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Career steroids. Real stories

After the publication of the first career steroids, I began to receive a lot of personal messages and letters. People told their stories, shared their successes and failures, asked questions.

I answered them something, sometimes looking ahead and talking about new, not yet published steroids. Someone took advantage of one or another steroid, and received a promotion or income. Someone just said "thank you", someone did not answer at all.

And I thought - why do I get all the most interesting things again? Such stories are not written in the comments, and you will think that all my articles are either inventions of the sick mind of a chronic loser, or a systematic error of a survivor.

The idea seemed interesting to me, I asked permission from everyone who wrote to me, and I compile an article from their stories. Personal data, of course, erasing. In some places I will also insert my answers if the context requires it. Names, titles and everything that, in my opinion, the authors of these texts can give out, I replaced * with stupid comments *.

The first


I will share my version of profukanny elevators, if interested.

The first. They lured me away from my * engineering position * from * one city * to * another city * in 2012. Two of us already moved from our office, and I went too.

During the factory tour, I saw many violations of the technology and immediately suggested some very drastic changes, youth, the experience of the bureaucracy was not there yet, and there was enough production. Local people seemed to support, but I was shy after a couple of days that I started too briskly, and even then my mind was enough to send to the forest, and not to support.

As a result, after * certain events *, the office with the equipment and almost the entire composition of the ITR moved to * a very comfortable country *, all who moved had a good job and received citizenship * from a very cozy country * in a couple of years: (((

Second. Friends who advised on * certain materials * (production) decided to move from * one city * to * another *, with a name. I just died another plant, there were a few months left for the elimination and sale of metal. So far we have eliminated, * certain events * occurred again, and I pissed away * a rather valuable prize * and work * in a very pleasant place *.

These are not obvious elevators.


I advised the person not to bathe and, most importantly, not to miss the new elevators.


And he answered: damn, but here it is more difficult, with not looking through something.

The option to sit on a not very specialized job in * one city * on a relatively high salary in the industry - as many as * some there * in your hands. Clenching his teeth watching * negative changes *, increasing * costs *, the collapse of the company due to * a negative situation * and * other filth *. Something does not stick at all.

There are several areas of production that you can try to get * good regions *, etc. Yeah, this is where I am a cool specialist in technology, which * many people know *, and there will be a knower with unconfirmed experience, with ignorance of the accepted methods and equipment, legislation. Also with an unfinished higher ...

Or urgently relearn a programmer, there is * some time for this *. There are no problems here, from the point of view of algorithms and owl sticking to the stump, I have been doing this all my life. Only now one will need someone with a bright head * a certain age * and whether it will be bright by * a slightly older age * :)

Here you have another option - it is important not only not to blunder the elevator, but also to choose which elevator to enter.

Threat Sorry, that a lot of personal, sad.

And finally, he added: thank you, I will beat the butter.
Good luck to you, write again and do not pay attention to gorlopanov. Most normal people do not comment, just because there is nothing to add to the good material.



Good day.

My name is * Name *. I read your articles very carefully. Especially "Corporate Syndrome" and "Career steroids."

Impressed not so much by the style of writing, as the hero himself, as he says what he thinks.

Here's what I wanted to ask: how the story is autobiographical?

Why I ask: I always considered myself about the same person as Sergei understood. However, comparing my career path with his, I understand that I am doing something wrong somewhere. Or do not use career steroids.

I do not have a goal to become a CIO, Gen. Dir and so on. My goal: to earn as much money as there would be enough for the existence of a family, * and other personal goals *.

Maybe you will be so kind as to devote a certain amount of your time for small tips on what you think I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance for any response.


I answered: It is more correct not to consider the stories about Sergey as my autobiography, otherwise there are too many questions for me.

But career steroids - yes there, I write about real practice, mine and peeped at my colleagues.

To understand what you are doing wrong, tell us what you are doing :)


* Name * answered so. First, a little about myself: I've been working as a release manager for various large companies for quite some time.

Until recently, incomes somehow grew up (for understanding, I don’t take bribes, I live by one sn).

However, with the advent of the current company, growth simply stopped.

In the end, I find myself in the category of clever sheep. There is a great desire to change this, but unfortunately for myself, I do not understand how.

At the very beginning of my work at the current site I tried to apply Rush - they promised me that they would do everything, they even set deadlines. However, my mistake was that I had nowhere to go at that moment in time. Thus, Rush broke down and, when the management understood this, he quietly forgotten his promises.

He did not pass with the dogs: he recorded and volunteered to do everything that was possible. Sometimes I even did it first (I worked for a future employer) and only then offered this task. Each time something happened, then another (it could not sell the idea, then the maximum heard "thank you", then something else). Again, perhaps choosing the wrong dogs. Maybe there are universal? :)

Elevators, unfortunately, I do not see, although I am sure that they exist somewhere.

Sometimes there is a desire to change jobs to some small company in order to develop there (as my many acquaintances did) and then come to a big position and with big money to a big company.

Now, certain events are taking place *, following which I have a great desire to take a place more comfortably.

True, I am afraid that without your advice I will again be a clever sheep-ram.


I decided to go all-in and answered very honestly.

I was in a similar situation several times, when it seemed that there was no way out, no opportunities, but there was a mortgage.

The solution turned out to be simple: stop striving, and start silently * herachit *, I apologize for the mate.

Accept the fact that not a damn thing happens, and * herachit *. And the main work, and something new for yourself. As a set of layoffs. To do what will be useful later, but not to keep in mind the mandatory "sale" to the current employer.

Oddly enough, it always worked for me. * Herachish *, and everything works. And they begin to notice you again, and they want to work with you, and new opportunities open up on their own.

All the jumps that took place in my career began exactly from the state you have now. Just scored on everything and became * herachit *, without any hope of recognition.


* Name * replied: Thank you :)

So I think in the right direction. Wait and see. Maybe some kind of "dog" will turn up, which will give impetus.

In any case, many thanks for your time.


But I did not let up: No, you did not understand. There is no need to wait, seek, ask, demand, offer.

Decide what you want to do. For myself. And do it.


* Name * replied: That is how I understood :)

My frequent problem is that I skip intermediate arguments and immediately give the final result, which is not always obvious. Therefore, the interlocutor (including in correspondence) perceives him as incorrect and comes to him only after some time.

Here I set the task for myself - to learn to express my thoughts in such a way that the listeners do not have ambiguous interpretations.


But I still thought that * Name * did not understand me. I wrote: So in the end result you have a marker: "Maybe it will turn up."


But the last message * Name * put everything in its place: Then maybe it was really not so understood.

I meant that I will continue to * herachit *, and if suddenly one of my tasks turns out to be a “dog”, then everything will happen by itself.

Third, one friend of mine in the Far East


Hi Ivan!

My name is * Name *, I have been working as an engineer in * Aichi * companies for * many * years.

I was interested in articles under the tag "Career steroids", they describe interesting techniques that I myself unknowingly used. From the moment I joined the company, I always tried to keep the “On” mode and in many ways it helped me move up the career ladder. During my time at the company, I grew from just an engineer to a leading engineer responsible for a certain direction.

In most cases, my salary and position increased my leadership, seeing diligence and striving for improvements in my area of ​​work. During this time, some of the processes were automated, heaps were disassembled, where they were long overdue and no one wanted to touch them, what was to be documented before me was documented, but everyone had some ear and so on.

That is, basically my method for raising was: “you stick and you get.” My only use of rush was the situation when changing leadership and expanding my area of ​​responsibility. It so happened that these two events coincided and I, having come to the new “old” chief (I had known him for a long time, but until that moment he was not my chief), asked for salary increases and other derogations for work, due to the fact that and the range of tasks expanded. At that time I was pleased.

Not so long ago there was such a situation, it took to close the vacancy in our department, and I proposed to this place a person from another department subordinate to ours, let's say his name is * Other Name *. He is a really good specialist and our department would only benefit from this move, but in response I received: "- * Name *, and who will work there? * Another Name * we need there." That is, for * Another Name *, thus the possibility of career growth was greatly hampered, if not reduced to zero.

After this conversation, I finally realized that I myself was in a similar situation. Essentially doing my job well, I became a difficult-to-replace person in some matters, an expert. Because of this, I will not be promoted to the position of chief. Especially with the previous manual, this situation has already happened. "You are good in your place" and raised another.

Perhaps this is so. But time passes, youth goes away and I would like to fuck as much as possible. On the other hand, it seems that it is beneficial for the management to have such a specialist covering a number of issues because of which the head does not hurt the authorities.
How to be and what tricks you can try? Perhaps, Ivan, you describe them in the next series of "Career steroids" or if it doesn’t make it difficult, answer me personally. Thank.


I answered so. Hello, * Name *.

In general, the answer to your question will be in this series of publications.

I have an old article on another resource, as long as you can read it - * and here I will not leave the link, the moderators will kick it out *.

The principle is simple - you need to show that you can also lead, and moreover, effectively. If you are a good engineer, then you will be able to manage - not only with the aegean-methods of leaders, but with system management that is inaccessible to humanities.



My name is * Name *, I am a novice developer * of some * systems. I want to thank you for your publications, of which I learned a lot of new things for myself, and in different areas. In particular, thanks for the recommendations of the literature on systems thinking, now began to study it. Also, thanks to your publications, I had an interest in the problems of personnel management and project management.

You have a series of articles on career development, career steroids. I suppose there are many beginning specialists among your readers (who I belong to) who are only at the beginning of their career path.

According to my personal observations, such people usually have a lot of doubts about the chosen specialization or even a specialty, and these doubts are, in a way, a brake on any development. The relative simplicity of changing specialization in our industry only enhances these mental fluctuations, and the person speculatively tries to find a direction that would satisfy his personal interests / demand / monetary reward ratio.

I understand that the weight of each criterion is very individual, but the closer they are in importance to each other, the more difficult it is to make a choice. Thus, all that a person has in this situation is subjective, poorly formalized sensations, as well as exactly the same impressions of colleagues from their profession.

Perhaps you have any materials on career management: literature, personal life experience. I would like to ask you to consider the opportunity to share this material, to expand the career development heading. I think many people who are at a crossroads will be grateful to you.

Thank you in advance for your response.


I answered so.

The main feature of our specialty is the constant development of technology. This is both good and bad. The bad thing is that there is no possibility to study something once, and to do it all your life. The good news is that any technology, at some time, is in demand.

But technologies for managing people and projects have always been in demand, unlike frameworks. There are always and there will always be a lot of specialists who can do something with their own hands. And there are always not enough specialists who are able to organize the work of others so that they work faster and better than competitors.

Therefore, in my opinion, it is definitely worth developing in this direction. But worry about the chosen specialization - no. Take any available specialization, standing next to yours, and study. The excess will not be exactly - your brain will systematize everything, find the general and the particular, and the more time passes, the richer your inner, unique knowledge about your work will become.

The same goes for literature. The main thing is not to find “that very book”, but to read more books. There, the principle is simple: no book provides answers to all questions. In each there are only a few ideas that you can apply right now. And there are ideas that you can apply in 10 years.

Therefore, you just need to read. And when you meet a task, for the solution of which a book can help, you need to apply this knowledge. That's all.

Fifth. Interesting longrid


Hi, Ivan! My name is * Name *, I am a quality manager. Thank you for the cool blog. You write really cool and about the right things. Unexpectedly to meet the person "business programmer" in the ranks of programmers. And indeed, the ideas about which you write - Deming, Juran - these are simple things that, I believe, can bring any "sharagu" to the top level.

Sometimes it starts to seem that everyone around does not understand the essence, and here I’m just me flitting through, enlightened, how everyone around can not understand such simple things =). I learned the specialty “Quality Management”, which is cool for me, but in all this flow of information that is poured during my studies I had to filter and assimilate what I really needed.

Only now I understood what marketing is in its real form, not in books, in studies, but in real life. They gave a lot, but superficially, funny after “Network and Computer” to go into accounting, and after electrical engineering to the world economy. They gave a lot, but as I see it now at least, to come to any department and talk if not on equal terms, but at least be in the subject, but it was scary to hear from people in the 5th year “And I don't understand who I will be and what I need to do ".

This allows me to be away from the eternal conflicts and assessments, who works more for everyone - accountants, economists, industry, lawyers, office, etc. From the side it is clear that everyone is working, but work on a functional basis, there is no process, people do not understand what the ALL system is made of, and their contribution to it, everyone thinks that he works for everyone, the rest are kicking ...

I started as * a certain position in quality management * was a good site quality.eup.ru, his administrator Roman Ozeransky, by the way, is very similar to you, only he calls himself a "pensioner" only criticizes the other participants of the "Managers for quality", which they create paper-based QMS that ruin the business and are unable to build work systems. In the same place, by the way, I met an amusing and precise classification “Dumb singer” and “Reckless Creator”. Want to read.

My “finest hour” in the organization began with a state of emergency in production, I suggested upgrading all dangerous machines as safe, introduced real (not formal from the point of view of the law, when I signed everything, we are not responsible for you) instructions and work instructions with equipment, how not to break it and not lose fingers. It so happened that he had taken on himself, in addition to the real one, also formal paperwork with instructions on TB.

Then there were delusional ideas of teaching all ISO standards, in time it was relieved.

Then I read about the TWI method (training within industry - the American method for training production managers - masters). Naryl initial information, translated, adapted techniques for us - there are only three of them: training for work - how to quickly and correctly train workers, improvement, improvement of work - a set of simple methods for eliminating losses in processes that have manual labor and movement reminds the elimination of 7 types of losses, and working relationships - how to build relationships in the work collective, give feedback and motivate hard workers.

All together, this constituted a training system for production managers, covering 3 out of 5 of their responsibilities (to know their work, to know their duties and responsibilities, to be able to train, to be able to improve work processes and to be able to build working relationships in a team).

The technique was just a bomb. Of course, for those who followed her, and did not come to sit out in class.

Then the owner ordered the consultants from * one well-known institution * annual conversion program. There I found my place as an administrator * of certain entities * (a team of 3-5 people, possessing all the necessary powers to solve a specific problem). At the first stage of diagnosis, it was possible to pull the head out of the ass and use consultant-facilitative methods to pull out 250+ potential improvement points - organizational problems, scatter them into blocks, determine the order of the solution, separate the problems from the consequences, etc.

In fact, for each unit, such a team of specialists and managers is needed, which in 2-5 meetings should solve this problem. I was an administrator there - essentially a secretary-machinist, who records all of the above, distributes tasks, and monitors implementation. But in this way I got access to the discussion of the most acute problems in the company, and was able to actively participate in solving them, took a lot of myself, conducted interviews, helped those responsible to solve them.

Over time, I became a sort of Jarvis from Iron Man.

I know all the problems in the organization, who does what, enter into any department.

And then I realized that everything was wrong. You can't be a good guy for everyone. It was impossible to do for others their work on transformations. For them, this is optional, an additional burden that has adapted not to them, but to the owner. And here I am ready to help, explain, explain.

So the transformation turned out to be “stalled”: there were 250+ problems, 200+ remained, it doesn’t matter, people don’t want to change anything.

Cross-functional barriers still stand. There was a case - I came to the production (I work in the office), I talked to the men, and they began to drive me, as they work the most, and in the office there are parasites, who scoop them at their expense.

And such stories are heaps.

Good for everyone.

Tried to learn tqm, twi to implement 8D.

Most of the time was focused on linear production workers - taught them a process approach, methods of improvement, etc. Now, of course, I understand - not their level, they will work in the system in which they were installed. The production manager is not able to build this system. And I could not say in time that he is in the management issues of ZERO, although he is an excellent specialist. He helped him, did his work for him, justified him before the leadership. And, in general, once again a good guy. Who knows, could and sit down, probably.

Then another guy appeared on production - a careerist. Immediately he began to tap the authorities, who does not do what, executed, or rather poured into the ears, which he carried out several of those projects that the authorities wanted so much.

In general, normally settled, raised credibility. I gradually remained out of work, so to speak, for friendship with the boss (he remained the leader, only a new level of management appeared, a “layer” between him and the leadership, in the form of that same guy). And I was declared a retrogradom, so they say, we finally began to move in production. Here are just the gloss of everything external, and you will not explain what, by introducing a new element into the system, which is alien to it, another layer does not lead to anything good. But people want to listen to good news).

Well, all my projects were, as I already understand, directed not to that level, in words from the bosses approval, but in practice - the fuck they do not need it. Neither processes, nor indicators, nor work with discrepancies.

Now I have been working here * for several years *, on the one hand - yes, I know the whole organization from and to, I can and I know how to solve many problems. But the owner and director are treated as * the lowest level of quality management *, the support function for accreditation to be, the ISO certificate hung on the wall.

Several times in a conversation, "you are not an expert in this matter, let the experts do the work." Well, yes, and crap again.

I myself have always divided the work into support / development, and if earlier the ratio was 20/80, now it is slipping to 80/20, and everything tends to 100/0.

There are ideas what to do, but for some reason I don’t want to once again say “yes, do”, but in reality “you are not a specialist”. I used to feel that any initiative was supported, I could get any resources, now the distance with the Managers is growing.

Do you think it’s worth catching something here, or entering the labor market, looking for the place where such skills are needed and there is an opportunity to be realized in the function “development”? I do not want to slip into the category of unnecessary add-ons and paper formalism, and even ISO this year, this is zae ... it is not clear who needs what a certificate to have.

I feel the strength to change the system, but increasingly there are excuses "No one needs, but I don't care," how do you struggle with this?

And nevertheless, maybe it’s easier and faster?


I read it straight. I did not immediately think of what to answer. But after a couple of days, he glowed something.

A small digression - your message is 8 thousand characters, it is almost an article. If you break into paragraphs, add headings, remove the mention of me, then you can * publish *.

Depends on a situation. I have been like this many times. The main thing that I learned for myself is to beat the dick for everything, and work for yourself, for your goals, for your experience inside the organization, regardless of this attitude. Attitude is always relative, that's why it is called so. It is a moment. Yesterday it was good, today is bad, tomorrow will be ... God knows how.

The best thing that I did in the work, I did, being in the same situation. Going to quit, persecuted by all - or, more precisely, not accepted. Well, as you have about. Yes, there are some past achievements, but no one will remember them for many years. We must move on.

By the way, I tried to present this approach in the article “Dismissal Kit”. I do not know, it turned out or not.

For example, in one of these situations, when no one was listening to me, I spat on everything and introduced scams in my department. And then, after some time, the director got carried away with a scram and remembered me - I returned to the “top” again. About this I, like, wrote in elevators.

In general, the situation in which you are - ideal for development. Because no one expects anything from you and, accordingly, no matter what you do, you will be able to exceed expectations.

Plus, you have in your hands something that almost nobody has - knowledge, understanding and skills in quality management.


* Name * wrote a long, interesting answer.

Thanks for the answer, I really waited very much) I don’t want it to be “winding up my snot”, if it is annoying - please tell me at once). It is really interesting to have a dialogue and, most likely, it is an attempt to understand oneself, and your example is a great help, you find yourself and others both in positive and negative aspects in different articles. Maybe what the hell is not joking and publish, like a blog - in which to describe what's done, what I'm doing. For myself, it is probably useful to decompose the shelves.

About the set of dismissal - 100% to the point, I determined for myself at the very beginning of my work how to “work not for salary” - for knowledge in business, communication skills, ability, vision of the situation. And the approach actually worked, deriving pleasure from such expansion, and income grew on its own (bonuses, when no one gets in the crisis year, salary increase at the time of the moratorium during the transformation). Feel "on the wave."

But the reverse situation - when he came to ask for a raise - a refusal, because, it would seem, he always would always get into any movement.

So, on a volunteer basis, I got into 2 projects “for development” - * the first big project *, and * the second big project *, the experience is enormous, the exhaust for me at the moment is only intangible, since результаты еще не получены, ну и многое зависит от собственника, который избрал в этом вопросе позицию «не спеши – процесс важнее результата, такого продукта на рынке ни у кого нет, и на выходе можем получить совсем не то, что ожидали в самом начале, в ходе поисков натолкнуться на что-то новое».

Заводить разговор о повышении сейчас — не знаю, мне кажется не тот момент.

С другой стороны, смотришь на людей, открыто говорят – это только за отдельную плату, это только в соответствующей должности, и тоже работает =)

Конкретно вот сейчас проходит очередной т.н. *стратегическая сессия, допустим* — вопросы структуры организации, цели на год, планы. Раньше всегда был и активно участвовал — теперь в очередной раз мимо. Слышал вскользь упоминали вопрос, нужно решать, а я-то кому подчиняюсь!?

В общем, буду работать на себя, боюсь только в ловушку попасть — если еще з/п повысят, не смогу потом найти предложение больше, по крайней мере в той изначальной специальности «МК», да и сам уже не пойду «исонизатором».

А так недавний твой пост вдохновил на такой проект, назову его «техподдержка». Есть *команда специалистов* и к ним прилагаются сервера, *много* раб. станций и все это с учетом географии от *лева* до *права*. Ребята и 1с пилят, и сеть тянут, и видеонаблюдение. Ну в общем все-все-все. А кроме этого параллельно ИТ-проекты для собственника, навроде корпоративного мессенджера, интерактивной карты клиентов, эл.торг площадки и другие. Реально круто в нашей области человек о таких вещах задумывается!

Так вот затык, что этих ребят не могут распределить по функционалу «Поддержка»-«Развитие», то одному одно, второму другое, то по очереди, то в комбинации, ну сам понимаешь зашиваются, сервер когда падет или у бухгалтерии что не сойдется — тут не до развития. Ну и внутри коммуникация страдает — есть прагматик жесткий (сделать чтобы не было мучительно стыдно), есть карьерист (быстрее сдать и отчитаться перед руководством). Бывает параллельно-изолированно одни и те же вещи делают, бывает один за другого расхлебывает. И юзеры со своими проблемами (порой совсем тупыми, навроде приди у принтера кабель выдерни-вставь).

Моя идея — хочу им помочь высвободить время от техподдержки. План простой — выдаю таблицы, слежу, чтобы каждое обращение, тема и время записали. Набираю данные, статистически анализирую/структурирую. На выходе хочу получить статистику по юзерам, проблемам, возможно периодичность. Не, знаю что, но наверняка будет.

И далее по каждому направлению: так юзеры часто не знают, как с *неким оборудованием* обращаться — нахер им объясняешь все время, объясни мне, я как сторонний пользователь смогу простыми словами донести, видео в конце концов снять (визуализация и обучение — то, что у меня хорошо получается). Все с тебя сняли, на юзеров переложили. Всем профит и тебе и компании, и юзерам.

Они ведь сами себя загоняют в роль белки в колесе, я так понимаю причин 2:

— не могут/умеют/успевают переложить (обучить, толком объяснить) юзерам, что такую то вещь ты сам можешь сделать.
— не хотят (ну один то точно) — ведь если умеешь только ты, все царь и бог. Чувство Собственной Важности.

Мне от них только статистика нужна. И объяснить 1 раз те вещи, которые я не смогу понять. Everything.

С такой информацией идти к собственнику успех «хеджировать». Вот набрал такую статистику. Вот могу и хочу сделать это.

Для компании профит:
— ресурсы освобожу (ИТ инженеры)
— проблемы по части тех. поддержки быстрее решать научимся.
— пользователям компетентность добровольно-принудительно поднимем (такую штуку как закон убывающей предельной полезности в обучении слышал: условно со временем новые обучения специалистов по их специальности дают все меньше пользы (например, продажники), а вот если они в том же экселе отчеты составляют в ручную и тратят на это час не пользуясь функциями/макросами/сводными таблицами и пр. фишками. То совсем недорого их обучить экселю, тратить на это времени они станут гораздо меньше, высвободившееся время можно тратить на непосредственные обязанности. Быстрее, проще, дешевле, эффективнее, чем посылать на очередной мега-гуру-тренинг по продажам).

Так и по всей организации: проблема техподдержки = не работает специалист + тратит время инженер.

Это первый этап. Найти 20% простых проблем, ускориться за счет самого простого/быстрого/дешевого.

Дальше можно и внутреннюю коммуникацию, какие-то логи работ уже в самом отделе вводить, четко разделять функционал. Пока не хочу туда забегать, сперва разминку первый этап провести бы.

Как думаешь вариант хороший для хеджирования?

Самое главное спасибо за статью, только благодаря ней такой пласт работ нашел, в любом случае сделаю! Буду очень благодарен за ответ и, если не против, что буду за экспертным мнением обращаться иногда.


Ну я что-то промямлил в ответ насчет организации тех.поддержки.

По техподдержке согласен, нужна статистика обращений. Главное потом — что-то с этой статистикой сделать.

Я делал две вещи:

1. Записывал время на обслуживание каждого пользователя, чтобы потом предъявить стоимость. Иногда она составляла значительную сумму, заставляя задумываться о компетентности конкретного человека;

2. Наиболее часто встречающиеся проблемы автоматизировать. Например, с помощью автозадач или проверки данных, раз уж речь про 1С.

В итоге, с техподдержкой справлялся один человек (самый низкоквалифицированный), и занимала она полдня, в остальное время он решал задачи развития.

Ну и шестой, на вкусное

Этот человек мне написал после публикации «Про одного парня».

Абсолютно жизненная история, вот у самого все один в один, только финал иной, 10 лет прошло, а я никуда не ушел.

Начал 1с программистом. 10 лет без смены должности, но с абсолютной властью за счет полного карт бланша собственника. Бывали забавные случаи когда приходил новый человек и сразу не понимал, как так-то, какой-то айтишник вдруг ставит в позу, но все со временем притирались, люди существа довольно гибкие.

Сейчас исполнительный директор. При этом – так же все сам по айти. Только график поменялся на 12 х 7 :)

Кучу проектов внедрено: 1с, веб, документооборот, система для клиентов. Шел всегда от нужд бизнеса, если чувствовал, что бизнес от этого выиграет, ругался вплоть до собственника, увольнял, нанимал, ругал, угрожал, уговаривал, поощрял, даже один раз удалось поменять сознание человека.

Без поддержки собственника — это конечно сделать нереально.

И тут ключевой момент — мотивация. Она должна быть дикой — должна быть жажда, ввязаться в драку, иначе можно быстро протухнуть, или даже собственник протухнет. Но все реально, лично у меня получилось. Хотите верьте, хотите нет (с).



Добрый вечер, Иван!

Время от времени читаю то что вы пишете, решил, что пора сказать спасибо :)

Очень импонирует образ Сергея, прям доставляет — читаю с удовольствием каждый раз.

А еще отдельное спасибо за цикл про карьерные стероиды ) я студент и так сложилось что недавно устроился на стажировку в довольно крупную компанию, и было довольно интересно что да как в плане залезания по карьерной лестнице и получения разного рода материальных профитов :)

Несмотря на то что ничего из того что вами описано там попробовать не довелось, общую стратегию я понял как «быть полезным и всячески демонстрировать это начальству разных мастей вплоть до собственника» и действую и поныне примерно так ))). Проявив некоторую инициативу получилось сделать самолично то что можно, наверное, с натяжечкой, назвать карьерным стероидом )).

История следующая: не вдаваясь в подробности опишу так — есть *некое вещество*, по условиям эксперимента *это вещество* нужно держать при *определенной температуре* в течение длительного времени и смотреть в определенные промежутки времени на показания. Что, казалось бы, может здесь пойти не так?)

Температуру то нужно как-то поддерживать. И вот стоит электроплитка. И есть… термометр. И вот ты смотришь в термометр, о, температура выше *определенной* — печечку вырубаем. Ой, упала — печечку врубаем. Да ладно бы рабочие руки на эту обезьянью работу были — а то же ведь сидит научный сотрудник которому надо писать отчет, делать математические вычисления какие-то исходя из показаний, обрабатывать результаты, графики строить… а он печку сидит переключает )))

Я, как программист (хобби), видя такое вот абсолютно однотипное действие с четким алгоритмом просто блин не мог терпеть настолько неавтоматизированное издевательство над личностью )) Короче, такой херней заниматься желанием вообще-то совсем горел, поэтому покумекал кое с кем и пошел предложил идею — собрать простенький термодатчик и замкнуть на него печь, чтоб он просто цепь размыкал когда температура выше заданного значения и включал когда она ниже его, и тем самым печка бы там сама по себе врубалась.

Тут главное было описать зачем это надо и кроме того лучше сразу прийти с готовым прототипом (потому что когда я попытался объяснить без экземпляра на руках, пошли вопросы как это работает, а поскольку в электротехнике я ноль, а мне просто друг пообещал помочь собрать, показать, что куда какой контакт подсоединить, то объяснить механизм работы составило определенные сложности и дело затянулось) — показать на практике оказалось легче чем объяснять теорию.

Ну ладно, печка. Так они, пользуя каждый день эксель для обработки результатов научных исследований, считают простейшие (и да, опять же однотипные) вещи зачем-то вручную практически каждый день! Это вот было еще более жестоко для нежной души программиста нежели на печке ручку дёргать. И ведь совсем не глупые люди, поумнее меня будут, да и взрослее раза в два, просто… в голову им не приходило как-то наверное что так можно, хз ))

В общем под это дело я зафигачил красивый эксель с инструкциями куда написать два числа и где посмотреть результат расчёта. Ну и, конечно, представил его публике — в частности руководителю своему.

Бонусы следующие — после стажировки будущий работник должен *не очень высокую квалификацию*. Дальше переход на *квалификацию повыше, потом еще и еще*… Все это сопровождается аттестациями или экзаменами, ну короче проверкой компетенций. У меня по окончании стажировки будет сразу *квалификация повыше* безо всяких там аттестаций. Кроме того, стажерам премия под новогодние праздники не полагается, но мне всё же выделили некоторые средства, явно не в последнюю очередь за служебное рвение )).

В общем-то почему пишу эту историю: полагаю, что это беда не только здешнего места, а вообще в целом как минимум российских компаний, может не везде, но наверняка мой случай не единичный. И много где можно малыми средствами, но в нужной точке приложения, сделать хорошее дело и не остаться незамеченным :) В вашем цикле, вроде как, подобного плана действий вроде как не было… Было про неудовлетворенные желания, но, кажется, не было про даже и вообще не как-то не существовавшие, но очевидные решения которые вот просто возьми — и сделай, и будет всем счастье ))).

Может используете эту историю где-нибудь потом, ну или по крайней мере она будет в качестве обратной связи-благодарности, а то видел где-то ваш коммент, дескать, никто ж не пишет чего поменялось у народа от того что они прочли что вы описали. Продолжайте писать!

О, вот еще что забыл

Я читаю довольно много — в основном технической литературы и, ммм, ну короче из разряда научно популярной, и со временем у меня сформировался коэффициент полезности/интересности текста в пересчете на 1000 символов. А то знаете, бывает, вроде книга полезная, но хоть убейся — 2к страниц. Или 500 страниц ради 10 тезисов.
Вот у вас коэффициент этот прям таки зашкаливает (собственно поэтому я в таком восторге), кратко и по делу, в интересной форме и с понятными примерами где как и почему… Очень мне нравится в общем ).


Я ответил так. По поводу полезности — есть большая разница между книгой и статьёй. Если взять любую книгу, и попросить автора сделать выжимку, то получится прекрасная, полезная и маленькая статья.

Но статью никто не будет издавать, а следовательно — автор не заработает денег. Поэтому и «набирают объем». Думаю, стоит к ним снисходительно относиться — у них куча внешних требований.

А пример ваш — отличный. Главное теперь — не остановиться на нем. Есть такой эффект — сделал небольшой скачок, и думаешь, что так и будет продолжаться, само собой. Если не делать новых скачков, не переставать удивлять, то о тебе скоро забудут. Это не я придумал — так же один из читателей написал свою историю. Делал, делал, потом успокоился — и его забыли, а другие «стероидники» обошли. Теперь не знает, как снова подняться.


Еще было несколько человек. Кто-то не ответил, кто-то решил, что его история недостойна публикации, с кем-то я поругаться успел.

Согласитесь, реальные проблемы, эмоции, настроения, истории, успехи и решения намного интереснее.

А карьерные стероиды продолжатся, их еще много.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438038/