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How we created a recommendation service for the selection of clothes on neural networks


In this article I want to talk about how we created a search system for similar clothes (or rather clothes, shoes and bags) from a photograph. That is, to put it in business terms, is a recommendation service based on neural networks.

Like most modern IT solutions, you can compare the development of our system with the assembly of the Lego designer, when we take a lot of small parts, instructions, and create a ready-made model from this. Here's the instruction: what parts to take and how to apply them so that your GPU can select similar products from a photo - you will find in this article.

What parts our system is built from:

At the end of the article, all the “rakes” that we attacked during the development and recommendations on how to neutralize them will be described.

Task setting and rubricator creation

The task and the main use-case of the system sounds quite simple and clear:

Simply put, the goal of our system is to answer the famous question: “Do you have the same, only with pearl buttons?”

Before you rush into the pool of coding, marking and learning of neural networks, you need to quite clearly define the categories that will be inside your system, that is, the categories that will be detected by the neural network. It is important to understand that the wider and more detailed the list of categories is, the more universal it is, since a large number of narrow small categories such as mini-dress, midi-dress, maxi-dress can always be combined into one category of type of type with one touch. BUT NOT vice versa. In other words, the rubricator needs to be well thought out and compiled at the very beginning of the project, so that later not to redo the same work 3 times. We compiled a rubricator, taking as a basis several large stores, such as Lamoda.ru, Amazon.com, and tried to make it as wide as possible on the one hand, and as versatile as possible on the other hand in order to make it easier to connect the detector categories with different categories in the future. online stores (on how to make this bundle, I will discuss in more detail in the section of the crawler and indexer). Here is an example of what happened.

Example categories of rubricator

In our catalog at the moment there are only 205 categories: women's clothing, men's clothing, women's shoes, men's shoes, bags, clothes for newborns. The full version of our classifier is available here .

Indexer or module of work with electronic catalogs of stores

In order to look for similar products in the future, we need to create an extensive database of what we are looking for. In our experience, the quality of searching for similar images directly depends on the size of the search base, which should exceed at least 100K images, and preferably 1M images. If you add 1-2 small online stores to your database, you most likely will not get impressive results simply because in 80% of cases there is nothing really like the desired item in your catalog.

So, to create a large database of images you need to process catalogs of various online stores, this is what this process includes:

Example category mapping file: catalog categories categorizer

Detection and classification

In order to find something similar to what our eye found in the photo, we need to detect this “something” (i.e., localize and select the object). We have come a long way in creating the detector, starting with the training of OpenCV cascades, which did not work at all on this task, and ending with the modern R-FCN detection and classification technology and classifier based on the ResNet neural network.

We took all sorts of images from the Internet as data used for training and testing (the so-called training and test samples):

The markup was carried out using a samopisny tool, the result of the markup were sets of images and * .seg-files to them, in which the coordinates of the objects and class labels for them are stored. On average, from 100 to 200 images were marked out for each category; the total number of images in 205 classes was 65,000.

After the training and test samples are ready, we did a double-check markup, giving all the images to another operator. This made it possible to filter out a large number of errors that greatly affect the quality of training of the neural network, that is, the detector and classifier. Then we start training the neural network with standard means and “remove” the next snepshot of the neural network “with the heat of the heat” after a few days. On average, the training time of the detector and classifier on the data volume of 65,000 images per GPU of the order Titan X is approximately 3 days.

The finished neural network must somehow be checked for quality, that is, to assess whether the current version of the network has become better than the previous one and how much. How we did it:

An example of a table-report on the quality of the detector and classifier

Similar Image Search Module

After we have detected the wardrobe items in the photo, we launch a mechanism for searching for similar images, this is how it functions:

Neural networks for the formation of neural network vectors in shape and color are taught as follows.

  1. To train a neural network in form, we take all the marked images, cut out the fragments by markup and distribute them into folders according to the class: that is, all the sweaters in one folder, all the T-shirts in the other, and all high-heeled shoes in the third one and so on. d. Next, we train an ordinary classifier based on this sample. Thus, we kind of “explain” the neural network its understanding of the shape of the object.
  2. In order to train a neural network in color, we take all the marked images, cut out the fragments by markup and distribute them into folders according to color: that is, put all T-shirts, shoes, bags, etc. in the “green” folder. green color (in general, any objects of green color accumulate in the end), in the “stripped” folder we put all the things in a strip, and in the “red-white” folder all the red and white things. Next, we train a separate classifier for these classes, as if “explaining” the neural network its understanding of the color of a thing.

An example of marking images by color for obtaining neural network feature vectors by color.

Interestingly, this technology works fine even on difficult backgrounds, that is, when fragments of things are not cut out clearly along the contour (mask), but along a rectangular frame, which was determined by the stripper.

The search for similar ones is made on the basis of extracting binary feature vectors from the neural network in the following way: the output of the penultimate layer is taken, compressed, normalized and binarized. In our work, we compressed up to a 128-bit vector. You can do it a little differently, for example, as described in the Yahoo article " Deep Learning Retrieval of the Binary Coverage ", but the essence of all algorithms is about the same — you look for similar images by comparing the properties that the neural network operates within the layers.

Initially, as a technology to search for similar images, we used hashes or image descriptors based on (more precisely calculated) using certain mathematical algorithms, such as the Sobel operator (or contour hash), the SIFT algorithm (or singular points), the construction of the histogram or the comparison of the number of angles in the image . This technology worked and gave some more or less sane result, but nothing compared with the technology of searching for similar images based on the properties selected by the neural network hashes do not go. If you try to explain the difference in 2 words, then the hash-based image comparison algorithm is a “calculator” that was configured to compare pictures using some formula and it works continuously. And the comparison with the help of signs from the neural network is “artificial intelligence”, trained by a person to solve a certain specific task in a certain way. We can give such a rough example: if you search for hashes with a black-and-white striped sweater, then you are more likely to find all black-and-white things as similar. And if you search using a neural network, then:

JSON-API for easy interaction with any device and service

We created a simple and convenient WEB-JSON-API for communicating our system with any devices and systems, which, of course, is not an innovation, but rather a good strong standard for development.

Web interface or mobile application for viewing results

To visually check the results, as well as to demonstrate the system to customers, we have developed simple interfaces:

Mistakes that were made in the project

Conclusion and future development plans

This technology is quite ready and suitable for use, now it functions at one of our customers in the online store as a recommendation service. Also recently, we set about developing a similar system in another industry (that is, we are now working with other types of goods).

From the nearest plans: transfer of the network to Mask-CNN, as well as re-marking and additional image markup to improve the quality of the detector and classifier.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, according to our feelings, such technology and neural networks in general are capable of solving up to 80% of the complex and highly intelligent tasks with which our brain meets daily. The only question is who first implements this technology and relieves a person from routine work, freeing him the space for creativity and development, which is, in our opinion, the highest purpose of man!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438542/