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Writing XGBoost from scratch - part 2: gradient boosting


In the last article we figured out how the decisive trees are arranged, and implemented it from scratch.
construction algorithm, simultaneously optimizing and improving it. In this article, we implement the gradient boost algorithm and at the end create our own XGBoost. The narration will follow the same pattern: we write an algorithm, describe it, summarize the results, comparing the results of work with analogues from Sklearn.

In this article, the emphasis will also be made on the implementation in the code, so the whole theory is better read in another together (for example, in the ODS course ), and already with the knowledge of the theory, you can move on to this article, since the topic is quite complicated.

What is gradient boosting? A picture with a golfer best describes the main idea. In order to drive the ball into the hole, the golfer makes every next strike, taking into account the experience of previous shots - for him it is a necessary condition to drive the ball into the hole. If it’s very rough (I’m not a master of the game of golf :)), then with each new strike the first thing a golfer looks at is the distance between the ball and the hole after the previous strike. And the main task is to reduce this distance with the next blow.

Boosting is built in a very similar way. First, we need to introduce the definition of "hole", that is, the goal to which we will strive. Secondly, we need to learn to understand which way to hit with a stick in order to get closer to the goal. Thirdly, taking into account all these rules, you need to come up with the correct sequence of blows, so that each subsequent one shortens the distance between the ball and the hole.

Now we give a slightly more rigorous definition. We introduce a weighted voting model:

h(x)= sumni=1biai,x inX,bi inR

Here X Is the space from which we take objects bi,ai - this is the coefficient in front of the model and the model itself, that is, the decision tree. Suppose that already at some step, using the described rules, we managed to add to the composition T1 weak algorithm. To learn to understand what exactly the algorithm should be on the step T , we introduce the error function:

err(h)= sumNj=1L( sumT1i=1aibi(xj)+bTaT(xj)) rightarrowminaT,bT

It turns out that the best algorithm is the one that can minimize the error obtained at previous iterations. And since the boosting is gradient, then this error function must necessarily have an anti-gradient vector along which you can move in search of a minimum. Everything!

Immediately before the implementation I will insert a few words about how exactly everything will be arranged. As in the previous article, let's take MSE as a loss. Calculate its gradient:

mse(y,predict)=(ypredict)2 nablapredictmse(y,predict)=predicty

Thus, the antigradient vector will be equal to ypredict . On the move i we consider the errors of the algorithm obtained at past iterations. Next, we train our new algorithm on these errors, and then with a minus sign and add some coefficient to our ensemble.

Now we will start implementation.

1. Implement the usual gradient boost class

import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm_notebook from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error as mse from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor import itertools %matplotlib inline %load_ext Cython %%cython -a import itertools import numpy as np cimport numpy as np from itertools import * cdef class RegressionTreeFastMse: cdef public int max_depth cdef public int feature_idx cdef public int min_size cdef public int averages cdef public np.float64_t feature_threshold cdef public np.float64_t value cpdef RegressionTreeFastMse left cpdef RegressionTreeFastMse right def __init__(self, max_depth=3, min_size=4, averages=1): self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_size = min_size self.value = 0 self.feature_idx = -1 self.feature_threshold = 0 self.left = None self.right = None def fit(self, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] X, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] y): cpdef np.float64_t mean1 = 0.0 cpdef np.float64_t mean2 = 0.0 cpdef long N = X.shape[0] cpdef long N1 = X.shape[0] cpdef long N2 = 0 cpdef np.float64_t delta1 = 0.0 cpdef np.float64_t delta2 = 0.0 cpdef np.float64_t sm1 = 0.0 cpdef np.float64_t sm2 = 0.0 cpdef list index_tuples cpdef list stuff cpdef long idx = 0 cpdef np.float64_t prev_error1 = 0.0 cpdef np.float64_t prev_error2 = 0.0 cpdef long thres = 0 cpdef np.float64_t error = 0.0 cpdef np.ndarray[long, ndim=1] idxs cpdef np.float64_t x = 0.0 # начальное значение - среднее значение y self.value = y.mean() # начальная ошибка - mse между значением в листе base_error = ((y - self.value) ** 2).sum() error = base_error flag = 0 # пришли на максимальную глубину if self.max_depth <= 1: return dim_shape = X.shape[1] left_value, right_value = 0, 0 for feat in range(dim_shape): prev_error1, prev_error2 = base_error, 0 idxs = np.argsort(X[:, feat]) # переменные для быстрого переброса суммы mean1, mean2 = y.mean(), 0 sm1, sm2 = y.sum(), 0 N = X.shape[0] N1, N2 = N, 0 thres = 1 while thres < N - 1: N1 -= 1 N2 += 1 idx = idxs[thres] x = X[idx, feat] # вычисляем дельты - по ним, в основном, будет делаться переброс delta1 = (sm1 - y[idx]) * 1.0 / N1 - mean1 delta2 = (sm2 + y[idx]) * 1.0 / N2 - mean2 # увеличиваем суммы sm1 -= y[idx] sm2 += y[idx] # пересчитываем ошибки за O(1) prev_error1 += (delta1**2) * N1 prev_error1 -= (y[idx] - mean1)**2 prev_error1 -= 2 * delta1 * (sm1 - mean1 * N1) mean1 = sm1/N1 prev_error2 += (delta2**2) * N2 prev_error2 += (y[idx] - mean2)**2 prev_error2 -= 2 * delta2 * (sm2 - mean2 * N2) mean2 = sm2/N2 # пропускаем близкие друг к другу значения if thres < N - 1 and np.abs(x - X[idxs[thres + 1], feat]) < 1e-5: thres += 1 continue if (prev_error1 + prev_error2 < error): if (min(N1,N2) > self.min_size): # переопределяем самый лучший признак и границу по нему self.feature_idx, self.feature_threshold = feat, x # переопределяем значения в листах left_value, right_value = mean1, mean2 # флаг - значит сделали хороший сплит flag = 1 error = prev_error1 + prev_error2 thres += 1 # ничего не разделили, выходим if self.feature_idx == -1: return # вызываем потомков дерева self.left = RegressionTreeFastMse(self.max_depth - 1) self.left.value = left_value self.right = RegressionTreeFastMse(self.max_depth - 1) self.right.value = right_value # новые индексы для обучения потомков idxs_l = (X[:, self.feature_idx] > self.feature_threshold) idxs_r = (X[:, self.feature_idx] <= self.feature_threshold) # обучение потомков self.left.fit(X[idxs_l, :], y[idxs_l]) self.right.fit(X[idxs_r, :], y[idxs_r]) def __predict(self, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] x): if self.feature_idx == -1: return self.value if x[self.feature_idx] > self.feature_threshold: return self.left.__predict(x) else: return self.right.__predict(x) def predict(self, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] X): y = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) for i in range(X.shape[0]): y[i] = self.__predict(X[i]) return y 

 class GradientBoosting(): def __init__(self, n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.1, max_depth=3, random_state=17, n_samples = 15, min_size = 5, base_tree='Bagging'): self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.max_depth = max_depth self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.initialization = lambda y: np.mean(y) * np.ones([y.shape[0]]) self.min_size = min_size self.loss_by_iter = [] self.trees_ = [] self.loss_by_iter_test = [] self.n_samples = n_samples self.base_tree = base_tree def fit(self, X, y): self.X = X self.y = y b = self.initialization(y) prediction = b.copy() for t in tqdm_notebook(range(self.n_estimators)): if t == 0: resid = y else: # сразу пишем антиградиент resid = (y - prediction) # выбираем базовый алгоритм if self.base_tree == 'Bagging': tree = Bagging(max_depth=self.max_depth, min_size = self.min_size) if self.base_tree == 'Tree': tree = RegressionTreeFastMse(max_depth=self.max_depth, min_size = self.min_size) # обучаемся на векторе антиградиента tree.fit(X, resid) # делаем предикт и добавляем алгоритм к ансамблю b = tree.predict(X).reshape([X.shape[0]]) self.trees_.append(tree) prediction += self.learning_rate * b # добавляем только если не первая итерация if t > 0: self.loss_by_iter.append(mse(y,prediction)) return self def predict(self, X): # сначала прогноз – это просто вектор из средних значений ответов на обучении pred = np.ones([X.shape[0]]) * np.mean(self.y) # добавляем прогнозы деревьев for t in range(self.n_estimators): pred += self.learning_rate * self.trees_[t].predict(X).reshape([X.shape[0]]) return pred 

We now construct the loss curve on the training set to make sure that with each iteration we actually have its decrease.

 GDB = GradientBoosting(n_estimators=50) GDB.fit(X,y) x = GDB.predict(X) plt.grid() plt.title('Loss by iterations') plt.plot(GDB.loss_by_iter) 

2. Bagging over decisive trees

Okay, before comparing the results, let's talk more about the procedure of begging over trees.

Everything is simple here: we want to protect ourselves from retraining, and therefore, with the help of return samples, we will average our predictions in order not to accidentally run into emissions (why it works like this - read the link better).

 class Bagging(): ''' Класс Bagging - предназначен для генерирования бустрапированного выбора моделей. ''' def __init__(self, max_depth = 3, min_size=10, n_samples = 10): #super(CART, self).__init__() self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_size = min_size self.n_samples = n_samples self.subsample_size = None self.list_of_Carts = [RegressionTreeFastMse(max_depth=self.max_depth, min_size=self.min_size) for _ in range(self.n_samples)] def get_bootstrap_samples(self, data_train, y_train): # генерируем индексы выборок с возращением indices = np.random.randint(0, len(data_train), (self.n_samples, self.subsample_size)) samples_train = data_train[indices] samples_y = y_train[indices] return samples_train, samples_y def fit(self, data_train, y_train): # обучаем каждую модель self.subsample_size = int(data_train.shape[0]) samples_train, samples_y = self.get_bootstrap_samples(data_train, y_train) for i in range(self.n_samples): self.list_of_Carts[i].fit(samples_train[i], samples_y[i].reshape(-1)) return self def predict(self, test_data): # для каждого объекта берём его средний предикт num_samples = test_data.shape[0] pred = [] for i in range(self.n_samples): pred.append(self.list_of_Carts[i].predict(test_data)) pred = np.array(pred).T return np.array([np.mean(pred[i]) for i in range(num_samples)]) 

Great, now we can use not one tree as the base algorithm, but tree begging - so, again, we will defend against retraining.

3. Results

Compare the results of our algorithms.

 from sklearn.model_selection import KFold import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor as GDBSklearn import copy def get_metrics(X,y,n_folds=2, model=None): kf = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True) kf.get_n_splits(X) er_list = [] for train_index, test_index in tqdm_notebook(kf.split(X)): X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index] y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index] model.fit(X_train,y_train) predict = model.predict(X_test) er_list.append(mse(y_test, predict)) return er_list data = datasets.fetch_california_housing() X = np.array(data.data) y = np.array(data.target) er_boosting = get_metrics(X,y,30,GradientBoosting(max_depth=3, n_estimators=40, base_tree='Tree' )) er_boobagg = get_metrics(X,y,30,GradientBoosting(max_depth=3, n_estimators=40, base_tree='Bagging' )) er_sklearn_boosting = get_metrics(X,y,30,GDBSklearn(max_depth=3,n_estimators=40, learning_rate=0.1)) %matplotlib inline data = [er_sklearn_boosting, er_boosting, er_boobagg] fig7, ax7 = plt.subplots() ax7.set_title('') ax7.boxplot(data, labels=['Sklearn Boosting', 'Boosting', 'BooBag']) plt.grid() plt.show() 


We cannot yet defeat the analog from Sklearn, because again we do not take into account a lot of parameters that are used in this method . However, we see that bagging helps a bit.

Let's not despair, and move on to writing XGBoost'a.

4. XGBoost

Before reading further, I strongly advise you first to familiarize yourself with the following video , the theory is very well explained in it.

Recall what error we minimize in the usual boosting:

err(h)= sumNj=1L( sumT1i=1aibi(xj)+bTaT(xj))

XGBoost explicitly adds regularization to this error functionality:

err(h)= sumNj=1L( sumT1i=1aibi(xj)+bTaT(xj))+ sumTi=1 omega(ai)

How to count this functionality? First, we bring it closer with the help of the second-order Taylor series, where the new algorithm is considered as an increment along which we will move, and we will write further on depending on the loss we have:

f(x+ deltax) thickapproxf(x)+f(x) deltax+0.5f(x)( deltax)2

It is necessary to determine which tree we will consider bad and which one to be good.

Recall the principle on which the regression with L2 -regularization - the more normal values ​​of the coefficients before regression, the worse, so you need to be as small as possible.

In XGBoost, the idea is very similar: a tree is penalized if the sum of the norm values ​​in the leaves in it is very large. Therefore, the complexity of the tree is introduced here as follows:

 omega(a)= gammaZ+0.5 sumZi=1w2i

w - values ​​in the leaves, Z - the number of leaves.

There are transitional formulas in the video, we will not display them here. It all comes down to the fact that we will choose the new partition, maximizing the gain:

Gain= fracG2lS2l+ lambda+ fracG2rS2r+ lambda frac(Gl+Gr)2S2l+S2r+ lambda gamma

Here  gamma, lambda Are the numerical parameters of the regularization, and Gi,Si - the corresponding amounts of the first and second derivatives for this partition.

Everything, the theory is very briefly stated, the links are given, now let's talk about what the derivatives will be if we work with MSE. It's simple:

mse(y,predict)=(ypredict)2 nablapredictmse(y,predict)=predicty nabla2predictmse(y,predict)=1

When will we take the amount Gi,Si , just add to the first predicty , and the second - just the amount.

 %%cython -a import numpy as np cimport numpy as np cdef class RegressionTreeGain: cdef public int max_depth cdef public np.float64_t gain cdef public np.float64_t lmd cdef public np.float64_t gmm cdef public int feature_idx cdef public int min_size cdef public np.float64_t feature_threshold cdef public np.float64_t value cpdef public RegressionTreeGain left cpdef public RegressionTreeGain right def __init__(self, int max_depth=3, np.float64_t lmd=1.0, np.float64_t gmm=0.1, min_size=5): self.max_depth = max_depth self.gmm = gmm self.lmd = lmd self.left = None self.right = None self.feature_idx = -1 self.feature_threshold = 0 self.value = -1e9 self.min_size = min_size return def fit(self, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] X, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] y): cpdef long N = X.shape[0] cpdef long N1 = X.shape[0] cpdef long N2 = 0 cpdef long idx = 0 cpdef long thres = 0 cpdef np.float64_t gl, gr, gn cpdef np.ndarray[long, ndim=1] idxs cpdef np.float64_t x = 0.0 cpdef np.float64_t best_gain = -self.gmm if self.value == -1e9: self.value = y.mean() base_error = ((y - self.value) ** 2).sum() error = base_error flag = 0 if self.max_depth <= 1: return dim_shape = X.shape[1] left_value = 0 right_value = 0 # начинаем процесс обучения # чуть-чуть матана - у нас mse, L = (y - pred)**2 # dL/dpred = pred - y, эту разницу мы в бустинге будем передавать со знаком - # dL^2/d^2pred = 1 - получается, это просто количество объектов в листе for feat in range(dim_shape): idxs = np.argsort(X[:, feat]) gl,gr = y.sum(),0.0 N1, N2, thres = N, 0, 0 while thres < N - 1: N1 -= 1 N2 += 1 idx = idxs[thres] x = X[idx, feat] gl -= y[idx] gr += y[idx] # считаем гейн gn = (gl**2) / (N1 + self.lmd) + (gr**2) / (N2 + self.lmd) gn -= ((gl + gr)**2) / (N1 + N2 + self.lmd) + self.gmm if thres < N - 1 and x == X[idxs[thres + 1], feat]: thres += 1 continue # проверяем условия на гейн if (gn > best_gain) and (min(N1,N2) > self.min_size): flag = 1 best_gain = gn left_value = -gl / (N1 + self.lmd) right_value = -gr / (N2 + self.lmd) self.feature_idx = feat self.feature_threshold = x thres += 1 self.gain = best_gain if self.feature_idx == -1: return self.left = RegressionTreeGain(max_depth=self.max_depth - 1, gmm=self.gmm, lmd=self.lmd) self.left.value = left_value self.right = RegressionTreeGain(max_depth=self.max_depth - 1, gmm=self.gmm, lmd=self.lmd) self.right.value = right_value idxs_l = (X[:, self.feature_idx] > self.feature_threshold) idxs_r = (X[:, self.feature_idx] <= self.feature_threshold) self.left.fit(X[idxs_l, :], y[idxs_l]) self.right.fit(X[idxs_r, :], y[idxs_r]) # подрубаем отрицательный гейн if (self.left.left == None or self.right.left == None): if self.gain < 0.0: self.left = None self.right = None self.feature_idx = -1 def __predict(self, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=1] x): if self.feature_idx == -1: return self.value if x[self.feature_idx] > self.feature_threshold: return self.left.__predict(x) else: return self.right.__predict(x) def predict(self, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] X): y = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) for i in range(X.shape[0]): y[i] = self.__predict(X[i]) return y 

A small clarification: so that the formulas in the trees with a gain were more beautiful, in the boosting we train the target with a minus sign.

Slightly modify our boosting, make some parameters adaptive. For example, if we notice that the loss has begun to emerge on a plateau, then we decrease the learning rate and increase the max_depth for the following estimators. We will also add a new bagging - now we will make a boosting over the baggings from trees with a gain:

 class Bagging(): def __init__(self, max_depth = 3, min_size=5, n_samples = 10): self.max_depth = max_depth self.min_size = min_size self.n_samples = n_samples self.subsample_size = None self.list_of_Carts = [RegressionTreeGain(max_depth=self.max_depth, min_size=self.min_size) for _ in range(self.n_samples)] def get_bootstrap_samples(self, data_train, y_train): indices = np.random.randint(0, len(data_train), (self.n_samples, self.subsample_size)) samples_train = data_train[indices] samples_y = y_train[indices] return samples_train, samples_y def fit(self, data_train, y_train): self.subsample_size = int(data_train.shape[0]) samples_train, samples_y = self.get_bootstrap_samples(data_train, y_train) for i in range(self.n_samples): self.list_of_Carts[i].fit(samples_train[i], samples_y[i].reshape(-1)) return self def predict(self, test_data): num_samples = test_data.shape[0] pred = [] for i in range(self.n_samples): pred.append(self.list_of_Carts[i].predict(test_data)) pred = np.array(pred).T return np.array([np.mean(pred[i]) for i in range(num_samples)]) 

 class GradientBoosting(): def __init__(self, n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.2, max_depth=3, random_state=17, n_samples = 15, min_size = 5, base_tree='Bagging'): self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.max_depth = max_depth self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.initialization = lambda y: np.mean(y) * np.ones([y.shape[0]]) self.min_size = min_size self.loss_by_iter = [] self.trees_ = [] self.loss_by_iter_test = [] self.n_samples = n_samples self.base_tree = base_tree # хотим как-то регулировать работу алгоритма на поздних итерациях # если ошибка застряла, то уменьшаем lr и увеличиваем max_depth self.add_to_max_depth = 1 self.init_mse_board = 1.5 def fit(self, X, y): print (self.base_tree) self.X = X self.y = y b = self.initialization(y) prediction = b.copy() for t in tqdm_notebook(range(self.n_estimators)): if t == 0: resid = y else: resid = (y - prediction) if (mse(temp_resid,resid) < self.init_mse_board): self.init_mse_board /= 1.5 self.add_to_max_depth += 1 self.learning_rate /= 1.1 # print ('Alert!', t, self.add_to_max_depth) if self.base_tree == 'Bagging': tree = Bagging(max_depth=self.max_depth+self.add_to_max_depth, min_size = self.min_size) resid = -resid if self.base_tree == 'Tree': tree = RegressionTreeFastMse(max_depth=self.max_depth+self.add_to_max_depth, min_size = self.min_size) if self.base_tree == 'XGBoost': tree = RegressionTreeGain(max_depth=self.max_depth+self.add_to_max_depth, min_size = self.min_size) resid = -resid tree.fit(X, resid) b = tree.predict(X).reshape([X.shape[0]]) # print (b.shape) self.trees_.append(tree) prediction += self.learning_rate * b temp_resid = resid return self def predict(self, X): # сначала прогноз – это просто вектор из средних значений ответов на обучении pred = np.ones([X.shape[0]]) * np.mean(self.y) # добавляем прогнозы деревьев for t in range(self.n_estimators): pred += self.learning_rate * self.trees_[t].predict(X).reshape([X.shape[0]]) return pred 

5. Results

By tradition, compare the results:

 data = datasets.fetch_california_housing() X = np.array(data.data) y = np.array(data.target) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor as GDBSklearn er_boosting_bagging = get_metrics(X,y,30,GradientBoosting(max_depth=3, n_estimators=150,base_tree='Bagging')) er_boosting_xgb = get_metrics(X,y,30,GradientBoosting(max_depth=3, n_estimators=150,base_tree='XGBoost')) er_sklearn_boosting = get_metrics(X,y,30,GDBSklearn(max_depth=3,n_estimators=150,learning_rate=0.2)) %matplotlib inline data = [er_sklearn_boosting, er_boosting_xgb, er_boosting_bagging] fig7, ax7 = plt.subplots() ax7.set_title('') ax7.boxplot(data, labels=['GdbSklearn', 'Xgboost', 'XGBooBag']) plt.grid() plt.show() 

The picture will be as follows:

The lowest error is in XGBoost, but in XGBooBag the error is more crowded, which is definitely better: the algorithm is more stable.

That's all. I really hope that the material presented in two articles was useful, and you were able to learn something new for yourself. I am especially grateful to Dmitry for the comprehensive feedback and source codes, to Anton for the advice, to Vladimir for the difficult tasks of study.

Successes to all!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438562/