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Post correctly: 7 ideal places for video content

So, you are ready to make video a full-fledged part of your organization’s marketing processes. It's about time.

There are many studies that state that in 2019 about 80% of the content we use on the Internet will be video (link to the study at the end of the article) . Whether we want or not, whether we continue to write and draw, but the time has come to take this resource very seriously.

Suppose you have already created your video content. This is not so difficult, given the time of creating stories that bring huge profits, and the number of programs for editing. Most likely, now you are wondering: how best to place a video on your company's website.

Here is a list of potentially successful options.

No. 1. Background video on the home page

I am sure that you have seen more than once websites with video sequences as a background for text on the start page. Sometimes the text may be missing in principle. Believe, to inform the client or the visitor of the site HOW you solve the problem and WHAT your company makes is much easier through the video than through the text. Yes, the video is harder to make, but the competition is huge now.

If you manage to create a video showing the "behind the scenes" of your corporation, this will give you extra points of emotional involvement and loyalty. Loyalty is sales, it's word of mouth and more sales.

The background video should not distract from the general message of the start page. “I came — looked — admired — ran away” —a bad logical chain.

It is important to say that you don’t have to make a video worthy of a prize for the best short film. The average length of the most popular advertisements is up to 15 seconds, although brands that use storytelling techniques in their marketing products can easily reach 30-35 seconds.

The background video on the home page can be a looped video just up to 15-20 seconds long - during this time the user will have time to focus on the product and review, if desired, the video series from the very beginning.

No. 2. Section of guarantees and reviews (so-called social protection)

Is there a feedback section on your site? Customer reviews? Examples of work performed?

This is the perfect place to host video content. With it, you can literally “show” your history, demonstrate the quality, level of service, your customer focus - anything.

Yes, case studies and printed reviews are great (if they are not purchased, of course), but NOTHING compares to the opportunity to see and hear how a satisfied customer tells his story. The video is more tangible than the text.

What to shoot?

Do not hesitate to ask customers to record their video review on the phone, the quality will not confuse anyone if the story is true. Content from users at the moment - a favorite form of material for marketers around the world.

№ 3. Video Resource Library

Today, more and more consumers are choosing what to buy with the help of video (link to the study is also at the end of the article) . In fact, 64% of people are more likely to buy goods on the Internet after watching a video. We almost came to the moment when each site should have its own video library.

The video library should be lively, but organized content, searchable, segmented and displayed so that the visitor can immediately find and see what he needs.

4. Product and service pages

What do we usually see when entering the item card? One or two photos and from several tens to hundreds of words of the text.

As can be argued, based on the same statistics and forecasts (links below) - this is not good. Not good at all. If we, marketers and creators of the site, really want our customers to see the positive differences and make their choice in our direction, a quality video on each of these pages is necessary.

Let it be a gif, consisting of 6 photos in which the model is in different angles, showing clothes. Compared with the text “Wonderful model, ideally fits on the figure ...” - this is a decisive victory.

Let it be a movie with a record “from the screen”, where the user uses your application or program.

Only the video can display every feature of the product, as well as provide visual confirmation of ease of use.

The timing of this type of video can be either quite small (3-4 seconds for a review of the consumption product), or impressive — up to a minute if you show the operation of the application. In the latter case, it is better to try to arrange everything as “tasty” as possible so as not to lose the falling asleep user at the 20th second.

No. 5. Video business on homepage

In contrast to the background video on the home page, mentioned in paragraph 1, the business card or video explanatory, as correctly, is located below the page and allows the user to understand 3 things for themselves.

If you wanted to convey to your users your values ​​and suggestions, invite them to share certain beliefs and ideologies with you, this is the best way.

A business card with a length of more than 40 seconds is unlikely to be seen by anyone until the end. Unless, of course, you do not come to work creatively and with taste. Are they watching ads for cars with alternating views of nature? It would seem surprising, but you admire - and the picture, and voice voice.

№ 6. Section “About us”

Personally, I always wonder who is behind any process. A standard description of a similar section in a corporation certainly includes a photograph of the manager, a couple of his quotes, an organization’s value setting and ... Read no longer interesting.

Tell about yourself using video format. In this video there can be everything: your values, principles, several internal processes, a captured moment of communication with customers, victory.

No. 7. Section “Our team” and personal pages of individual employees.

Any product is not created by the authorities, it is created by a huge team. If you have the opportunity to give the floor to its various representatives, it will make you and, as a result, your product, more human in the eyes of the consumer.

Here Alina - she is the head of the advertising agency Geparda. And she is a Man, not an abstract character, whose task is to sell you something and forget.
Here is Olya - she is the editor. And she, too, if not strange, Man. If you find a mistake, you can safely throw stones at it, but first watch the video. Who knows, maybe she deserves forgiveness?
Here is Mila - you can turn to her to make an order or to coordinate all the most important and necessary. She is a Man, and therefore it is not at all scary to do it.

Show the culture and team of your company. In the final bill, emotions are sold, not things. And they, naturally, can be better seen with the help of the video.

Links to cited in the text of the study and statistics:

1. On the Cisco website
2. On Hubspot

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438480/