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Hipster podcasts # 1

The term "hipster" derived from the slang "to be hip", translates approximately as "to be in the subject." IT podcasts listen to a limited number of people who can be attributed to this category, most of whom, I am sure, regularly read and Habr. Therefore, I decided to start this section, in which I will review domestic podcasts on IT topics, which, in my opinion, deserve your attention.

In the first issue we will talk about BeardyCast - a podcast in which three (and sometimes four) presenters discuss smartphones, series, games and movies. At the time of this writing, 194 releases are available, which you can listen to via iTunes , Spotify , PlayerFM , and also directly on their website . Personally, I listen to podcasts through the PocketCast application. You can also find guys there by typing "BeardyCast" in the search podcast line.

The podcast are four interesting guys:

There are already quite a few podcasts on absolutely any subject on the domestic market, which is why those in which the presenters express their own opinions on a particular topic are especially appreciated. I listen to BeardyCast for this very reason: the presenters share their impressions about the purchases of gadgets, watched movies or TV shows, and also invite interesting guests from other podcasts and discuss with them some narrowly focused topics, such as the arrangement of a smart home .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438530/