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SEO and context: what to choose and whether to choose?

All the latest updates of search engine algorithms (especially Yandex) lead representatives of the SEO industry to the same disappointing conclusion: search engines deliberately and systematically commercialize the first page of results, impose context and move organics lower and lower.

A reasonable question arises: “Or maybe this is right? Why not transfer the budgets to the CPC? ”. In this article, I would like to share my thoughts on why not necessarily make a choice in favor of a single channel.

Direction of work


Business representatives are not always aware of the difference between contextual advertising and search engine optimization. This is explainable: both that and the other is shown in the search, it is associated with keywords and positions on the results page. Concepts are mixed, it turns out the wrong picture.

The most important and fundamental difference between SEO and contextual advertising is as follows:

This is very important to understand in order to properly build expectations from both channels. A different methodology leads to different results.

SEO-specialist is interested in the fact that the site has a human and attractive snippet. But he becomes so only in the process of working on the site.

For the specialist in contextual advertising, the primary indicators are coverage, CTR, cost per click. Working with the site is not his responsibility at all.

Thus, although they “catch” the user on the same page, and the results of their work look about the same, methodologically these services almost do not overlap.



Each of these channels is good for certain tasks, but not suitable for others.

Therefore it is worth using these directions simultaneously:

SEO as a constant practice of improving the site itself and its visibility in the search.
Context as a fast and effective tool for testing, solving local problems and working with narrow audience segments.

How are they helpful to each other?


In addition to closing the asymmetric constraints of each other, there is a flip side of this kind of “cooperation”. Mutual positive impact of the work of the two channels:

But do not count us ...


When we talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this or that channel, it is always a conversation about the “spherical horse”.

When it comes to a specific project, we often run into reinforced concrete: “There is no money, there is no place to take out, sales are needed tomorrow.” This is understandable and understandable. Internet marketing is generally not cheap.

The difficulty here is that contextual advertising does not necessarily begin to pay off from the first day. On a positive decision about buying a person pushes a whole set of factors. If you have money for 10 clicks from “super selling inquiries” in Moscow, then most likely you will not beat off the spent budget. Conversion - a very naughty thing.

Sometimes it is more profitable to invest money in the development of the site and to consider it as a long-term investment. Sometimes, on the contrary, there is a need to quickly sell hot cakes, and then profit to invest in SEO. In each case, you need to remove the rose-colored glasses, move the calculator towards you and calculate very carefully.

All my professional experience shows that the most profitable investment, as a result, is an investment in integrated Internet marketing. Because with the synergy of different methods and channels, the final effect does not equal the sum of the effects of each of them: it is much larger.

If you do not have the opportunity to plunge into “omnichannel marketing” now, this does not mean that you should not strive for it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438108/