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Arduino collaborates with Google and introduces certification.

Most arduinschikov in Russia most likely use Chinese clones of the original Arduino. European prices do not look too appetizing and do not have to buy. Nevertheless, the Arduino company itself is quite actively promoting its products in developed countries. Corporate blog is actively updated with new posts and two news seemed curious to me.

First, Arduino announced a collaboration with Google. Together, the companies have prepared a set of "Arduino Science Kit Physics Lab."

The set consists of a box in which the MKR WiFi 1010 microcontroller and other related products were put.

The full list can be viewed on the TECH SPECS tab of the blog page .

No pricing information yet. You can leave your address for notification.

The second interesting news is the Arduino Certification Program (ACP) certification. Post page . Those interested will have to answer questions on theory and practice. There is no specific information about the price either.

I think in the near future the company will tell in more detail about its new initiatives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437908/