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Here live dragons: a matrix of competencies as a tool of the Timblid

It is possible that you will say: “The matrix of competencies? Seriously?". Most likely you have already heard something about this tool, and even made some conclusions, why you do not want to use it. Maybe it was just not before, or how the killer argument "has historically happened ...".

In fact, it is quite logical and not a new tool that can be very useful. And you can implement it completely differently, which we will try to prove to you on practical cases of two different teams - technical support and development. Based on them, you yourself can estimate the labor costs (they may well be very different) and estimate a more suitable way for you in this direction.

And what have the dragons, explain under the cut.

This article is based on ours with Konstantin Kaftan on TeamLead Conf . Konstantin Timlid of the IPONWEB technical support department, and I am a technical writer of the development team at IPONWEB, I am engaged in knowledge management.

The story is built on the practical cases of IPONWEB, so first we will get a little familiar with the company so that you can understand whether this material is close to you.

Our HR gave us a request for a cool marketing picture that tells about our sphere:

Indeed, IPONWEB is developing platforms for online advertising customers. We work on the Software as a Service model (or more precisely Platform as a Service). We have a lot of components: HTTP server, predict algorithm, UI, reporting. Business logic for about 50 projects, written in Lua.

We also have a flagship BidSwitch, which began as a spin-off. We are more interested in the integration of partners (demand-side, supply-side), so we have a lot of logs. This is the same project, on the same stack, but it is quite large, it has specific features and a dedicated technical support line, which Konstantin heads.

Why did we choose the name "Dragons Live Here", what does this mean? So earlier on medieval maps they designated places where it is not known what is happening - such Terra Incognita. There are two stories about this. The first is about the structure of skills, skills that a team has, and the bigger the team, the more such Terra Incognita arises; but about the second we will talk later.

How did we get here

It so happened that we (Svetlana and Konstantin) didn’t often overlap in work, and we learned that we applied for essentially one subject only from the conference website . Then we decided to unite - it seemed to us that it would be more interesting for everyone.

Team Profiles

The team of Constantine " Technical Support ":

My Lua Development team:

Command descriptions are needed to make it clear how our implementations of the matrices differ. We will try to describe how different teams approached this, what happened as a result, since the command structures, message, goals, triggers, and end results turned out to be somewhat different.

Goals and Triggers

In the Technical Support team:

In the development team, the goals and triggers were slightly different. The initial stimulus was precisely knowledge management, because, as already mentioned, we have a very specific business - Ad Tech. The likelihood that someone will come with ready-made knowledge is quite low, and at the same time for the developer, knowledge of business specifics is very important.

The Dev Team needed:

There was also a side goal - to make the performance review process more transparent, understandable, in order to formulate goals in a single coordinate system.

Performance review

Performance review is our company's standard. Every N months a performance review is carried out with each employee in the presence of the employee, his team leader, HR or notary is used as a referee. At the performance review we examine what the employee did of the tasks that were set, what he did not succeed in, if it did not work out, why, what we would like to accomplish, what we can offer. After that new goals, tasks are set, the next term is set.

In the support team, this period is rather short, because there are no large, time-stretched projects — this is 3, maximum 4 months. In a development team, these are semi-annual review cycles. Previously, the dates were longer, simply because the developers can better map the road map. In some other development teams, for example, the frontend performance review also occurs every 3-4 months. Perhaps the interval has nothing to do with the development or support of the team, but it happened with us.

Why do we need a competency matrix

A year ago, our company went through a period of intensive growth, there were more people, more tools, more tasks - more of them all. At one point, it became clear that without the correct documents it is difficult to understand what is happening. And we found a solution how to systematize information: about tasks; tools and skills; employees.

And why is all of you? You will learn about our practical cases, but you may have a reasonable question - how to understand what I need?

If you have problems similar to the ones we outlined above, that is, you don’t understand the full pool of tasks for your developers, you’ve been learning about new employees and other problems that were already called for too long, then you probably need them.

Where to begin

Where to start tell you about your example.

In the technical support team we: defined the tasks we are engaged in; decomposed tasks into separate manipulations; found out what tools the employee should know to work in a particular sector.

Below is a somewhat simplified example.

The team has employees from Batman, Joker, Flash, and Ivanov, and standard tasks:

From the tools we have:

Then we found out who knows what and in what extent.

2 - an expert who can teach; 1 - it means a person more or less knows; empty cells instead, so as not to offend anyone.

We summarize in one table:

Gray out those tools that are not required in any given task. For example, for general diagnostics, we don’t necessarily need knowledge of BQ and Grafana. It turned out quite an interesting picture.

Nezhdanchiki (Support)

A few nezhdanchikov that have helped to understand:

More details on each of the points later.

Let's go back to the table.

Formally, in the general diagnosis of busy Batman. The table shows that the Joker, if necessary, will replace him well, given that he is still an expert in the UI - why not? That is, we have Batman replaceable.

Joker is generally well done - he is savvy almost everywhere, except perhaps deploy monitoring, but this can be taught.

It is well known that the Joker spends some extracentric free time and may at any time fall out of work. What will happen then? Then everything will be sad with traffic deal diagnostics.

Moreover, we do not have a BQ expert! That is, we urgently need someone to pull up, train. For example, you can train Batman BQ, and Ivanov - Graphite.

Even with such a simplified assessment system, you can get a certain amount for each of the employees in order to understand how competent and well-grounded he is. These estimates threw another nezhdanchik.

Two more interesting things are the total amount of the team and its average score. Strictly speaking, these figures themselves are not particularly interesting - the dynamics of their changes from month to month are interesting. If we for some reason began to fall totally, then most likely someone left, and a weak employee came - a problem with the bundle, you need to turn to HR. If the average suddenly began to fall, it means that we have something wrong with learning - the Timlid is guilty and only the Timlid.

It is important that in this case it is a tool of a timlid that is not shown to employees, because assessments are subjective.

Dev team

In Dev Team, everything is a bit more democratic, or maybe we just complicated our task. The list of skills in the development team is longer, although the homogeneity of the tasks is probably higher.

We collected a board of 4 experienced developers (including a team leader and a knowledge management specialist), brainstormed, and analyzed tasks and skills. We just went step by step and on our own personal feelings, but several people, analyzed the tasks, laid out their skills, formed a list.

At first it was a list, then it was structured into more universal skills, which include coding and separate business skills, because for our developers this is an important part. And from this list of skills already made a matrix.

In the first iteration of the matrix, we did not include the so-called soft-skills, that is, what can not be called hard-skills. This is something related to daily work, and even part of critical skills, including: planning; communication with the team; ability to manage the development process in mini-groups or by yourself; ability to formulate requirements, for example, during code review.

We didn’t immediately include all these skills, because we didn’t understand how to evaluate them accurately.

In the second iteration, they entered the rating system:

By the way, about soft skills in support. The fact is that the soft skills in the development team require a separate assessment. However, personal qualities that are only desirable for the developer are mandatory for the support team. If a person is hired, then he already has them by default.

In development, we abandoned the very concept of “soft skills”, and called it universal skills. They do not include, for example, knowledge of the English language or the fact that you do not enrage your team - this is not there, because it is just closer to the soft skills, describes the character of a person. We estimate skills somewhere on the verge, and therefore came up with this name - universal skills .

When the list of skills was ready, we conducted their assessment using a continuous survey. We conducted a real exam, in which some of the questions suggested an unambiguous answer, and some discussed working situations: “What to do if someone delays or does not do something?”, “How would you implement this or that functionality in the project?” . This helped us a lot, because this part of the questions allowed us to talk to a lot of developers.

Then we progreydiroval developers on a scale of 1 to 3 for each skill.

Those skills that we could not assess using the initial survey, we evaluated using peers (peer), that is, asked to evaluate colleagues. We didn’t have any group leaders at that time, otherwise they could have done it.

This matrix looks like this.

Of course, everything did not fit in the picture, so some things, for example, correlations and the profile of the developers here are not clear. But even so, you can roughly estimate what is happening and see how visually it is and what can be measured.

Colors correspond to the evaluation. The same metrics are output as for the support team - total and different average for skills.

Pay attention to Dev8. From the table it turns out that it is as if the first candidate for dismissal. But, first, he has specific knowledge on one of the positions, so we need it. But more importantly, this table is not a dismissal tool . I will also tell you about this, we didn’t make it all for this.

Average by skills is a job, according to the results of which a plan should be formed on how to tighten the skill. That is, if the developers do not know something - this is not their problem. This means that we did not give them enough information, and in general, knowledge of one of the skills is generally not enough in the company. It is necessary either to write documentation, or to make some kind of playground so that they can practice, or to buy some external course, so that they can study, conduct Knowledge Sharing Session, send them to each other to study, work in pair for some time, include a person in another project. There may be different variants of knowledge sharing. The bottom line is that you need to first hold an event, and only then talk about the dynamics.

It is important to note that since our company has a matrix structure, not all developers need some skills. They will receive them when they complete the task associated with this skill. Otherwise, it is meaningless, especially if the skill is not included in the list of critical. For example, in some of the projects there is no uPredict, this is not a critical skill. In general, this approach has helped us formulate which skills are key and which are not, and what the specialist will be able to catch up when he has such a practical task.

Another important point about grading. We initially made a mistake, which was provoked by more than it could be, the resistance of the team - we did not verbalize the value of estimated 1, 2 and 3. They were in our heads at the level of intuition, but we could not answer why one developer got 1, and the second - 2. The developers shared with each other the results of the muddle and this provoked conflicts. Unlike the support group, we provided personal ratings on request, but not strangers.

It is necessary to clearly define and convey this to everyone, for example, that in the knowledge of Lua there is an assessment:

So you can decompose each skill, because somewhere at the level of intuition you already have it.

Note to self:

  • Verbalize the rating system, even if you don't show it to anyone.
  • At the earliest stages, try to include experienced developers. You know, who may have the most resistance, immediately turn them into work. Remove all objections in advance, as is done in sales.

How to implement

When the primary matrix was ready, we tied the metrics to the development team. Basically it was the percentage of maximum marks for skills, which allows you to put a grade developer.

In addition to assessments for individual skills, we needed to upgrade developers. We had grades A, B and C - something like junior, middle, senior. In IT junior, middle, senior is too full of meaning, which invests, including work experience. We needed designations that had absolutely no connotations in advance. A, B, and C are not even marks in an American school. The metrics "percentage of maximum skills" helped us to do this.

The remaining metrics are various percentages of individual skills and average.

We also tried to build correlations with other methods of evaluating employees , including salary. Of course, we didn’t want to tie the salary to the metrics, it was just an exercise, but everything was quite well related.

The idea is that by correlating the estimates on the matrix with the salary, you check some of your thoughts on this matter, and you can estimate how much you pay for each specific percentage of maximum skills. You can roughly decompose, for what and how much you can pay extra, where to change the salary. Or to reveal that you are not seriously paying someone extra - it turns out that there is a person who has a unique knowledge or a fairly good set of skills, and you were wrong.

We also tied here the metrics that we take from other systems. We have version control metrics associated with rollbacks or review reviews, for example. We also compared them, but we have no goal to make tight bindings. We simply confirm our hypotheses in this way.

Subsequently, the goals for the performance review were set in terms of this matrix. That is, we could clearly explain the difference between 1 and 2, and in which (only a few) positions the developer needs to catch up in six months.

We have developed an internal rule - not to give after the performance review more than three goals in terms of the matrix.

Nezhdanchik (Dev Team)

In the development, too, met unexpected people. Basically, we got a lot of what we wanted. We have a clear understanding in the form of a map with which you can work, where there are white spots, where you need to train the team. We completely rewrote the training plan for new employees. As a result, the process of human adaptation to a living project was reduced from 5-6 months to 2-3. That is, now for the trial period, we fully manage to implement a new employee in the project. We completely rewrote the onboarding plan, because we were able to identify a list of key skills that beginners need right away. And under secondary skills (or very specific for individual projects) knowledge artifacts can be created in the learning process.

At that moment we had interns, and we did not plan to take them all, but only one of the four. But they took three. We do not directly associate the fact that at once three interns have taken root, so that we have made a matrix of competencies. But we tested many of our considerations on them, and they were the first to go through a new training plan. In particular, we have included a lot of practice in it, we have created a playground so that they can practice their skills using critical skills.

In addition, we have identified who and how loyal the company is , and who wants to be unique and irreplaceable. There were critical skills that people wanted to share, while at the same time, they found bottlenecks in which people reveled in how unique and irreplaceable they were. In this case, the bus factor was the result of a conscious decision. We could immediately document this part of the framework and train the second person for this. Although there was resistance from a human expert who did not want to share knowledge and wanted to implement it only in his project.

We identified enthusiasts and team drivers. Those who immediately wanted to contribute something: “Let's add something else here? And why do not we appreciate it? ".

Quite unexpectedly, what we were not going to look for at all - we found those things that can be transferred to the server part of the code, to the libraries, so as not to reinvent the wheel. It turned out more thanks to a full exam and additional communication.


The above is a typical case when you can transfer part of the code to a shared library. There is some knowledge that is not enough to share, you need to transfer it to the code base.

In this example, only one developer knows how to configure the CI, because it is he who configured it. This is a bottleneck in which to share knowledge. By the way, this is the same Number 8.

When we know which skills are not critical, we can use different filters to understand which skills with a low average rating are critical and which ones are specific to business units. We are still learning how to calculate developer profiles using this matrix.

Cost of implementation of the competency matrix

What interests everyone is the sacred man-hours. Everyone is always interested in the question of labor costs.

In the case of customer support, it took:

And that's it! To maintain the matrix up to date enough on the strength of 30 minutes a week. Of course, it depends on how intensively the rotation of colleagues goes, new tasks arrive, or, on the contrary, they die off.

Dev team

In the development team, compared with the support, there is a slightly frightening difference in labor costs. But there is an important point: the initial assessment of skills (making a list) took the same 3-4 hours. The main labor costs were completely different, they consist of the following:

But the point is that somewhere in the middle of the path you get a working tool with which you can already do something. Even at the final stage, it is quite possible to work with the list and the first grades.


Separately dwell on how important it is to stop in time .

The competency matrix is ​​a tool, not a universal solution to all tasks.

You need to understand what you still want, and how much you are willing to invest time. The first stage, when we simply paint skills, distribute employees, apply elementary assessment, is not particularly labor-intensive. Then you can complicate: enter more metrics, skill average, conduct a continuous survey, etc.

Support stopped somewhere between easy and medium, and the Dev Team - about medium.

For each manipulation, for each tool, you can also enter a complexity factor, and from these coefficients you can calculate the final total and average score. We did not go that far, but stopped at a moderate degree of difficulty. The bottom line is that you can build up levels of abstraction, but the question is whether you need it.

What not to do

What the competence matrix is ​​not and what you should not do with it.

You should not try to tie the salary, dismissal, other formal measures to the matrix. This is your tool (or command tool), which is not needed for this. You can attach a performance review to it, so that everyone can speak the same language.

If you have a rather heterogeneous team, consider whether you need one matrix or several - those very profiles. We are going in this direction now and have not solved this problem yet.

It happens when HR deals with this, but then you can get a result, first, not the first time, secondly, not the one that was expected, thirdly, HR will still draw some conclusions and will be nervous. It’s just that HR has other tasks, they may like this tool and they can use it for their own purposes, which sometimes do not agree with the tasks of the team leader.

In each team it may look different. In our experience, other teams in the company became interested in this tool. They also want to try, but with a different approach, they have other reasons.They will need to start everything from a clean slate, and not just take our matrices and try to apply them. Each team will have its own matrix - in front-end development one, in a business-oriented team - another. These matrices will differ not only in the list and the number of skills.

Slides, additional materials and our matrix here .

А если вопрос управления знаниями для вас так же актуален, как для меня, приглашаю участвовать в специальной конференции KnowledgeConf 2019 в Москве 26 апреля.

Обсуждать планируем самые разные проблемы, от прикладных (онбординг новичков, организация базы знаний, внутренний университет, обучение на практике, фиксация инцидентов и ведение базы постмортемов) до фундаментальных (современные подходы к обучению и системному мышлению).

Мы с программным комитетом уже начали работу и получили первую двадцатку тем. Подавайте заявки , если дорожите знаниями внутри компании, и знаете, как с ними следует обращаться. А мы поможем довести материал до классного доклада.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437772/