

Thank you for reading. If you have time, you can read all the results of the Stack Overflow 2018 survey and share your thoughts in the comments below.

Poll 2017

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437758/