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As a year I did not work at Sberbank

Good day, habrovchane!

Everyone knows about this company. Someone in it even worked or continues to work. I think it is difficult to find in the Russian Federation, and even in the CIS, a person who has not heard about the holding of Sberbank. It is a holding, since so many companies that serve Sberbank and are controlled by it. So I worked in two such companies in one year - this is Sberbank-Technology (hereinafter referred to as SBT) and Sberbank.

Having been tired of two years from the schedule of a shift engineer and having received a clear answer from the management that it was possible for me not to be lucky enough to work on schedule 5/2 after a year, I decided that a year was a long time and I didn’t want to lose it, especially in Moscow!

I started to search for vacancies - I was looking for similar wishes as in the current place. + 10-15% growth s / n I was quite happy. Interviews were enough.

09/14/2017 a letter comes from the SBT. When I read the job description, I honestly did not understand why my resume did not fly into the HR wastebasket. However, in a telephone conversation, the girl insisted on an interview, supposedly experience, technology and blah blah blah ...
“On the one hand there is a network component, but too much emphasis in the direction of information security.” - I thought, but agreed. The meeting was in a nearby building from the “Eye of Sauron” - on Vavilova. This is how the employees themselves call it!

Communicated with two technical experts and those. project manager. The RFP, which was listed in the CV, was adequate for the employer. We talked for a long time, and by the specifics of the work, everything was clear to me, and I already found out all the organizational and so-called “buns” with HR by mail much later, which I will discuss later.

09/19/2017 BC "Chaika". The second interview with the line manager and the same TRP, which was at the first interview. We have already discussed money in more detail (payout structure, etc.)

They told me that there would be a mandatory test and only two options: Developer or Analyst.

“Not a programmer even once” - I answered.
“Then you will be an analyst, there is a simple SQL test,” said the manager.

To say that I was surprised to say nothing. Well, ok, sql is so sql.

09/23/2017 The test was a rare trash. 95% of the questions were on BPMN .

10/04/2017 A pre-offer was received. To which I said: “Yes.”

10/17/2017 A polygraph has been passed.

11/15/2017 Hiring.

It was a separate quest. When you get into HR, there is a list of more than 40 documents, some of them were sent to me by mail in advance for review. However, I saw many for the first time. The division works for several hours, it is not possible to familiarize yourself with this rulebook, so you sign it without reading, but at best leafing through. Moreover, they asked to bring a pre-signed agreement on personal data. As a result, I was not accepted and asked to fill out what was in the package of documents for signature.

The forms were identical, why my copy did not fit, they did not explain it to me.
Then, they gave me an access card in the corner of a sad "Beznik". Classic.

From the first working day surprises begin. The agreement was about my workplace on m. Taganskaya, but I was able to move there only after 4 months.

When I saw my workplace in the business center “Chaika”, I realized that my PC was not ready to work: the credentials were not created (I got access to the OS after 4 days), the laptop was received on the 5th day (although my colleagues were surprised at this speed of receiving technology, waiting for a laptop for a period of several months - this is the norm), Wi-Fi was set up after 2 weeks, VPN after 4 weeks.

A week later, I understand that I was deceived on almost all points, but I don’t rush to look for a new job. All that I did was mostly working meetings with various people (both external partners of the company and colleagues from other departments), discussing needs and opportunities, drawing up some preliminary reports. Participation in procurement / tender commissions. Sometimes even the organization of these meetings, reservation of rooms for negotiations. In general, everything that does not apply to the work of the engineer. Work on the profile was 10% of the force. Month flew like one week. There were a lot of crossings between sites in addition to the pre-New Year bustle. New year break, and all with a new force. Looking back at my job from the moment I was employed, I wrote a statement of my own accord and sent it to the post manager, and of course he wanted to discuss my departure.

“We can fix it”

Met with the head. I explained my indignations, listened to me and told me that Sberbank was big - there was a lot of work, we would find something, but it took time. Since I still had a margin of time for dismissal. During the trial period - 3 days, and after - 14 days. I agreed to one week to resolve this situation.

The week comes to an end - there is no news. I call and remind of our agreements and literally in 20 minutes they call me back and inform me that a very important leader wants to talk to me. I agree to the meeting and the next day I go to the “Eye of Sauron” and some 10 people repeat the story about what was said to the immediate supervisor.
As a result, I was persuaded to remain in search of interesting tasks for me in the operation of Sberbank IB with further transfer from SBT to PJSC.

“Half a year of vacation”

Moved to Taganka completely. Here it is worth starting with organizational “buns”. Since I had a laptop, I could easily move between offices. At the same time, it is customary to have two network segments, and hence two computers for each employee. My second computer was carried inside Moscow for almost 2 months. Access has been getting for weeks on all sorts of different kinds of ZNO, ZNI, ZPI - these are local RFS, RFC. Tasks - zero. I really begged for the task, but for the engineer they were so-so ... well, for example.

To restrict access (according to different criteria) Wi-Fi users need to know the IP ranges that are allocated on all wireless access points. This is the responsibility of another unit, I would like to write a letter and after some time get an answer. However, it does not work in Sberbank. It took me 2 months to get a list of IP addresses, and here's why.

The people who are responsible administrators are too busy for such simple inventory tasks. I asked for access to the controllers and they gave me. I went and collected the information that the management required. In addition to IP networks, there were also related tasks (it is possible to solve problems using a simplified scheme, through a department employee). As a result, after 2 months, I received 6 prefixes of various lengths for Wi-Fi networks — the task was completed, although for about a month more colleagues came to me with “near-wireless” cases.

Next, it was necessary to check all the IP addresses from one file by certain criteria and transfer it to the Excel table. An interesting and exciting job, isn't it?

As for me, I did nothing. I went about my business: planning vacations, learning the language and preparing for Cisco certification, watching webinars, etc. Several times I conducted an experiment - I just did not come to work. I was in touch, had the opportunity to read mail, but I just wasn’t in the workplace. No one was looking for me. and this is on the one hand cool, on the other hand is very sad.

There was a massive transfer of employees from the SBT to the PJSC. Now I am an employee of Sberbank.
Nothing changed.

I was transferred to the unit, which was spoken about back in February!
-47% in monthly income, -8% per annum. Why did I take such an unfavorable step?

In SBT, the payout system is this: you have a salary and a premium part, which is paid every month. At the end of the year bonus is possible, but at that time it was a maximum of 1 salary.
In Sberbank, the system is different, you have a salary and bonuses, but there are several bonuses: quarterly and annual.

Thus, until the end of the year, there were 3 full months left and thanks to annual bonuses I am in positive territory (-8% - this was calculated by the system automatically without bonuses at the end of the year).


The face of a friend or FriendFace is not a Facebook clone, but another non-flexible automated system that should help in the complex twists and turns of the interaction between the customer and the recipient of the service. This is not just a web-service, judging by the types of requests that I have seen (from booking accommodation at resorts to ordering gold bars), this is a whole world that exists separately from Sberbank, unfortunately.

My first difficulties with this system arose immediately at the registration stage. Having filled in all the required fields, I could not save the data. After updating the page data disappeared. I wrote about this Ticket, it was closed after a month without an adequate response. I didn’t open a new one; just every time I create a new application, I wrote my full name and the necessary data to quickly solve my problem. (After transferring to Sberbank, the data about me was added to the system and it became easier).

For all the work I had only one case when my application was resolved in less than 1 business day (ie, 8 hours) - this is installing Mozilla in a closed network loop. All other applications: please add rights to the user, provide access to the resource, return the stolen IP address (DHCP - sometimes there is a luxury). Took from 2 days to several weeks. It took 10 days to switch the outlet and switch to the desired VLAN.
The most amusing example with this system was to get me access to the toilet (toilet, Karl!). After moving to Sberbank, I officially became listed in the Taganka office. And access was only to the central entrance. I wrote a request indicating the address where I am and a description of what I want (the template was chosen appropriate - "ACS: access to the room"). The manager agreed on the request, but the security officer didn’t do anything and closed the request with the comment “we need SZ addressed to the Manager!” I tried to explain to them that there is an application in electronic form and it is coordinated, but it turned out that after 5 calls from different individuals from security with requests to close the ticket (the statistics suffers - the ticket is not resolved) My manager approached me and said you want access to write SZ, I agree, and the “head of the building” will send it to the security men. That's what I understand security!

Holiday Campaign 2019

The newsletter was filled with these letters for quite a long time. Service is actually convenient, but a significant amount of bugs.

In fact, this is the usual scheduler with a calendar, on the basis of which documents will be formed for your leave.

I think in the majority of medium and large companies, there is such a thing and you don’t need to run to HR and bookkeeping with papers.

In general, select vacation periods, save, the head agrees, everything is approved and you are notified in advance at the right moment.

I chose 2 periods - saved. I did another job, I go back: timeouts are out, periods are all gone.

I think that you need to do everything at once and save it in drafts. I keep all 3 periods (one not less than 14 days, everything is as it should be according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). I see a draft. I'm leaving for lunch. I'm coming back. Everything is lost.

I write an application to the Girlfriend's Face, she gets to HR who, of course, do not know such things how to solve, send me to some programmers who do not read mail or answer phones.

As a result, it turned out that I chose 3 vacation periods for the N-th time. Saved and sent for approval. The whole company was divided into several stages.

10 days - creating a schedule
10 days - approval by management
5 days - adjustment
5 days - approval and signing.

A week after I sent my schedule for approval, I decided to fix it (before the approval stage, do I have time?) I go in, make changes, repeat all the procedures, see the changes. Content close the browser page.

The coordination stage begins and the manager informs me that I have planned only 10 days of vacation. I enter the system and really see only one vacation period and the manager cannot return it to me for adjustment, only he can make changes.

Again, everything is not according to plan!


The biggest disappointment. At the time of my employment, the LCA was divided into two categories: new employees (less than 1 year of work) and others. For those who are new, only urgent hospitalization, resuscitation, etc. is available. Forget about the massage and all the "outpatient". However, now, when I am writing this text, a co-payment system is already in effect - an employee pays 20%, the rest of the insurance company. Dentistry is add. option.

There is a separate resource for managing LCA, which seems to have existed for a long time. But it falls at lightning speed, after any mailing related to LCA. After registration, I was even sent a letter with my login and password in clear text ...

Almost every time I went there through password reset, there is a lot of information where there is incomplete or even opposite.

Positive about the company

Schedule! I have never been told that I came late or left early.

I could come at 12 noon and leave after 9pm. Colleagues, of course, squinted - but with this to the oculist, I am not a doctor. I never oriented myself to work 8 hours a day, but if there is no work to sit in the office, I do not see the point.

I will say even more about the daily routine. The SBT had colleagues who came to work at 6 am on Friday and left at 2 in the afternoon (the day was shortened). That's cool!

Communication with HR, thanks to SAP is simplified, although not everything is smooth there.

This, unfortunately, the pros are over.

People and working atmosphere

Many are afraid of tasks when German Gref is involved in them and many use it. Call / write / come and tell that the task came "from him".

All regulations on information security are performed when it is profitable or upon the onset of PCI DSS. For example, there is an order whereby access from Zone A to Zone B is prohibited without specifying certain criteria (port, ip-addresses, etc.). However, if a person who does not know all these criteria, but understands that he needs to get access quickly, writes to all managers who can “push through” at a higher level this task, the problem will be solved. All IP traffic between hosts is open, although only HTTPS over 2 ports was needed. This is complicated by the fact that when such “cunning” comrades line up and the re-prioritization of each task begins, people break down and open access not to IP2IP, but to NET2NET.

I saw the lines in the ACL, where very wide prefixes are open, so long as “these” are no longer pestered. There are a lot of such examples.

Here people are not in a hurry, are in stability or are waiting for retirement. Some allow themselves vapit (smoking e-cigarettes) in the workplace, despite the fact that there are at least 2 asthmatics in the office, and the others do not smoke, and the Director of the Center is also in the next room. Long service, nothing can be done ...

I received letters with “urgent tasks” that started 3-4 months ago and suddenly recalled them, and the previous employee died / quit / decree / etc.

There are brave tasks to build their monitoring system of something, when there is a whole monitoring unit on the next floor. Nobody wants to delegate this task to them, since the original customer of the service cannot control such a system.

The toxicity of people is very high. Your work request may not be fulfilled because you are “black.” People do not want to do anything more than they may need. And I'm not talking about some huge projects. Application for access to resources may be rejected if they sent a DNS name instead of IP. If the user asks to open HTTP for him, no one will even think about port 80, let alone call the user and ask him for additional information. information is moveton. The application will be closed.

Some real examples from the life of “Russian Amazon”.

Dot1x. Someone said upstairs what needs to be implemented. Most of the devices are not profiled, which ultimately leads to the creation of huge white-sheets, so that business can exist. However, 600 linux-machines did not notice and they were simply left without access to the network :-) What people are responsible for implementing this “super secure access concept”, then with surprised eyes, they ask: “From where we knew there was Linux. We had to test every PC? ”

With Linux the story is very revealing!

Since I was given this task quite specifically: “There are Linux machines, find out how you can get them to work with dot1x”. It took weeks. to try to get root access on the Linux machine or at least add my account to sudoers.

I got sick of it and I brought my old laptop from home and 10-15 minutes after it was turned on, I easily connected to the network through the Network Manager with dot1x. I wrote to my boss about the results, even recorded a short video, how to log in to the Network Manager and where you should visit which tabs. A month later, a letter arrives from the Linux service specialists at the company with the following content:

A colleague has time to answer before me that it is outside our area of ​​responsibility.
After another 1.5 weeks I get hooked into the conference and at the beginning of the conversation they try to persuade to write a script for them, and in the end they put pressure on the slogans of the company “We are the team, Everything is for the client”, etc.

However, novice Linux psychologists failed to persuade me. I already knew that I was leaving this team and these clients. After talking with such colleagues, I wondered who it was. Below you can see the inner regalia of one of the participants in a telephone conversation. Conclusions everyone will do for himself.

If the story of Linux touched me directly, then I only heard about ip-telephony from my colleagues.

As you know, there is signal traffic, but there is media traffic. Therefore, if you just allow sccp / sip to CUCM, then users register, but there will be problems with calls. Someone from the IB did not know this and broke the telephony - moreover, notably. After that, it was decided to first test and then implement :-)

AAA implementation. Another pain that I touched (not my project, was involved from the very exploitation side just a little).

I especially remember that when I first got a job, this project was almost completed in the SBT and everything was transferred to Sberbank. However, now in December 2018, we still have a representative of the vendor 1-2 times a week and tells the engineer how to work, the latter, by the way, was trained by the vendor.

Now, in my opinion, this is a piece of unfinished software, to which several thousand devices have already been transferred. A lot of negative, but implemented. Ticks in the necessary points are put down, bonuses are received, KPI was not injured.

Thrash Class Office

The aesthetic and functionally convenient offices of Sberbank are Vavilova, Oruzheiny, Kutuzovsky, Danilovsky Fort, South Port, Chayka Business Center and that's it. It was in all and in such conditions I want to work, I tell you. All other sites are most likely old buildings in which there is no life, and the staff who are there have a desire to work. Clothes hanger brought from home to buy such a trifle in the top IT-companies of this country is too difficult (according to colleagues). I did not check it and believed on the basis of previous experience, so I brought mine. Water may not be available all day, as someone ordered it late. Coffee machine and kettles in each room their own. Who and how to clean them - it is on the conscience of people in the office. About the organization of access to the toilets, I already wrote above.


The application was written on the last business day of 2018. In the new year I got acquainted with the order, a detour sheet in electronic form, half of the signatories were already noted. It remains to pass the pass and a laptop.


All that is written is my real experience. First of all, this article appeared so that you know what awaits you, if you dream of working in the IT direction of Sberbank. I was shocked and until recently did not believe that this could be in this company. After some time, I realized that it was necessary to take notes of this chaos, and that was what kind of article it turned into. There are a lot of articles on the Internet that colorfully and positively paint a job in this company. However, until you get - you will not know. For me it was the most tedious and not interesting work experience. Even working in a telecoms operator (which is now purchased by Rostelecom), I did not see such horror in IT. Perhaps because the carrier is initially closer to IT.

Of course, some situations you can not try on yourself, but do not forget about the “general temperature in the hospital.”

I think in Sbergile (Agile employees) everything is somewhat better, because these employees are located in those convenient and comfortable offices that I mentioned above and have practically no connection with low-level operation.

In conclusion, I want to note that the primary direction (in the SBT) was taken 4 people (head and 3 engineers), with a difference of a couple of weeks.

The chief left in the summer (having worked less than half a year), one of the engineers did not wait for the annual award and one continues to work. Another engineer writes this article on the last official working day, with the workbook lying on the table in front of him ...


The mug is still cool and comfortable - definitely a plus.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438514/