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IT digest of February events

The shortest month of the year is distinguished by a rare harmony: here the blockchain, and languages, and work with data - in general, the balance of topics without apparent dominance. Formats are also represented different, so you can choose - chamber mitap or international conference, training course or hackathon.

GetIT Meetup # 1

When: February 1
Where: Moscow, 1st Nagatinsky passage, 10 p.1
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Mitap on general programming issues: participants share stories about their career paths, tips on how to prepare for interviews or simply develop skills in a different area - in general, find the perfect niche for yourself in the market. At the first meeting, the discussion will focus on the difficult life of the Timlids, realigning on the example of the path from php to financial models and the soft skills that a scalable start-up requires from the team.


When: February 2-16
Where: recreation center "Aspen Nest" (transfer from St. Petersburg)
Participation conditions: from 50,000 rubles.

The bootcamp with an extremely tight schedule and, accordingly, high efficiency. Subscribers will be divided into two groups: beginners and those who already have the right to call themselves a Java developer. The first is to learn Java Core, the basics of working with Web technologies, Git, Maven, and (with proper zeal) database. The latter are closely acquainted with Spring Transaction Manager (tracking of application life cycle events, the procedure for initializing property files, performing scheduled tasks), microservice architecture, reactive programming backend, database versioning, and ways to improve performance. This knowledge will be developed on personal projects and guarantee employment for graduates (money guarantee). The faculty takes on all domestic issues and leisure activities.


When: February 4
Where: Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1, p. 46 (Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics)
Participation conditions: from 12 000 rub.

The traditional international conference on PostgreSQL for all those involved in working with databases. This time, special attention will be paid to all hot topics (big data, Internet of things, blockchain), ecosystem innovations, PostgreSQL in the 1C platform, as well as in geo-information and other real-world systems (architecture, migration, operation).


When: February 7
Where: Moscow, st. Pavlovskaya, 4
Participation conditions: 15 990 rub.

Machine learning in practical terms: how it is applied, what pain points arise and what to do with them. Speakers - representatives of the company Cleverics. In their presentations, they will touch on such topics as service economy and the tasks that it sets, the appropriate use of machine learning in support, a detailed review of the MARS Dashboards solutions and the brainchild of CleverENGINE v5, as well as a real, moderately sad experience of digital transformation in domestic companies.

Blockchain technology 2019

When: February 12
Where: Moscow, st. Smolenskaya, 8, Azimut Hotel Smolenskaya Moscow,
Participation conditions: from 15 900 rub.

Blockchain: discussion by results. Those who built blockchain systems for business and can offer their views on the possibilities and limitations of the technology will gather at the site. The main issues on the agenda are corporate platforms (Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Exonum, R3 Corda, Ripple, Masterchain, Quorum), best practices from different industries, blockchains in traditional business processes and digital transformation, as well as analysis of the experience of specific projects. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with experts who successfully use the capabilities of the distributed registry, and to receive advice from them on their own cases.

ESports management

When: February 12
Where: Office Mail.Ru Group
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Mail.Ru organizes a non-banal training course where cybersportsmen will prepare for their professional activities. Understand what the prospects for this industry and whether it is for you, you can at the first open meeting. Experienced specialists will tell you how to work in eSports, how a career is built and who pays for it at all, as well as answer numerous questions from the public.

Cyber ​​Security Forum 2019

When: February 14
Where: Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard, 4, MIA "Russia Today"
Participation conditions: from 3999 rub.

The conference as part of the Week of Secure Runet - discussions on cyber security by Russian and foreign experts. Speakers will highlight the implications of the introduction of regulations for the protection of GDPR data, the security of mobile devices and applications, new hacking technologies and other emerging cyber threats, the creation of a positive content environment and digital literacy issues.


When: February 14-16
Where: Moscow, Tverskaya 7, entrance 9
Participation conditions: 30 000 rubles.

Bilingual conference for artificial intelligence experts from around the world. The program of speeches is divided into three days: the first is given under scientific and technological reports (computer vision, language processing, data analysis, predicative analytics), in the second stage will belong to business representatives with experience of integrating solutions based on AI (medicine, retail, marketing, security , industry, law), the third is the intriguing title "Visionary Saturday" and is devoted to the discussion of ethical and legal issues related to technology. There will also be several affiliated events at the site: the battle of AI start-ups, a contest of Russian-language chatbots, a poster session for students, graduate students and engineering companies (for the first time) and a party with live music.

Basic web design course

When: February 14 - April 14
Where: St. Petersburg, Kronverksky Avenue, 23
Participation conditions: 40 000 rubles.

The program is focused on the deep development of the principles of design and process logic without being tied to particular tasks. The participant must be minimally able to work with Figma / Sketch / Photoshop - if they wish, they can independently take a mini-course in the courses provided before the start of classes. The course covers in-depth analysis of CA, drawing up user scenarios and building the site structure, working with typography and layout, color theory and creating color schemes, selecting references, adapting the design for various devices, and communicating with the client. According to the results of training - a certificate and a project in the portfolio.


When: February 16
Where: Moscow, st. East, 4, Bldg. 1 "Cultural Center ZIL"
Participation conditions: 1190 rub.

Eleven hours to start a viable project in the industry of your dreams and bring it to the MVP stage. The work will follow the “from theory to practice” scheme in small segments: expert speeches on how to choose a niche, validate an idea, research users, create an MVP, test it and collect feedback will be interspersed with active work sessions in all the above areas. A sufficient number of experts will gather at the site to ensure that all participants have enough mentors and those who wish to make an assessment of the final result. According to the results of the certification, 25 top projects will be identified that will be able to present the pitch and receive grants.

Panda Meetup # 12

When: February 16
Where: Samara, the address is specified
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Samara developers continue their practice of monthly fees and do not complain about the lack of topics. In February, a new format of hiring in Yandex (bootcamps with the ability to work in different teams) will be on the agenda, which will be described by a company representative, and the alphabet of the developer’s survival in the modern product team.

4SPB: Machine learning for civil projects

When: February 16-17
Where: St. Petersburg, Medikov prospect, 3, lit. And, Ingria
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Hackathon, where machine learning is used in the interests of all of St. Petersburg. Data specialists, programmers, designers, researchers, and also just people with active citizenship and love for working with data can spend weekends with benefits for the local community. The organizers gathered a pool of ideas from non-profit and informal organizations of the city and divided them into four areas - Safe city, Clean city, Self-governed city, Inclusive city. Teams can choose a topic to their liking, get access to datasets, create a prototype of a product and get 60,000 rubles. on its launch.

Scala Basic

When: February 16-17
Where: Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 6, p. 3
Participation conditions: 15 000 rub.

An unprecedented opportunity to get out of the “newcomer to Scala” state in just two days. Knowledge of any other languages ​​(especially Java) and development experience is useful. During the intensive, the audience under the guidance of a practicing Scala-developer will understand the main control structures, class hierarchies and functions, collections and asynchronous calculations. Each topic will be accompanied by practical work: tasks such as “fill in a fragment”, live coding, tests. At the end, the teacher will share a list of useful sources and literature so that students can continue to learn the language on their own.

Teamlead conf

When: February 25-26
Where: Moscow, st. Lower, 4, p. 7, entrance 1, of. sixteen
Conditions of participation: 27 000 rubles.

Answers to the sacramental question: “I became a team leader and what?”, Adapted to the realities of technical teams. Participants will be offered both information that helps to understand and cope with new tasks (control, delegation, planning, debugging work with other teams, code inspection), and tips on self-development and cultivation of skills useful in this business (empathy, listening skills, resolution of conflict situations).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438234/