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Yandex has established a scientific prize named after Ilya Segalovich

Ilya Segalovich ( iseg )

Yandex has announced the establishment of an annual scientific award to support young researchers and the scientific community in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Prize them. Segalovich is awarded to students, graduate students and supervisors for achievements in computer science:

Applications are accepted until February 28, 2019. The award ceremony will be held in April. Previously a scholarship to them. Segalovich acted only for undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Computer Science, which Yandex opened in 2014 in conjunction with the Higher School of Economics. All scientists from three countries can apply for the award.

For young researchers, the premium is 350 thousand rubles, for scientific leaders - 700 thousand rubles. In addition, the laureates will receive a trip to an international conference on artificial intelligence, a personal mentor and an invitation to a scientific internship in the research department of Yandex. Young researchers submit an application themselves, and students or graduate students nominate their scientific leaders. The entire budget of the award is 15 million rubles.

The laureates are determined by a commission of Yandex managers: CEO Arkady Volozh, director of technology Mikhail Parakhin, head of the machine intelligence and research department Mikhail Bilenko, HR director Elena Bunina, scientific director of the School of Data Analysis Ilya Muchnik, head of the machine intelligence laboratory Alexander Krainov, and PhD of the University of Geneva Stanislav Smirnov.

Scientists who have worked in the last two years with the affiliation of commercial companies, as well as universities or research institutes in other countries except Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, cannot participate in the competition.

“Our technologies are based on developments that would be impossible without a strong mathematical school and basic science. With the help of the award, we want to support researchers who, like us, are engaged in computer science and create technologies of the future. The award bears the name of Ilya, who believed very much in progress and did a lot to support the IT community, ”the company quoted Arkady Volozh.

Ilya Segalovich ( iseg ) - one of the co-founders of the company and the creator of the first version of the search engine, Arkady Volozh’s classmate. He was the developer and leader of the development of search and linguistic programs at Yandex, and then became director of technology and development. In recent years, served as technical director. He died on July 25, 2013 .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438220/