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Another manifesto

Edgyl then, Edzhaye sho. About Edzhil now does not speak just lazy. Yes, and lazy says. Everyone is talking. From each iron, even when it is turned off from the network, they drown it for the edge. It seems that just some kind of epidemic has broken out. And do not think that I am only about IT. Coaches teach neophytes to hold stand-ups with retrospectives and live on sprints in any business area: from bakeries to hairdresser's. And some managers, having listened to coaches, are so addicted that they forget about the nature of this phenomenon, forcing them to introduce flexible methodologies with non-flexible methods: “So, from tomorrow, we all become flexible. What kind of "hihi"? Flexible, I said, and then all nagu! ”. So what is the nature of the edge, on which it is based?

As we know, the basis of the foundations is the so-called manifesto. Few people think about what it is and why it is, taking it simply as a given (such as commandments such as, oddly enough, were also recorded on the mountain). Even fewer people are trying to figure out how applicable this is to the case they are considering in order not to build their processes in the mode of putting an owl on a globe. Well, there are units that know all about flexible methodologies. They even know about the motivation of the founding fathers of AgileAlliance more than themselves.

I'm not so cool, but nevertheless I have my own version as to how the edgile manifest appeared.

In 2001, 17 IT professional practitioners gathered together (this is exactly our Moses, only this time not in the Sinai Peninsula, but in Utah) to go skiing and discuss the problems of the software development industry in one. And so they began to tell each other how they live. It turned out that they have quite a lot in common. More precisely, many similar problems. And they decided that they needed to do something with these problems (how long can you tolerate, citizens?). And they wrote a manifesto ...

Or easier. The guys specifically burned: either sponsors with customers are stupid, then deadlines are unrealistic, then the results of projects turn out to be useless to anyone, then they are forced to write documents with multiple pages, etc. etc. Yes, the guys got burned so that they wrote a manifesto proclaiming such values ​​and principles that, in their opinion, could put out any burning. In general, this kind of manifesto is almost always, in one degree or another, veiled pain. More precisely, an attempt to pain and justify, and remove.

Despite the fact that many of these 17 did not believe that this manifesto would change anything, over the years, flexible approaches gained considerable popularity in the IT environment. Due to the specifics of the industry, it turned out that these types of burning and other painful syndromes often occur in many IT teams (as far as the fact of burning, the ejail approach was cooled - a topic for a thesis, and not a note like this). And in general, the ITshniki are quite agile guys in their essence: all the time something new is being tried. In general, now to meet an IT specialist who does not know what Edzhile is - almost the same as to meet a polar bear in a Las Vegas bar.

When it became impossible to ignore the Edgel against the background of other approaches, he was noticed by the tired look of the consulting industry, with difficulty keeping the eyelids oily from budgets. And the consultants decided that the whole business could be sold better than the beads to the natives: after all, the natives can be taught to build airfields! And Egayl swelled to the level of a panacea, and they began to enter it where it was possible and impossible. In general, the flexibility of the planet went and, as always, many evangelical preachers soon appeared, and with them irrefutable evidence of the effectiveness of the Ajile as an approach, methodology, concept, ideology, model, vision that will bring your business to the clouds with diamonds. But, as is often the case with pseudo-religion (what did you think: there is dogma, rites, mystical experience, non-recognition of other religions, and the ability to disclaim responsibility), the commandments brought to mortals were often transformed into terrible and perverted forms that are essentially contrary to the original intentions. Yes, and at many airfields of straw planes have not flown.

And looking at it all, I have already started to burn. And I thought: “Why am I worse? I will take and write my manifesto! ”And he wrote. He is below. I took the official Russian version of the agile manifest as a basis and tried to preserve the general approach, and in some parts of the wording. As a bonus, I provided this case with excessive loose comments. At once I will say that even just to understand this dregs will not be easy: the seriousness is mixed with irony, and the flows of surrealistic confusion - with drops of the quintessence of experience. Well, then it all is divided by zero. Twice. For reliability. Although, if you have read these lines before, then you should be fine. I believe in you. Go!


1. Context is more important than best practices.

Crystallized ideals in their pure form do not work, but often even harm their own framework. There are no spherical horses in a vacuum. Even the meter in the chamber of measures and scales is no longer a standard, since the context of our time dictates new requirements for its definition. In general, any human activity is contextual and this should not be forgotten. The context is not even the basis; rather, it is the environment. If we want to cross the Pacific Ocean on a river tram, then you should not be indignant when we are faced with quite obvious problems, even if this tram is equipped with ultra-comfortable massage chairs of the latest generation.

2. A common understanding of the goal is more important than methodological concepts.

Nietzsche once said: "Whoever has a reason, he will endure as anyone." Nothing is known about the reverse. Understanding the goal should be an indispensable background or even the work atmosphere of any teams. Without this, there will be no efficiency, no motivation, no movement in the right direction. And if you do not believe me - believe Nietzsche, he is generally the smartest of people.

3. The fixed is more important than the imaginary.

Concepts, no matter how beautiful they are, will mean nothing until they become a real object. We would not know anything about the wonderful ideas of Gaudi regarding the Sagrada Familia, if he had not left us with a little bit suitable drawings. The fact that someone thinks himself and does not formalize, does not in itself carry value. Let's not pretend that it is not. Therefore, fix, gentlemen!

4. Mobility of mind is more important than categorical.

Any list of more than 2 points (and the whole manifesto is even more so), as a rule, contains very categorical wording. Therefore, people believe that it is necessary to accept everything rigidly and live with this at the level of attitudes. Otherwise, a penny price for such a list. But Socrates once said (yes, I like to refer to the great utterances taken out of context): "Categoricalness gives a person a poverty of the mind." “A rather categorical statement!” You will say, and you will probably be right. Just remember: Socrates, in addition to being the smartest of people before Nietzsche, was also a boxer, and therefore he could defend his point of view at different levels. To hired workers, none of these levels shines; they are prohibited by either corporate ethics or the criminal code. So it turns out to be only tough, not flexible. Or maybe still listen to Socrates and try the opposite?

5. Oranges are more important than apples.

Everything is clear here.


1. The highest priority is customer satisfaction, except in cases prohibited by law, the terms of the contract and the position of top management.

Comment: in fact, you can break the law, just do not tell anyone, but they will literally understand something else.

2. Changing requirements means that there are still requirements. If there are requirements, they can be managed. Manage requirements.

Comment: in general, the requirements carry so many functions that to think of them only as a problem statement is a crime against humanity. If you do not know how to requirements - learn, this is important.

3. A working product must be produced at such intervals as the customer’s objectives require. If the customer does not need your supplies every two weeks - no need to squeeze the result out of yourself: this is counterproductive.

Comment: just imagine - in certain situations you can be ultra-flexible and super-duper effective for a very long time (on the spot more than 2-week sprints that have smashed teeth), while releasing as a result just one product release. No kidding. I will even say more, but it will be difficult to sustain it: at the same time, the customer will also be happy. And now I’ll say quite unbelievable: at the same time the product will be fire, and it will be a joy to use it with benefit. Of course, this is not possible always and everywhere. But it happens, brothers, and not as rare as you just thought. So a short release cycle is, alas, not a blessing in itself.

4. Throughout the project, developers and business representatives should work every day. To achieve the objectives of the project.

Comment: despite its apparent simplicity, this is the most difficult item to understand. Difficult to understand. More difficult - to accept. Even harder is to take action. And practically a feat - to live according to this principle. But if you suddenly reach the summit (they say that the road to the summit of Everest is just strewn with the corpses of those who could not and are used as reference points), then you will break off and leave the circle of Sansara going to work. You will be above it, beyond it. And only the infinite consciousness of your own omnipotence will remind you that you still exist. So, I'm sorry, I read a book on esoterics in parallel, so ... well, you understand everything.

5. Motivated professionals should work on the project. To get the job done, create the conditions, provide support and trust them completely. In order for the work to be done at the required time and with a designated budget, add a motivated professional manager to the team.

Comment: Many people think that Edger does not imply governance. And why: the product of the hunter and the task was recorded in the backlog, then the hoopchik was painted in the story, and here, the hob was planned for the sprint and in development with autotests and in two weeks the Habas - and in the Prodas. It happens and this, I do not argue. And it happens differently. And in this "differently" without a manager in any way. Many people forget that these are the provision of support and conditions, and in many respects is the work of the manager. And if you still want to plan where you will find yourself in two or three to six months, then even more so. And if you still have 1-2-5-10 counterparties, then for sure. And if you and the teams 5-10-20, then just nothing else. Still want without management? I saw such people - they go after interviews, they say that the startup was suitable, but did not take off, because the market is not ready yet.

6. The most practical and effective way to exchange information both with the team and within the team is the type of communication, which is expressed in the appropriate context and takes place with the necessary level of detail.

Comment: you must be tired. I'm tired too, because I thought that the text on the page I will write, but did not work. It will not work for you, if you are guided by intuitive ideas about communications. Only in the case of my error - the loss is small, because At most, this manifesto is simply not read by anyone until these lines. But in real work you can pay a lot if your communication is ineffective. Losses can be different: extra work, spoiled relations with the customer or team members, the choice of the wrong path of development. In summary: always proceed from the situation. Sometimes one call per minute of conversation can be more useful than angry correspondence with the management in the copy. And sometimes without detailed formulations in writing or without a table with a schedule it is simply impossible to convey the essence of the situation and very nice face-to-face meetings will simply not help here.

7. A working product in itself is not an indicator of anything.

Comment: Didn’t you know?

8. The work process should promote sustainable development. The rhythm of work should ensure its comfort and efficiency.

Comment: “comfort is good!” Many will think here. Only, I beg you, do not fall asleep at your desk, because Your snoring can annoy those who are just trying to fall asleep in a comfortable work environment. And if the sleep was overcome, then it is better to read “Anti-fragility”, there is important about the usefulness of stressors, and how to come to the same efficiency and sustainable development.

9. Constant attention to technical excellence and design quality reduces the likelihood of serious refactoring during product development.

Comment: many people think that the quality of design is a technical question. I think this is more about professional responsibility and respect. Think at your leisure why. And if you look at the wording, then everything is on the surface and outrageously trite. Strange, but always believed that any platitudes (like almost everything in this manifesto) are for those who like to shake the air. However, each time when I myself tried to pack my narration about life experience as compactly as possible into a ready-made and relatively simple message for transmission, it was commonplace. And maybe in another way and fail? Then it is not a manifesto, but confession.

10. Simplicity - the art of minimizing unnecessary work - is essential when it is appropriate.

Comment: some things must be complicated, otherwise they will not exist or work. Well, you can not make a two-stage rocket of one piece. I tried - did not even take off.

11. The best requirements, architectural and technical solutions are born from the best teams. To become the best team to be not only united by a single goal motivated professionals, but also to have the will to become even better.

Comment: I 'm sorry, but in the manifesto without pathos anywhere. Neither original nor mine.

12. The team should continuously analyze possible ways to improve efficiency and adjust the style of their work accordingly, if this does not harm the achievement of project objectives.

Comment: how often does one of my colleagues rhetorically ask, “Do we not do garbage?”. Having answered her question in the negative, I always feel an urgent need to check “Isn’t we doing something?”, She asks. I advise you to make these two questions the minimum checklist for continuous analysis of their activities. Otherwise, as our people say, good luck is not to be seen.

13. Sign the manifest ... and throw it away.

Comment: as you noticed, I decided to add one point at a time both to values ​​and principles. It just so happened that I do not believe that the declared “team of motivated professionals moving towards one goal” is not able to organize their work in the most efficient way, without looking at other people's manifestos, methodologies, practices and even tools. I do not believe, and therefore manifest. But for the author, the manifesto is a huge responsibility (by the way, some of those 17 eventually understood this). Therefore, it is better not to just throw out this manifesto, but before you burn it and rub it into dust.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438550/